The Owners

Dubai Blue said:
TheLegendOfBerti said:
No matter how much money they inherited, I still think they are pretty astute business people, and I think they certainly know what to do with their money and have a good team of advisors around them.
I can accept that. What I can't accept is the blind assertion that Sheikh Mansour is filthy rich, therefore he must know what he's doing on absolutely every subject because he's clearly a business genius. He's not, he's just a glorified Prince Harry with an enormous piggy bank and a raft of financial advisors telling him when and where to invest.

stone the blasphemer
r.soleofsalford said:
Dubai Blue said:
I can accept that. What I can't accept is the blind assertion that Sheikh Mansour is filthy rich, therefore he must know what he's doing on absolutely every subject because he's clearly a business genius. He's not, he's just a glorified Prince Harry with an enormous piggy bank and a raft of financial advisors telling him when and where to invest.

stone the blasphemer
Ha ha. I think I'll steer clear of Abu Dhabi for the next few weeks!!
Dubai Blue said:
TheLegendOfBerti said:
No matter how much money they inherited, I still think they are pretty astute business people, and I think they certainly know what to do with their money and have a good team of advisors around them.
I can accept that. What I can't accept is the blind assertion that Sheikh Mansour is filthy rich, therefore he must know what he's doing on absolutely every subject because he's clearly a business genius. He's not, he's just a glorified Prince Harry with an enormous piggy bank and a raft of financial advisors telling him when and where to invest.

I think my statement of 'now i'll concede that our Sheikh may not be the next Alan Sugar, but he has had the intelligence to surround himself with some of the brightest business brains the world has to offer' would suggest that I have never stated that he solely is a business guru - whilst our very own Prince Harry only surrounds himself with booze and drugs if the papers are to be believed - and I have nothing against that philosophy
st.helens-mcfc said:
Dubai Blue said:
I can accept that. What I can't accept is the blind assertion that Sheikh Mansour is filthy rich, therefore he must know what he's doing on absolutely every subject because he's clearly a business genius. He's not, he's just a glorified Prince Harry with an enormous piggy bank and a raft of financial advisors telling him when and where to invest.

I think my statement of 'now i'll concede that our Sheikh may not be the next Alan Sugar, but he has had the intelligence to surround himself with some of the brightest business brains the world has to offer' would suggest that I have never stated that he solely is a business guru - whilst our very own Prince Harry only surrounds himself with booze and drugs if the papers are to be believed - and I have nothing against that philosophy
We agree on both counts then.
BillyShears said:
I posted this in another thread, but think it deserves a thread of it's own.

It's apparent that there's again moral outrage on Bluemoon at Mark Hughes' inability to improve the players he has, to beat the likes of Burnley, Fulham, Birmingham, et al To do anything other than blame Elano and Sven for all his own shortcomings. To dismantle a perfectly good youth system. To sack all the decent staff at the club and replace them with under-qualified mates of his. To play nothing but negative, long ball football. To be a glorified Sam Allardyce. The list of Hughes' crimes are as endless as the Hughes Out threads...

It begs the question...what the fuck are these supposedly perfect owners of ours doing sitting on their hands. Ultimately, the buck stops with them. They are the ones who have been publicly backing Hughes since they took over. They are the ones who have let him fritter away over 200 million pounds on workhorses like Bellamy, Santa Cruz, and Tevez.

Surely it makes sense to just get shot of Hughes now and bring in someone better - which lets face it, if we believe even 50% of the stuff written on here about Hughes - won't be difficult. The reality is that come the end of this season, if we don't finish 4th, there's no way we will be capable of attracting the kind of players we would want. Furthermore, even attracting a manager of the ilk of Mouinho or Hiddink is out of the question irrespective of what other people think, if we aren't playing champions league football next season.

So you see, it's a huge season this one. Isn't it time our owners stepped up to the plate. Showed that they know what they're actually doing in running a football club. Demonstrate the kind of nous which undoubtedly is going to be required in the coming years to ensure long term success at the club. Shouldn't they now, or in the very very near future, take responsibility for the "Mark Hughes Project" - rather than hiding behind the blank cheque book which they've given him. Accept that he is not what the fans want, and he is not good enough. I'll repeat myself. Take some fucking responsibility, show some leadership and character, and stop hiding behind empty rhetoric about stability, and long term planning...

Agreed I always said that you would come around to my way of thinking Billy. The only point I will pick up on you is that you to accept that the owners are very new to this and you have to take into consideration that there is unfortunatly some niavity as there was with Abramovich. However he saw the light at the end of the day and saw off Ranieiri, but have faith Gus will sort this mess out and get us back on track rest assured.
Khaldoon is a graduate of Tuffts University in Boston, one of the best Universitys there is. He is extremely astute and intelligent.

They are the best owners we have had or are likely to have.

To compare them to Prince Harry is a joke.
BillyShears said:
I posted this in another thread, but think it deserves a thread of it's own.

It's apparent that there's again moral outrage on Bluemoon at Mark Hughes' inability to improve the players he has, to beat the likes of Burnley, Fulham, Birmingham, et al To do anything other than blame Elano and Sven for all his own shortcomings. To dismantle a perfectly good youth system. To sack all the decent staff at the club and replace them with under-qualified mates of his. To play nothing but negative, long ball football. To be a glorified Sam Allardyce. The list of Hughes' crimes are as endless as the Hughes Out threads...

It begs the question...what the fuck are these supposedly perfect owners of ours doing sitting on their hands. Ultimately, the buck stops with them. They are the ones who have been publicly backing Hughes since they took over. They are the ones who have let him fritter away over 200 million pounds on workhorses like Bellamy, Santa Cruz, and Tevez.

Surely it makes sense to just get shot of Hughes now and bring in someone better - which lets face it, if we believe even 50% of the stuff written on here about Hughes - won't be difficult. The reality is that come the end of this season, if we don't finish 4th, there's no way we will be capable of attracting the kind of players we would want. Furthermore, even attracting a manager of the ilk of Mouinho or Hiddink is out of the question irrespective of what other people think, if we aren't playing champions league football next season.

So you see, it's a huge season this one. Isn't it time our owners stepped up to the plate. Showed that they know what they're actually doing in running a football club. Demonstrate the kind of nous which undoubtedly is going to be required in the coming years to ensure long term success at the club. Shouldn't they now, or in the very very near future, take responsibility for the "Mark Hughes Project" - rather than hiding behind the blank cheque book which they've given him. Accept that he is not what the fans want, and he is not good enough. I'll repeat myself. Take some fucking responsibility, show some leadership and character, and stop hiding behind empty rhetoric about stability, and long term planning...

Anyone slagging off our owners needs their head examining.
Blue Mooner said:
The question was asked who our owners may get independent advice from. I suggested Owen and Summerbee as potential independent advisors but at no point did I say this would be the only advice you seek. I would guess you would speak to a number of people but of course those advisors have to be from within the club otherwise how can you offer any detailed and accurate critique of thw manager.

You my friend are foolish by saying they would be better seeking advice from the message boards

Have you been to games? Would you seriously trust some of the individuals there with the future of our club. The thought is scary. I know what I was like at 15 - 21 didn't know me arse from me elbow..

Saying you should ask the fans is tantamount to school inspectors assessing the quality of teaching without even entering the classroom.

Unlike a proportion of our fans I trust that our owners know what they are doing.

On a side note your dismissive attitude of two City legends kinds of sums up your whole attitude to the club. Negative.

Pity you can't be bothered to read really.

cleavers said:
Of course it was sarcasm....

I wasn't seriously suggesting we have a poll on here for advice, I was saying it as sarcastically as I'd rather hoped whoever had said Owen and Summerbee above (didn't realise it was you).

Owen and Summerbee are ex-players from a time long before now, and they have the same track record as Premiership managers/coaches as me and you, ie none.

As for the rest of your rant at me, I won't bother honouring some of it with a reply, but surprisingly enough I also trust our owners to make the right choice at the right time, and just because I don't rate MH doesn't mean I don't trust the owners, I had hoped that MH would prove me very wrong in my judgement of him, sadly it doesn't look he will.

We could beat Sunderland 10-0 tomorrow, and just like a 3-0 defeat at Spurs didn't, it wouldn't have any great impact on my opinion, that he plays long ball, huff and puff football, and you don't do that with the best players in the world, you play the game to their strengths, none of which include huff and puff or long ball.

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