The Owners

Dubai Blue said:
I'm not having a pop at the owners here; they have undoubtedly been a fantastic thing for Manchester City and will hopefully continue to be so for many years to come.

But I'd like to correct this misnomer about them being hugely successful super-brain businessmen with a string of success stories across the world. These guys aren't the Arab equivalent of Richard Branson; they're just rich, very rich. And that wealth came from doing precisely fuck all. It's all oil money. And when you have a lot of oil money it's very easy to make even more money. And lots of it. This doesn't mark them down as being the world's greatest entrepreneurs, it just marks them down as being born into the right family at the right time. Any of us could have done it.

The fact is that they use their wealth to generate more wealth and they massively overpay for absolutely everything, be it a left-back, a hotel, or a highway. They aren't especially astute businessmen, they just happen to have so much money that they can do whatever they want and sod the consequences. The idea of doing things to budget is alien to them, they just throw more and more money at things until they get it right. That really isn't the mark of hugely successful businesspeople.

We're all hugely grateful that they are now a part of Manchester City but let's not distort the truth just so we can blow smoke up their arses.

Dubai Blue my friend, Have to admit its the first time I've heard that expression - I hope that was a spontaneous emotional reaction, because I have nothing but praise for our owner and chairman, who believe they can bring success to our club. I'm not sure I'd use that particular phrase in their hearing...or have I misunderstood what you were saying ? Not arguing here, just seeking to blow the smoke somewhere else... (; wink)
the chance of Dubai Blue uttering that very phrase to our owners in person is pretty small, to be fair mate.

"Hiya Sheikh. Never thought i'd bump into you in The Dubai Red Lion. Fancy a drink? I promised not to blow smoke up your arse all night"
Dubai Blue said:
I'm not having a pop at the owners here; they have undoubtedly been a fantastic thing for Manchester City and will hopefully continue to be so for many years to come.

But I'd like to correct this misnomer about them being hugely successful super-brain businessmen with a string of success stories across the world. These guys aren't the Arab equivalent of Richard Branson; they're just rich, very rich. And that wealth came from doing precisely fuck all. It's all oil money. And when you have a lot of oil money it's very easy to make even more money. And lots of it. This doesn't mark them down as being the world's greatest entrepreneurs, it just marks them down as being born into the right family at the right time. Any of us could have done it.

The fact is that they use their wealth to generate more wealth and they massively overpay for absolutely everything, be it a left-back, a hotel, or a highway. They aren't especially astute businessmen, they just happen to have so much money that they can do whatever they want and sod the consequences. The idea of doing things to budget is alien to them, they just throw more and more money at things until they get it right. That really isn't the mark of hugely successful businesspeople.

We're all hugely grateful that they are now a part of Manchester City but let's not distort the truth just so we can blow smoke up their arses.

Your quotes on this are so far from the truth it borders on stupidity.....

Dubai is blessed with oil and have their own very wealthy royal family who no doubt were blessed with a silver spoon when born, however, they now due to their business ineptitude find themselves $80bn in debt and seeking assistance from a very business astute family in a neighbouring country - that be Abu Dhabi my friend

Anyone who believe our owner either need or want 'smoke blowing up their asses' are very mistaken
st.helens-mcfc said:
Dubai Blue said:
I'm not having a pop at the owners here; they have undoubtedly been a fantastic thing for Manchester City and will hopefully continue to be so for many years to come.

But I'd like to correct this misnomer about them being hugely successful super-brain businessmen with a string of success stories across the world. These guys aren't the Arab equivalent of Richard Branson; they're just rich, very rich. And that wealth came from doing precisely fuck all. It's all oil money. And when you have a lot of oil money it's very easy to make even more money. And lots of it. This doesn't mark them down as being the world's greatest entrepreneurs, it just marks them down as being born into the right family at the right time. Any of us could have done it.

The fact is that they use their wealth to generate more wealth and they massively overpay for absolutely everything, be it a left-back, a hotel, or a highway. They aren't especially astute businessmen, they just happen to have so much money that they can do whatever they want and sod the consequences. The idea of doing things to budget is alien to them, they just throw more and more money at things until they get it right. That really isn't the mark of hugely successful businesspeople.

We're all hugely grateful that they are now a part of Manchester City but let's not distort the truth just so we can blow smoke up their arses.

Your quotes on this are so far from the truth it borders on stupidity.....

Dubai is blessed with oil and have their own very wealthy royal family who no doubt were blessed with a silver spoon when born, however, they now due to their business ineptitude find themselves $80bn in debt and seeking assistance from a very business astute family in a neighbouring country - that be Abu Dhabi my friend

Anyone who believe our owner either need or want 'smoke blowing up their asses' are very mistaken

Dubai was far, far less richer than AD, and the reason that they are asking for help is because their whole country was built on the never never. The owners can pretty much just buy anything that they want.

Dubai Blue's post was excellent, and seemingly factually correct.

I'm happy the owners are here, but turning them into a Bill Gates or Richard Branson is incorrectly. They are like the Duke of Westminister, they own half of the country because they have enough inherited wealth to buy anything they want, and they usually buy things that will make them money somewhere down the line.

It takes more than buying stuff that isn't a cash hole to be an astute businessman.

No disrespect to them though, I'm happy that they are here. Khaldoon IS an astute businessman who has worked within various sporting industries to great effect.
AD to Dubai wealth comparison is not the issue that was raised...

But the fact that Dubai built their foundations on the never never, whilst our owners have strategically selected worldwide properties and businesses - now i'll concede that our Sheikh may not be the next Alan Sugar, but he has had the intelligence to surround himself with some of the brightest business brains the world has to offer
st.helens-mcfc said:
Dubai Blue said:
I'm not having a pop at the owners here; they have undoubtedly been a fantastic thing for Manchester City and will hopefully continue to be so for many years to come.

But I'd like to correct this misnomer about them being hugely successful super-brain businessmen with a string of success stories across the world. These guys aren't the Arab equivalent of Richard Branson; they're just rich, very rich. And that wealth came from doing precisely fuck all. It's all oil money. And when you have a lot of oil money it's very easy to make even more money. And lots of it. This doesn't mark them down as being the world's greatest entrepreneurs, it just marks them down as being born into the right family at the right time. Any of us could have done it.

The fact is that they use their wealth to generate more wealth and they massively overpay for absolutely everything, be it a left-back, a hotel, or a highway. They aren't especially astute businessmen, they just happen to have so much money that they can do whatever they want and sod the consequences. The idea of doing things to budget is alien to them, they just throw more and more money at things until they get it right. That really isn't the mark of hugely successful businesspeople.

We're all hugely grateful that they are now a part of Manchester City but let's not distort the truth just so we can blow smoke up their arses.

Your quotes on this are so far from the truth it borders on stupidity.....

Dubai is blessed with oil and have their own very wealthy royal family who no doubt were blessed with a silver spoon when born, however, they now due to their business ineptitude find themselves $80bn in debt and seeking assistance from a very business astute family in a neighbouring country - that be Abu Dhabi my friend

Anyone who believe our owner either need or want 'smoke blowing up their asses' are very mistaken
Thanks for the history lesson on the UAE, it's much appreciated. You accuse me of stupidity in reference to something I have a lot of knowledge about, yet you make some crucial mistakes yourself:

1. Dubai isn't blessed with oil; it has but a mere trickle
2. Abu Dhabi isn't a neighbouring country; it's another emirate within the same country
3. Abu Dhabi is in a position to dig Dubai out of debt because it pumps around 3 million barrels of oil per day and sits on 10% of the world's proven oil reserves. It has nothing whatsoever to do with it being run by "a very business astute family". You seem to be under the misapprehension that Dubai and Abu Dhabi started on equal footings and continue to operate on a level playing field. They didn't, they don't, and they never will. Abu Dhabi is infinitely more wealthy and always will be. Dubai's oil is pretty much gone and, as such, it has been forced to diversify its economy. This saw it take on the risk of attempting to turn itself into the business, tourism, logistics, and financial centre of the world. It had to do this in order to survive: Dubai was fuck all 40 years ago and it would have returned to being fuck all as soon as the oil ran out. It made a pretty good stab at achieving this aim, but as you quite rightly pointed out, it spiralled into ridiculous levels of debt. What all this has to do with Abu Dhabi, I'm not quite sure. Perhaps you can enlighten me with your infinite wisdom on the subject. Abu Dhabi can't be compared to Dubai. It doesn't need to diversify its economy and it has nowhere near the sense of urgency that Dubai had to do so. Dubai had to cram its masterplan into a space of 10-15 years. The Abu Dhabi masterplan is on a scale of 50-100 years. This is all down to the fact that it is stinking rich from oil and not due to the mythical astuteness of the "businessmen" running the show.

But, then again, maybe I'm wrong. What would I know?
I just love the fact that we have people on here who know exactly how our owners conduct there business. I mean I bet they are on here now looking for advice on their next business deal.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think anyone on here has had any direct business dealings with our owners and therefore cannot comment on how they do their business.
Dubai Blue said:
I'm not having a pop at the owners here; they have undoubtedly been a fantastic thing for Manchester City and will hopefully continue to be so for many years to come.

But I'd like to correct this misnomer about them being hugely successful super-brain businessmen with a string of success stories across the world. These guys aren't the Arab equivalent of Richard Branson; they're just rich, very rich. And that wealth came from doing precisely fuck all. It's all oil money. And when you have a lot of oil money it's very easy to make even more money. And lots of it. This doesn't mark them down as being the world's greatest entrepreneurs, it just marks them down as being born into the right family at the right time. Any of us could have done it.

The fact is that they use their wealth to generate more wealth and they massively overpay for absolutely everything, be it a left-back, a hotel, or a highway. They aren't especially astute businessmen, they just happen to have so much money that they can do whatever they want and sod the consequences. The idea of doing things to budget is alien to them, they just throw more and more money at things until they get it right. That really isn't the mark of hugely successful businesspeople.

We're all hugely grateful that they are now a part of Manchester City but let's not distort the truth just so we can blow smoke up their arses.

No matter how much money they inherited, I still think they are pretty astute business people, and I think they certainly know what to do with their money and have a good team of advisors around them.
TheLegendOfBerti said:
Dubai Blue said:
I'm not having a pop at the owners here; they have undoubtedly been a fantastic thing for Manchester City and will hopefully continue to be so for many years to come.

But I'd like to correct this misnomer about them being hugely successful super-brain businessmen with a string of success stories across the world. These guys aren't the Arab equivalent of Richard Branson; they're just rich, very rich. And that wealth came from doing precisely fuck all. It's all oil money. And when you have a lot of oil money it's very easy to make even more money. And lots of it. This doesn't mark them down as being the world's greatest entrepreneurs, it just marks them down as being born into the right family at the right time. Any of us could have done it.

The fact is that they use their wealth to generate more wealth and they massively overpay for absolutely everything, be it a left-back, a hotel, or a highway. They aren't especially astute businessmen, they just happen to have so much money that they can do whatever they want and sod the consequences. The idea of doing things to budget is alien to them, they just throw more and more money at things until they get it right. That really isn't the mark of hugely successful businesspeople.

We're all hugely grateful that they are now a part of Manchester City but let's not distort the truth just so we can blow smoke up their arses.

No matter how much money they inherited, I still think they are pretty astute business people, and I think they certainly know what to do with their money and have a good team of advisors around them.
I can accept that. What I can't accept is the blind assertion that Sheikh Mansour is filthy rich, therefore he must know what he's doing on absolutely every subject because he's clearly a business genius. He's not, he's just a glorified Prince Harry with an enormous piggy bank and a raft of financial advisors telling him when and where to invest.

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