The Owners



I posted this in another thread, but think it deserves a thread of it's own.

It's apparent that there's again moral outrage on Bluemoon at Mark Hughes' inability to improve the players he has, to beat the likes of Burnley, Fulham, Birmingham, et al To do anything other than blame Elano and Sven for all his own shortcomings. To dismantle a perfectly good youth system. To sack all the decent staff at the club and replace them with under-qualified mates of his. To play nothing but negative, long ball football. To be a glorified Sam Allardyce. The list of Hughes' crimes are as endless as the Hughes Out threads...

It begs the question...what the fuck are these supposedly perfect owners of ours doing sitting on their hands. Ultimately, the buck stops with them. They are the ones who have been publicly backing Hughes since they took over. They are the ones who have let him fritter away over 200 million pounds on workhorses like Bellamy, Santa Cruz, and Tevez.

Surely it makes sense to just get shot of Hughes now and bring in someone better - which lets face it, if we believe even 50% of the stuff written on here about Hughes - won't be difficult. The reality is that come the end of this season, if we don't finish 4th, there's no way we will be capable of attracting the kind of players we would want. Furthermore, even attracting a manager of the ilk of Mouinho or Hiddink is out of the question irrespective of what other people think, if we aren't playing champions league football next season.

So you see, it's a huge season this one. Isn't it time our owners stepped up to the plate. Showed that they know what they're actually doing in running a football club. Demonstrate the kind of nous which undoubtedly is going to be required in the coming years to ensure long term success at the club. Shouldn't they now, or in the very very near future, take responsibility for the "Mark Hughes Project" - rather than hiding behind the blank cheque book which they've given him. Accept that he is not what the fans want, and he is not good enough. I'll repeat myself. Take some fucking responsibility, show some leadership and character, and stop hiding behind empty rhetoric about stability, and long term planning...

I'm certain that when someone of a suitably high enough caliber is available and willing to join us, they will make a change. They have a track record of bringing in only the very best to manage all their other projects and I don't expect City to be any different. But as you pointed out, unless we're Top 4 that is going to be difficult.
Yep-back the guy in public,give him another £200 Million to bring in his own players then sack him after he gets them into the top 6,a game in hand,with two thirds of the season left.

Great business move....

Interesting thread, Billy, and the irony hasn't passed me by.

Don't forget Bluemoon is not real life and a snapshot of Bluemoon does not represent a snapshot of the opinions of City fans. The contentious points stay at the top usually, for a start.

I bet if you did a poll outside our stadium this Saturday, simple question, would you want Hughes to be sacked tomorrow, then you would get 80% No and 20% Yes.

If we beat Liverpool and Arsenal, natuarally, you would get 100% No.

Our owners have been patient with Hughes and given him another year, I believe. Barring any great disasters, they'll give him to the end of the season. If we aren't top 4 then he'll go, unless we are very very close and/or have won a trophy.

The candidate pool is so much better at season end, for a start. I believe that if they do get rid of Hughes, for their first appointment they will want the very best.

So No, it isn't time for our owners to stand up and be counted. They're doing the right thing by not being kneejerk.
RobbieBrewer said:
Yep-back the guy in public,give him another £200 Million to bring in his own players then sack him after he gets them into the top 6,a game in hand,with two thirds of the season left.

Great business move....


Well, it really only takes a cursory read of one of the Hughes Out threads to find concrete proof that Hughes is in fact just Fat Sam in disguise. The poor guy is practically a footballing idiot. Isn't it time the owners took responsibility for this?

Or am I correct in assuming that their benevolence makes them beyond reproach, even if they are contributing to the shit show which Hughes is proceeding over, by not taking action and sacking him for being completely incompetent...
BillyShears said:
Well, it really only takes a cursory read of one of the Hughes Out threads to find concrete proof that Hughes is in fact just Fat Sam in disguise. The poor guy is practically a footballing idiot. Isn't it time the owners took responsibility for this?

I would say that the posters themselves might want to take some responsibility!

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