The Origin of the Term 'Rags'

When I was a kid going to games many of the older supporters (mostly 1930s vintage) referred to them as the rags and also the rubbing rags. The use of the term died out for a while particularly when the unfortunate M word was used. When that became a no no for most City fans the rags re-emerged as the name of choice.

And yes, the name rags was originally coined by their own fans because they played in a threadbare kit around 1930 because they were broke. In one of numerous acts of neighbourly kindness over the years City bought them a new kit. All we ever got from the rags was the clock banner.
I was introduced a few years back to a rag via an equantence of mine (friends via music not football) and accepted his request to be a friend on Facebook.
He deleted me about a year later as he deemed the use of the term "rags" on par with using the "N" word and highly offensive.
Naturally I disagreed and used it even more. I then noticed I'd gone from his list of friends lol

They actually think that calling them rags is the same as victim chanting and should be actionable.
The 'M' word?


I wonder why the atmosphere is so shite at English Premier League games?

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