The ONE thing you love most about Bobby Manc

the fact that i'm seriously considering whether he's my favourite person at city since i started going. when a manager is up there in my mind with the likes of silva, white, rosler, goater, quinny, kinky and ali b, then i know he's a fucking legend.

shit, almost forgot tony adcock!
danburge82 said:
Dirty Harry said:
I love the fact nobody hates him, all the opposition fans I know say they really want to hate him, but they just can't.
A number of our own fans gave it a good go because they couldn't see further down the road than the two feet in front of them because they walk though life with their heads down!

I forgive them though Dan, this negativity ingrained into many a fan of ours (me included at points although not with regards to RM) has been hard to shake, I honestly believe the last of the 'naysayers' are finally coming round to the fact Mancini is actually a very good manager and knows exactly what it takes.
His reaction to us singing his name - clearly means a lot to him. I could praise him all day as a man and manager.
His ability to keep us grounded despite being top of the league. i.e. He was proud of his players following the 6-1 but was quick to point out that it was one win that didn't secure a title or trophy. City of old would've lived on that win for the rest of the season yet it was just 3 league points at the end of the day. 3 fucking brilliant points, though!
Prestwich_Blue said:
Two things.

Absolutely demands 100% dedication, effort and concentration from his players on the pitch.

Doesn't spout on about other clubs, managers or even refs in interviews. Just talks about ours and always in a measured way.

It's really refreshing isn't it

I tend to concur with everything that has been said about him in this thread, one thing I have learnt about him is that he really is one tough cookie, knows what he wants and demands the best from his players and if they are not at their best he lets them know

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