The Official EDS and Academy Thread 2013/14

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pee dubya said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
TheOneAndOnlyKun said:
Whoever it was claiming 20Millon for Rekik is absurd.

The kid is 18 and has been called up to the Holland squad. Lets not forget other such players who have been called up to national squads and since done sweet f**k all - Freddy Adu (who I remember watching for USA U-21 when he was just 15 and saying "wow!"), Michael Johnson, Franco Di Santo, Carlos Vela etc. Some serious talent, or so called talent which has failed to establish.

I think the problem is, with Rekik, as it was/has been with Boyata - Will he look as good in 3 years as he does now, which was the case with Boyata for me. There has been very little progress from when he made his first few appearances for City and that is the fear with Rekik (for me).

I give up with this thread
I'm not sure what people are expecting from young players, to go from a young boy to Messi once they turn 18?

To cite failures as why we shouldn't be hopeful of young players is ridiculous, because it totally ignores all the players that have developed successfully - the ones we watch every week.

Rekik at PSV is getting first team football that Boyata never did, this is how players improve, by playing.

Carlos Vela's early career was stop start, never really established, now he has and he's turned into an extremely good player, a key player for Real Sociedad in the CL.

The reason we should be hopeful about Rekik is because at 18 he is already playing regularly, playing well at a high level and will be learning constantly.

Top class football is full, jam packed of players who weren't wonderkids. Players who have played regularly, improved, developed, got better over time.

Watch Rekik and see the ability he has (if you can't see he has potential, then you should just forget about youth football), then think how much time he has to get better. If that doesn't make you hopeful then why on earth are you even reading this thread?

Can you please describe to me, which things you see in Rekik which make you feel he is the player to which a club aiming to regularly win the Champions league & Premier League will one day entrust the job of central defender ?

Other than the fact that he is 'young' what else has impressed you ? What was so good about Rekik when he played for our reserves ? What has he done this season, in Holland, which makes you think he can be the future for City ? You thought he showed something v Milan which tells you he will be the kind of player we need ? What ? What is it that impresses you ?

We are looking for the absolute best players on the planet to come through & play as our future central defenders.

Can any of you describe to me, which things in Rekik's game, make you feel he is likely to reach that standard ?

-- Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:55 am --

spinzer said:
Neville Kneville said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
its a hypothetical scenario, don't deny that if he was someone else's player there would be people on this forum begging us to sign him.

Why on Earth would people want to sign some random kid playing in the Dutch league ?

What particular element does he have to his game which we are missing & why is he a better choice than other kids ?
are you for real? so you wouldnt want, lets say Zakkaria Bakkali? Viktor Fischer? If the lad is young, has talent and plays well, everybody wants him, thats just the name of the game.

Bakkali seems to have pace, skill, can beat a man, score goals, wicked shot etc.

What is it that you see in Rekik which makes him stand out ?

Tell me what impresses you about Rekik.
spinzer said:
Neville Kneville said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
its a hypothetical scenario, don't deny that if he was someone else's player there would be people on this forum begging us to sign him.

Why on Earth would people want to sign some random kid playing in the Dutch league ?

What particular element does he have to his game which we are missing & why is he a better choice than other kids ?
are you for real? so you wouldnt want, lets say Zakkaria Bakkali? Viktor Fischer? If the lad is young, has talent and plays well, everybody wants him, thats just the name of the game.

I'm desperate for us to sign Bakkali, he could be better than Hazard and at a fraction of the price.
Kun Aguero said:
spinzer said:
Neville Kneville said:
Why on Earth would people want to sign some random kid playing in the Dutch league ?

What particular element does he have to his game which we are missing & why is he a better choice than other kids ?
are you for real? so you wouldnt want, lets say Zakkaria Bakkali? Viktor Fischer? If the lad is young, has talent and plays well, everybody wants him, thats just the name of the game.

I'm desperate for us to sign Bakkali, he could be better than Hazard and at a fraction of the price.

I agree.

The only thing which worries me is the fact that so many below average players have looked brilliant in that league, it's difficult to tell which ones are the real deal.

He does look like he may be something special though.
Saying that you think Onuoha and Micah were ahead of him at that age tells me pretty much everything I need to know about how you view young footballers. Neither of them ever had the reading of the game, positional sense or anticipation of a proper centerback and both of them just lived off their (admittedly incredibly impressive) physical attributes. Onuoha pretty much just charged around the pitch like a headless chicken (or a Phil Jones) when he was that age, barreling through challenges and just hoping the ball came along with him.

Rekik looks a like a proper centerback, he is commanding, assured and reads the game incredibly well for someone his age. He's also far more comfortable with the ball than either Nedum or Micah even are now. Those are the skills of a proper centerback, if he continues to develop them then he could be brilliant. He's already massively improved from when he first got here, he's not nearly as rash and he's a lot more commanding on the pitch.

I really don't get why anyone would be trying to write him off at 18, when he really couldn't have done any more than he has? How many centerbacks get called up to full national teams at that age? The Dutch rave about him, everyone at City raves about and expect huge things from him, I don't see why we shouldn't do the same
BigOscar said:
Saying that you think Onuoha and Micah were ahead of him at that age tells me pretty much everything I need to know about how you view young footballers. Neither of them ever had the reading of the game, positional sense or anticipation of a proper centerback and both of them just lived off their (admittedly incredibly impressive) physical attributes. Onuoha pretty much just charged around the pitch like a headless chicken (or a Phil Jones) when he was that age, barreling through challenges and just hoping the ball came along with him.

Rekik looks a like a proper centerback, he is commanding, assured and reads the game incredibly well for someone his age. He's also far more comfortable with the ball than either Nedum or Micah even are now. Those are the skills of a proper centerback, if he continues to develop them then he could be brilliant. He's already massively improved from when he first got here, he's not nearly as rash and he's a lot more commanding on the pitch.

I really don't get why anyone would be trying to write him off at 18, when he really couldn't have done any more than he has? How many centerbacks get called up to full national teams at that age? The Dutch rave about him, everyone at City raves about and expect huge things from him, I don't see why we shouldn't do the same

Some of the other posts just baffle me, are they trolling or do they think it's unacceptable to support your own youth setup?
BigOscar said:
Saying that you think Onuoha and Micah were ahead of him at that age tells me pretty much everything I need to know about how you view young footballers. Neither of them ever had the reading of the game, positional sense or anticipation of a proper centerback and both of them just lived off their (admittedly incredibly impressive) physical attributes. Onuoha pretty much just charged around the pitch like a headless chicken (or a Phil Jones) when he was that age, barreling through challenges and just hoping the ball came along with him.

Rekik looks a like a proper centerback, he is commanding, assured and reads the game incredibly well for someone his age. He's also far more comfortable with the ball than either Nedum or Micah even are now. Those are the skills of a proper centerback, if he continues to develop them then he could be brilliant. He's already massively improved from when he first got here, he's not nearly as rash and he's a lot more commanding on the pitch.

I really don't get why anyone would be trying to write him off at 18, when he really couldn't have done any more than he has? How many centerbacks get called up to full national teams at that age? The Dutch rave about him, everyone at City raves about and expect huge things from him, I don't see why we shouldn't do the same
Good post Oscar.

Sadly, plenty of City fans are quick to write off the kids. We all know that football development is tough and that for every 1000 only 1 makes it. That's why, I think, they are so dismissive of the youngsters as they have odds of 1/1000 on they will be proved right that "x" youth team player will not make it. Rekik will make a good living out of football, anyone can see that. He also has great potential, again everyone should be able to see that. I just hope he has it in him to push himself and move through the levels to become the player I reckon and should be.

I think he's a great prospect.
Neville Kneville said:
pee dubya said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
I give up with this thread
I'm not sure what people are expecting from young players, to go from a young boy to Messi once they turn 18?

To cite failures as why we shouldn't be hopeful of young players is ridiculous, because it totally ignores all the players that have developed successfully - the ones we watch every week.

Rekik at PSV is getting first team football that Boyata never did, this is how players improve, by playing.

Carlos Vela's early career was stop start, never really established, now he has and he's turned into an extremely good player, a key player for Real Sociedad in the CL.

The reason we should be hopeful about Rekik is because at 18 he is already playing regularly, playing well at a high level and will be learning constantly.

Top class football is full, jam packed of players who weren't wonderkids. Players who have played regularly, improved, developed, got better over time.

Watch Rekik and see the ability he has (if you can't see he has potential, then you should just forget about youth football), then think how much time he has to get better. If that doesn't make you hopeful then why on earth are you even reading this thread?

Can you please describe to me, which things you see in Rekik which make you feel he is the player to which a club aiming to regularly win the Champions league & Premier League will one day entrust the job of central defender ?

Other than the fact that he is 'young' what else has impressed you ? What was so good about Rekik when he played for our reserves ? What has he done this season, in Holland, which makes you think he can be the future for City ? You thought he showed something v Milan which tells you he will be the kind of player we need ? What ? What is it that impresses you ?

We are looking for the absolute best players on the planet to come through & play as our future central defenders.

Can any of you describe to me, which things in Rekik's game, make you feel he is likely to reach that standard ?
Yes, his mentality, attitude, physique and composure.

Against Balotelli he was not intimidated in any way, he tried to impose himself, be the dominant player in their duel. He got beaten at times, but he's an 18 year old with 10-20 competitive games, playing against one of the best strikers around.

His comfort and ability on the ball is absolutely essential for a top central defender these days, he's good enough in that department already.

For an 18 year old he's strong and agile, not the fastest but you don't need to be.

Sometimes he makes mistakes with his positioning and can rash in tackles, but in general he's a good one on one defender.

The reason I think he can make it, is because there are areas of footballer you can develop and things you can't develop, they have to be there naturally.

I think Rekik has what can't be developed in a footballer and his deficiencies are things which can be worked on and will naturally improve with experience.

I'm certain he'll turn out a very good player, he already is good enough to play at a high level (I watched both games against Zulte, one against Milan and one in the Eredevise, he didn't look out of his depth in any). There's absolutely no certainty it will be with us, but he has a good chance.

Also, in defence, you actually don't need to have the best players on the planet. Obviously they need to be at a certain level, but the unit as a whole is more important than the individual. Individual quality is far more important in the attacking positions.

For example take Athletico Madrid, they have the best defence in La Liga, in the centre they have Miranda and Godin, good players, but they are not special players, they wouldn't be in a World 11.

Anyway Rekik's confidence and fearlessness are why I think he can make it. He has the ability, but you need the mentality to utilise it, I think he has the correct mentality.
BigOscar said:
Saying that you think Onuoha and Micah were ahead of him at that age tells me pretty much everything I need to know about how you view young footballers. Neither of them ever had the reading of the game, positional sense or anticipation of a proper centerback and both of them just lived off their (admittedly incredibly impressive) physical attributes. Onuoha pretty much just charged around the pitch like a headless chicken (or a Phil Jones) when he was that age, barreling through challenges and just hoping the ball came along with him.

Rekik looks a like a proper centerback, he is commanding, assured and reads the game incredibly well for someone his age. He's also far more comfortable with the ball than either Nedum or Micah even are now. Those are the skills of a proper centerback, if he continues to develop them then he could be brilliant. He's already massively improved from when he first got here, he's not nearly as rash and he's a lot more commanding on the pitch.

I really don't get why anyone would be trying to write him off at 18, when he really couldn't have done any more than he has? How many centerbacks get called up to full national teams at that age? The Dutch rave about him, everyone at City raves about and expect huge things from him, I don't see why we shouldn't do the same

How do you think he would fare v Henry at his peak, or Shearer ? Then battling someone like Andy Carrol the week after ?

What people like you always do, is accuse others of 'writing off' players when we are being realistic & highlighting the fact that being 18 & getting a game in a team, does not mean you are guaranteed to be the next Bobby Moore & all the kind of utter bullshit which is constantly handed out on here. It's a first step on the ladder, nothing more. He is a kid who has a chance., that's it.

And your comments re Rekik being 'commanding' compared to Micah Richards are utter bollocks I'm afraid, he may be a better touch player but he will never ever be physically more 'commanding' than Micah.

And wheras Rekik is decent on the ball, he is not fantastic by any means & the lad currently playing his position in the kids' teams is imo a whole class above Rekik in that department, he and others like him, will be the competetion for Rekik's position at City in the next few years.

It's strange though how it's ok for you to write off some of the fantastic defensive performances by Ned & Micah at a young age, in big, high pressure games, against opponents like Henry & Shearer but then slag off others for telling the absolute truth, that Rekik got skinned by Utd & Liverpool reserve strikers & has never shown anything like the ability at that age, shown by those two.

If I had to put my life on someone marking Henry at 18, Rekik wouldn't be in the top 10 City cbs I've watched over the years I would trust that job to .

I've seen lots of 'future worlbeater' young players come & go at City, & if I was to pick the top10 or so at cb, Rekik has the advantage of being a bit better on the ball than most of them, but imo most of them were better defenders than him, some much much better, Micah being one.

He has a lot of work to do, if he is to become a cb at City.
pee dubya said:
Neville Kneville said:
pee dubya said:
I'm not sure what people are expecting from young players, to go from a young boy to Messi once they turn 18?

To cite failures as why we shouldn't be hopeful of young players is ridiculous, because it totally ignores all the players that have developed successfully - the ones we watch every week.

Rekik at PSV is getting first team football that Boyata never did, this is how players improve, by playing.

Carlos Vela's early career was stop start, never really established, now he has and he's turned into an extremely good player, a key player for Real Sociedad in the CL.

The reason we should be hopeful about Rekik is because at 18 he is already playing regularly, playing well at a high level and will be learning constantly.

Top class football is full, jam packed of players who weren't wonderkids. Players who have played regularly, improved, developed, got better over time.

Watch Rekik and see the ability he has (if you can't see he has potential, then you should just forget about youth football), then think how much time he has to get better. If that doesn't make you hopeful then why on earth are you even reading this thread?

Can you please describe to me, which things you see in Rekik which make you feel he is the player to which a club aiming to regularly win the Champions league & Premier League will one day entrust the job of central defender ?

Other than the fact that he is 'young' what else has impressed you ? What was so good about Rekik when he played for our reserves ? What has he done this season, in Holland, which makes you think he can be the future for City ? You thought he showed something v Milan which tells you he will be the kind of player we need ? What ? What is it that impresses you ?

We are looking for the absolute best players on the planet to come through & play as our future central defenders.

Can any of you describe to me, which things in Rekik's game, make you feel he is likely to reach that standard ?
Yes, his mentality, attitude, physique and composure.

Against Balotelli he was not intimidated in any way, he tried to impose himself, be the dominant player in their duel. He got beaten at times, but he's an 18 year old with 10-20 competitive games, playing against one of the best strikers around.

His comfort and ability on the ball is absolutely essential for a top central defender these days, he's good enough in that department already.

For an 18 year old he's strong and agile, not the fastest but you don't need to be.

Sometimes he makes mistakes with his positioning and can rash in tackles, but in general he's a good one on one defender.

The reason I think he can make it, is because there are areas of footballer you can develop and things you can't develop, they have to be there naturally.

I think Rekik has what can't be developed in a footballer and his deficiencies are things which can be worked on and will naturally improve with experience.

I'm certain he'll turn out a very good player, he already is good enough to play at a high level (I watched both games against Zulte, one against Milan and one in the Eredevise, he didn't look out of his depth in any). There's absolutely no certainty it will be with us, but he has a good chance.

Also, in defence, you actually don't need to have the best players on the planet. Obviously they need to be at a certain level, but the unit as a whole is more important than the individual. Individual quality is far more important in the attacking positions.

For example take Athletico Madrid, they have the best defence in La Liga, in the centre they have Miranda and Godin, good players, but they are not special players, they wouldn't be in a World 11.

Anyway Rekik's confidence and fearlessness are why I think he can make it. He has the ability, but you need the mentality to utilise it, I think he has the correct mentality.

I am specifically talking about City.

I don't doubt Rekik will make a career in football.

I honestly don't know what part of either game against Milan you thought was an indication of a future City central defender. He was positionally shocking, slow, weak in the air & prone to giving away fee kicks. as well as being responsible for at least one goal & missing an open net at the other end.

I just don't understand how anyone watches that & thinks it's an indication of future success. I've never seen Balotelli spend so much time actually stood up, he's usually on his arse at the first challenge but he beat Rekik so easily he just stood & controlled the ball without going down.

I see Rekik as a reasonable prospect in some position, he is a decent footballer & with the right coaching/attitude, it's quite possible he could do the job DeJong for instance does. Or perhaps he could be a strong fullback, I doubt Gary Neville had any more ability. But at centre marking players of the calibre of Aguero or Negredo in Premier League matches ? I would be delighted to see him at cb for another team v those two.

Surely if we are one day trying to win the Champions League with homegrown players, we should be looking for a player of similar ability who is bigger, stronger & faster, as our future cb ?

If Rekik then becomes so good that he forces his way past such players then well done to him, but imo, we should be looking at something different for the cb job.
We need 4 or 5 defenders and they can't all be world class, you're making it sound like every one of them must be Grade A, Neville. I think it was WNRH who said not all youngsters have to be the "next best thing", they could also be squad players and people seem to forget this. Look at United's Evans, is he an amazing five star player? No he isn't, but he does a good job and saved them a transfer fee.

Pellegrini has opted to play Garcia at centre-back a few times, I think I'd rather have even have 18-year-old Rekik playing there. If Rekik is such a run-of-the-mill talent, why did he get a call-up for Holland before even playing for their U21 team? And this was for World Cup qualifiers, not throwaway friendlies, but he had to withdraw due to his injury. Or are Holland's selectors thick?
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