The performance last night...

In short - you can't play two centre-forwards and two wingers. It's mental, and nobody else does it.

It's not Mancini's fault, though. This is the best he can do - defend deep and break on the wings. He's playing to the strengths of our current personnel.
Scum play one up top usually, as do Liverpool, as do Arsenal, as do Barcelona, Lyon, Bordeaux, Madrid. Chelsea and Inter play two up with a diamond occasionally, because they've got the full-backs for it.
There's too much space between midfield and attack when we're going forward, and too much space for two dudes to boss when we're defending. I'd do the exact same though.

Can critics of Mancini's tactics/approach perhaps outline a couple of formations that they think might serve us better? Genuinely would like to see others' ideas.
BillyShears said:
...was very very reminiscent of how we played at times under Mark Hughes...lots of huge gaps between midfield and the back 4, looking very very vulnerable on the break, needing the magic of one of our stars to crack a team ...

Just an observation...I'm sure i'll get slaughtered for it...but hey ho.

The more things change the more they stay the same...

That's because it's still Mark Hughes unbalanced, disjointed side. That's all we will ever get this season because of the players we have at our disposal which is why results and not performances are the most important thing from now until May 9th.

I don't know how anyone could moan about last night's "tactics", the team was spot on with what we had available, the only problem was the team itself not getting into gear until they recieved a bollocking at the interval (this is not aimed at you Billy)

I don't think it helps also that probably half of that side last night have been thinking since the new year that they might not be here next season, we saw that last year with Elano, Dunne ect all playing like they knew they wouldn't be here by the time the next season started. You can say they are professionals on big money so they should get on with it but they are still human, the pyschological aspect of that will affect their performances.

Quite frankly it will be a hell of an achievment if we qualify for the Champions League as our midfield is so poor. We never control games because our midfield can't, you look at the top sides Essien, Lampard, Scholes, Fletcher, Fabregas, Gerrard, Milner, S.Petrov, Xavi, Iniesta, Alonso, Pirlo all players that control and dictate games for their sides, we cannot do that with Barry, De Jong and Vieria, they are all supportive midfielders who should be doing the dogs work for the calibre of players named above.

Elano would of been great for us at the minute for the simple fact that he could create stuff for us, he isn't and wasnt' the answer and he had his faults but to not replace someone who has the ability to create and control games like him is the reason this season has been so frustrating in so many ways.

Spurs are playing like they are favourites for that 4th spot because of their midfield players, Modric, Huddlestone and Krancjaer, just one of them in our side would make the the difference.
I think Bobby Manc got out of jail last night, cos towards the end i couldnt see anything other than a draw at best. The red card was a massive game changer, right decision and once we got the 2nd goal so quickly, we looked far more comfortable than the earlier hour suggested.
At this time of the season its all about the results................I'd take scrappy 1 nil wins till the end of the season if it meant us getting what the forth spot (or better).

We all have to be pragmatic now and it will be even more tense as the games go on and things stay tight.
Spot on ST, the current squad may have cost a fortune but apart from Tevez an maybe Adie when he gets a run of games without the FA banning him, there is little real substance,

The key area`s were not only ignored by numpty, but damaged by getting shut of good players with no thought to replacment.

Roberto bought Johnson who is a class act straight away, but is only an option to what we have.

Bobby HAS to play this way, he has no midfield option, an while Veiria may be passed his best, look at who popped the ball over the defence for the first goal, but without a playmaker we just can not play through the middle, so up the sides it is.<br /><br />-- Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:09 pm --<br /><br />And while were at it, this season is NOT the only chance we will have, we are moving forwards without playing well, there is a lot of improvment possible to the squad an the money to back the manager with purchasing.

Roberto has shown more good judgement with the signing of Johnson than numpty ever did for all the money spent, for me he`s doing a great job and I hope he stays for what looks a bright future for the club.
Rammy Blue said:
Billy, Billy, Billy, come on now, I am not some stupid ignoramous that you can waffle away to and twist things round to suit.

I really can't be arsed going back over your posts to quote all the "veiled" pops at Bob, I hope you really don't expect me to?

However because I'm bored I've selected a few of your highlights from this thread alone.....

"But I'd like to see us go into games with the correct team selection, motivation, and tactics,"

"As you say performances haven't really improved since Mancini took over"

"My biggest disappointment is that we've established very little consistency or fluidity to our play since Bobby came in"

"It continues to amaze me how poor performances are solely down to how bad our players are, or a lack of options, whilst even the faintest of criticism sent Mancini's way leads to deep sighs and the puffed out cheeks of exasperation."

Therefore, your honour, I see that pointing out our results under Bob is wholly relevant as he can only pick a side from what he was left, you don't like him and that is your prerogative but please save me from the "how is this relevant" nonsense.

You don't offer a single shred of reasoning as to what else Bob could do, of course as I have already admitted he is by no means faultless as he picked it wrong against Everton - I just don't see what exactly he can do other than try to get us 4th by any means possible.

He could coach the players to be better than the sum of their parts.

He could have in the last three months found a formula to make our midfield at least tread water rather than going backwards.

He could teach the players to play with some tempo from the first whistle.

But keep ignoring my point and keep arguing an altogether separate one.<br /><br />-- Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:28 pm --<br /><br />And one more thing...

Rammy Blue said:
I really can't be arsed going back over your posts to quote all the "veiled" pops at Bob, I hope you really don't expect me to?

Therefore, your honour, I see that pointing out our results under Bob is wholly relevant as he can only pick a side from what he was left, you don't like him and that is your prerogative but please save me from the "how is this relevant" nonsense.

Billy Shears said:
It continues to amaze me how poor performances are solely down to how bad our players are, or a lack of options, whilst even the faintest of criticism sent Mancini's way leads to deep sighs and the puffed out cheeks of exasperation.

You kinda make my point. No matter how many times I say that I rate Mancini as a manager, if I do choose to criticize something he does, it's immediately in with the type of comments highlighted above. Can you not accept that maybe, just maybe, I rate Bob without thinking he's perfect. You're entitled to your criticisms just as I'm entitled to mine...
BillyShears said:
Rammy Blue said:
Billy, Billy, Billy, come on now, I am not some stupid ignoramous that you can waffle away to and twist things round to suit.

I really can't be arsed going back over your posts to quote all the "veiled" pops at Bob, I hope you really don't expect me to?

However because I'm bored I've selected a few of your highlights from this thread alone.....

"But I'd like to see us go into games with the correct team selection, motivation, and tactics,"

"As you say performances haven't really improved since Mancini took over"

"My biggest disappointment is that we've established very little consistency or fluidity to our play since Bobby came in"

"It continues to amaze me how poor performances are solely down to how bad our players are, or a lack of options, whilst even the faintest of criticism sent Mancini's way leads to deep sighs and the puffed out cheeks of exasperation."

Therefore, your honour, I see that pointing out our results under Bob is wholly relevant as he can only pick a side from what he was left, you don't like him and that is your prerogative but please save me from the "how is this relevant" nonsense.

You don't offer a single shred of reasoning as to what else Bob could do, of course as I have already admitted he is by no means faultless as he picked it wrong against Everton - I just don't see what exactly he can do other than try to get us 4th by any means possible.

He could coach the players to be better than the sum of their parts.

He could have in the last three months found a formula to make our midfield at least tread water rather than going backwards.

He could teach the players to play with some tempo from the first whistle.

But keep ignoring my point and keep arguing an altogether separate one.
my point exactly, how can certain managers get these players to
out play our players. who i think are well better than these

hull=, Hunt, Mouyokolo, Boateng
wigan= McCarthy, Thomas, Diame, Scharner
sunderland= Malbranque , Meyler, Richardson, Campbell
stoke= Lawrence , Whelan, Diao , Delap
BillyShears said:
Rammy Blue said:
Billy, Billy, Billy, come on now, I am not some stupid ignoramous that you can waffle away to and twist things round to suit.

I really can't be arsed going back over your posts to quote all the "veiled" pops at Bob, I hope you really don't expect me to?

However because I'm bored I've selected a few of your highlights from this thread alone.....

"But I'd like to see us go into games with the correct team selection, motivation, and tactics,"

"As you say performances haven't really improved since Mancini took over"

"My biggest disappointment is that we've established very little consistency or fluidity to our play since Bobby came in"

"It continues to amaze me how poor performances are solely down to how bad our players are, or a lack of options, whilst even the faintest of criticism sent Mancini's way leads to deep sighs and the puffed out cheeks of exasperation."

Therefore, your honour, I see that pointing out our results under Bob is wholly relevant as he can only pick a side from what he was left, you don't like him and that is your prerogative but please save me from the "how is this relevant" nonsense.

You don't offer a single shred of reasoning as to what else Bob could do, of course as I have already admitted he is by no means faultless as he picked it wrong against Everton - I just don't see what exactly he can do other than try to get us 4th by any means possible.

He could coach the players to be better than the sum of their parts.

He could have in the last three months found a formula to make our midfield at least tread water rather than going backwards.

He could teach the players to play with some tempo from the first whistle.

But keep ignoring my point and keep arguing an altogether separate one.

-- Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:28 pm --

And one more thing...

Rammy Blue said:
I really can't be arsed going back over your posts to quote all the "veiled" pops at Bob, I hope you really don't expect me to?

Therefore, your honour, I see that pointing out our results under Bob is wholly relevant as he can only pick a side from what he was left, you don't like him and that is your prerogative but please save me from the "how is this relevant" nonsense.

Billy Shears said:
It continues to amaze me how poor performances are solely down to how bad our players are, or a lack of options, whilst even the faintest of criticism sent Mancini's way leads to deep sighs and the puffed out cheeks of exasperation.

You kinda make my point. No matter how many times I say that I rate Mancini as a manager, if I do choose to criticize something he does, it's immediately in with the type of comments highlighted above. Can you not accept that maybe, just maybe, I rate Bob without thinking he's perfect. You're entitled to your criticisms just as I'm entitled to mine...

1.93 points per game. If that's not coaching the players to be better than the sum of their parts (synergy) then I don't know what is!

Any criticism of performance is petty and misplaced as Mancini has a stated objective of 70 points and 4th place. Anything else is not on his radar right now.

If you want a thrill Billy may I suggest seeking out the Hendersons or Mr Kite. If you want to be in the CL with a proper squad then let Bobby get on with phase one and look forward watching the beautiful game next year when he has his own squad.
Gelsons Dad said:
1.93 points per game. If that's not coaching the players to be better than the sum of their parts (synergy) then I don't know what is!

Any criticism of performance is petty and misplaced as Mancini has a stated objective of 70 points and 4th place. Anything else is not on his radar right now.

Very valid points there however, performances are important because we're coming up to a run of very tough games against teams who have the quality to expose any team who doesn't start games with the right team selection, attitude and tempo.

This will be moot of course if we can grind out a result against Spurs, the rags, and Villa. However, there is also the potential for us to be as devoid of any real ideas or attacking threat as we were against Everton, which will be a very poor show.

So yes, getting to 4th is the objective, and I'll sacrifice the performances if we do get there - but my concerns stand.
Performance wasn't great, but the pressure was on

That's a factor that exists now that didn't a couple of months ago.

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