The Perfect Pushup...

Bigga said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Bigga said:
Since I've lost so much weight, recently, I've seen this product advertised lately, used by the Navy SEALs...


Does anybody have these? If so, what are they like to use??

That just looks bent!

Do what I do and just sort of incorporate exercise into your daily routine...

Lifting your arm to mouth and alternating what's in your hand, to be weed or food, does NOT constitute exercise, lad...

Weed and exercise do not mix. Weed and sex does mix brilliantly. So all I need to do is have more sex then I'm sorted.
Joycee Banercheck said:
roaminblue said:
im begining to remember why i didn't get to far into the nutritional side of it now ; )

id love to have the dedication, but honestly i think im lost before i begin.

so we'll go with your ten stone male. so to gain/maintain lean mass id have to be eating 140g of protein a day???

because i woudlnt even know where to begin with that. for one, i know any meat you buy won't be true weight, for two, how on earth do you plan meals around it?

appreciate the reply though mate
You get about 30g of protein in a chicken breast. So three of them a day and you near enough have your protein.
Potatoes, brown bread and veg all good carbs and easy to get what you need.
The rest is just dairy like milk.
Like GStar says, its not as complicated as it looks.

Yea, Joycee's right. The one thing i'd point out, is the weight of the food doesn't equal the amount of nutrients (grams) in the food. For example; 140g Chicken breast doesn't equal 140g protien. Working off the back of packets is a pretty handy way to go, theres plenty of charts online for meat : protien ratios if you're interested in that?

Plus taking it right down to the macro nutrient level would be something you'd do if you were really serious about adding/losing maintaining exactly the same weight.

If you set out to ensure you've got enough protien, made sure each meal you had, had a good source of protien, carbs (generally complex, but something like a banana after a workout is meant to be good) and of course veg then you should be well on your way... A balanced diet low in fat and high in protein will change your body shape on its own; simply due to the nature of how the body uses and stores the foods your eating.

But, what determines the increase/decrease in bodyweight is calorie intake... "clean foods" and a decent excercise routine and you'll increase lean mass; junk food, fizzy drinks, high sugar and high fat calories will increase your weight, but not in a way you'd be too happy with ;)

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