The ONE thing you love most about Bobby Manc

His respect for others. Our fans, rival managers and clubs, even the media when they wrote negative stories about him.

Such a contrast to Mourinho, Wenger and Ferguson.
The fact he knows he is a born winner who is better and smarter than 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the people who talk and write shit about him, but he doesn't care, doesn't take it personally and doesn't feel the undignified need to shove it back in their faces as I would probably do in the same situation.
Swales lives said:
I think even the doubters now agree that we have the right man in charge.
So what is the ONE thing (not a fecking list), that you most love about the suave Italian maestro?

Mine is, making that scarf de rigeur agin.

he takes advice from aging bluemooners.
His enthusiasm for all things City, his respect for the fans, his dignity with the press but always with the sense of humour that they do not expect!! I know that is more than ONE thing so the ONE thing I love most about him is.................. that celebration 'dance' when we scored in the final moments against Villareal at the Etihad stadium. That will be my abiding memory of the wonderful Roberto Mancini.
I'm struggling to think of something I don't like. I have to say I don't think he's treated players equally and has had his favourites - Balotelli being the obvious one. He's cut Tevez slack too whereas Onouha got none at all. Think he treated Ade shabbily as well. Bringing him on for the last few seconds of a game like he was an inexperienced youngster being introduced to a full stadium - it looked like humiliation whatever the intent may have been and it may well not have been to do that.

What I do like

  1. Him and his coaching staff have improved every single player and the transformation in some has been not far short of miracles in two or three cases.
  2. Mental toughness. He's not affected by Taggart O'Baconface's mind games one iota. Keegan, Wenger, Rafa have all fallen victim, not our boy.
  3. Tactically astute. Usually substitutions have an immediate and positive effect.
  4. More likeable than any other manager. Humourous, good-natured, gracious, willing to admit personal fault, willing to hand out bollockings when necessary etc.
  5. Passionate and embued with a great winning mentality. Hates to see a goal conceded even when we're trouncing someone. Demands perfection.
[iRe: The ONE thing you love most about Bobby Manc][/i]

Every fucking thing. I'm thinking of stalking him.

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