The Owners

blumoonrises said:
cleavers said:
No offence intended to whoever posted the suggestion, but if ADUG are taking any advice from Owen and Summerbee then they really are niaive. These 2 have absolutely no track record in football management (or coaching), and whilst good players in their time (in a very different age of football ADUG would be better off running a poll on bluemoon for advice[/b
Ha ha... great piece of sarcasm... I hope..?

Of course it was sarcasm, somebody above suggested that ADUG should get advice from some independent experts, then it was suggested they chat with Owen and Summerbee, so I was serious that we could run a poll here for expert advice, if that's the sort of expert that some think they should look to.

I've been consistent since MH took over that his style of football is awful to watch in the main, and that he's not ready (and in my opinion never will be) to take a team to the league title or the champions league trophy, this is what our owners want, and as such they need to find somebody with the credentials that can.

However Wednesdays result didn't change anything in my opinion, anyone who has watched us over the last 7 or 8 weeks could see a result/performance like that coming, players are not being used to their strengths, and until they are they will under perform.

ADUG will know this, they watch the games surprisingly enough, and if they watched the debacle that was the last 70 minutes on Wednesday then they will know how poor things were, no organisation, defensively dreadful, no midfield (apart from De Jong), and no threat up front.

However somebody suggesting that Summerbee and Owen might have the answers was about as laughable as Wednesday nights performance.
The question was asked who our owners may get independent advice from. I suggested Owen and Summerbee as potential independent advisors but at no point did I say this would be the only advice you seek. I would guess you would speak to a number of people but of course those advisors have to be from within the club otherwise how can you offer any detailed and accurate critique of thw manager.

You my friend are foolish by saying they would be better seeking advice from the message boards

Have you been to games? Would you seriously trust some of the individuals there with the future of our club. The thought is scary. I know what I was like at 15 - 21 didn't know me arse from me elbow..

Saying you should ask the fans is tantamount to school inspectors assessing the quality of teaching without even entering the classroom.

Unlike a proportion of our fans I trust that our owners know what they are doing.

On a side note your dismissive attitude of two City legends kinds of sums up your whole attitude to the club. Negative.
Blue Mooner said:
The question was asked who our owners may get independent advice from. I suggested Owen and Summerbee as potential independent advisors but at no point did I say this would be the only advice you seek. I would guess you would speak to a number of people but of course those advisors have to be from within the club otherwise how can you offer any detailed and accurate critique of thw manager.

You my friend are foolish by saying they would be better seeking advice from the message boards

Have you been to games? Would you seriously trust some of the individuals there with the future of our club. The thought is scary. I know what I was like at 15 - 21 didn't know me arse from me elbow..

Saying you should ask the fans is tantamount to school inspectors assessing the quality of teaching without even entering the classroom.

Unlike a proportion of our fans I trust that our owners know what they are doing.

On a side note your dismissive attitude of two City legends kinds of sums up your whole attitude to the club. Negative.

Look, the fact remains that there isn't some mysterious science to running a football club which requires the canvassing of a vast amount of opinions. I'm sure that Khaldoon and Sheikh Mansoor can look at the money spent, players signed, performances on the pitch, stability or lack of off the pitch, and make a judgment on how things are going...
Agree which is why I'm puzzled by the constant obsession about Hughes position. If he's doing well enough in the eyes of the owners he keeps his job if he isn't he doesn't. Simple.

I firmly believe Hughes should be given another full season (and so do the owners I think). If the owners think differently then you won't here me bleating about it.
Blue Mooner said:
Agree which is why I'm puzzled by the constant obsession about Hughes position. If he's doing well enough in the eyes of the owners he keeps his job if he isn't he doesn't. Simple.

I firmly believe Hughes should be given another full season (and so do the owners I think). If the owners think differently then you won't here me bleating about it.

I'm surprised you think Hughes will be given another season. I can't help but think you've buried your head in the sand a little on this one...
I'm not having a pop at the owners here; they have undoubtedly been a fantastic thing for Manchester City and will hopefully continue to be so for many years to come.

But I'd like to correct this misnomer about them being hugely successful super-brain businessmen with a string of success stories across the world. These guys aren't the Arab equivalent of Richard Branson; they're just rich, very rich. And that wealth came from doing precisely fuck all. It's all oil money. And when you have a lot of oil money it's very easy to make even more money. And lots of it. This doesn't mark them down as being the world's greatest entrepreneurs, it just marks them down as being born into the right family at the right time. Any of us could have done it.

The fact is that they use their wealth to generate more wealth and they massively overpay for absolutely everything, be it a left-back, a hotel, or a highway. They aren't especially astute businessmen, they just happen to have so much money that they can do whatever they want and sod the consequences. The idea of doing things to budget is alien to them, they just throw more and more money at things until they get it right. That really isn't the mark of hugely successful businesspeople.

We're all hugely grateful that they are now a part of Manchester City but let's not distort the truth just so we can blow smoke up their arses.
I dont think it was rocket science to think that if we stopped Lennon we would have got something from the game,what did Hughes do,Robinho and Sylvinho.Even then when he was having a field day Hughes did nothing.If the City fans can see that what was Hughes and his staff doing??
blumoonrises said:
Its a bit more than just finding oil, its bout using the funds correctly.... either go down the rd of Iraq for example and use it to build palaces with gold bog seats, whilst leaving the rest of the country in poverty.. Or transform your country from a bleak desert into one of the most advanced, successful accomplishments on the planet by employing the best advisors, who know how to construct the greatest engineering projects in the world, such as underground systems, worlds Tallest structure, entire City's in the sea or the only 7 star hotel.... all undertaken by the people who are currently working on developing the worlds greatest football club.. and are being questioned by some folk on an internet forum..
You appear to be talking about Dubai there and they have nothing to do with Manchester City whatsoever. And, anyway, Dubai is currently failing at a rather alarming rate so I wouldn't hold it up as a beacon of success just yet. In fact it's an absolute mess and proves beyond doubt that simply throwing tons and tons of money at things doesn't always guarantee a rosey future.
BillyShears said:
Blue Mooner said:
Agree which is why I'm puzzled by the constant obsession about Hughes position. If he's doing well enough in the eyes of the owners he keeps his job if he isn't he doesn't. Simple.

I firmly believe Hughes should be given another full season (and so do the owners I think). If the owners think differently then you won't here me bleating about it.

I'm surprised you think Hughes will be given another season. I can't help but think you've buried your head in the sand a little on this one...
I won't be surprized! Billy he seems to be the long term choice of the owners, last season proved that for me with the power he was given to change everything within the club.
Your "OP" was irony, but the double irony is our expectation levels have been raised so high, that it's almost impossible to comprehend that this long term project includes MH as manager. I disliked him and his style before he came and I've not changed my mind. So I'm thinking more about the implications of why! would you spend so much, allow all the changes in the academy and so on, yet keep him on and not bring in a world class or top manager.
I would ask the board a few questions if I got a chance :) with regard to Projects and throwing money away, on more and more players (no stability when you keep buying and selling players) and yet keep a "proven budget manager" in charge. (which is what MH strengths were)
Dubai Blue said:
I'm not having a pop at the owners here; they have undoubtedly been a fantastic thing for Manchester City and will hopefully continue to be so for many years to come.

But I'd like to correct this misnomer about them being hugely successful super-brain businessmen with a string of success stories across the world. These guys aren't the Arab equivalent of Richard Branson; they're just rich, very rich. And that wealth came from doing precisely fuck all. It's all oil money. And when you have a lot of oil money it's very easy to make even more money. And lots of it. This doesn't mark them down as being the world's greatest entrepreneurs, it just marks them down as being born into the right family at the right time. Any of us could have done it.

The fact is that they use their wealth to generate more wealth and they massively overpay for absolutely everything, be it a left-back, a hotel, or a highway. They aren't especially astute businessmen, they just happen to have so much money that they can do whatever they want and sod the consequences. The idea of doing things to budget is alien to them, they just throw more and more money at things until they get it right. That really isn't the mark of hugely successful businesspeople.

We're all hugely grateful that they are now a part of Manchester City but let's not distort the truth just so we can blow smoke up their arses.

That's a brilliant post. And you might want to add that they know very little about English football too.

Let's hope they are getting advice from more than just Cook and Hughes.

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