The person you most hate in football (worldwide)

David "FUCKING" Pleat!!!!!


So many to choose from, but it will have to be Taggart, although I'd also like to include his band of kiss-ass puppets (Neville, Bruce, Allardyce, Redknapp, ...).

Other notables would be Blatter, Platini, Jordan, Warnock, Savage, Ferdinand, Crerand, Willie McKay, most journalists, van Persie, Allan McInally, Ronaldo, Collymore, Wise, Bates, Hammam, Ridsdale, oh I can't go on (never realised I'd become so bitter!).
Sef said:
David "FUCKING" Pleat!!!!!




my first city game that. Hated the w*nker ever since.
still remember being stood 3 quarters from top, in the maine stand,watching,basically,the scenes you see on telly of their celebrations.really pisses me off that it never shows him running even faster in the opposite direction.
he hates city.
his voice...just annoys you.
his wig.
the way he pronounces totten...ham.(this has actually made me damage my tv/remote)
he loves the rags,god he loves them,even if their playing his beloved totten ham!!!
im gonna break this keyboard in a minute,he winds me up that bad
Platini, it seems that everything he says or does is geared towards hindering the success of English football.
the usual fergie whores plus Dave m m O ' Leary prize bullshitter . Also a journalist called Tom Tyrell , his commentaries are so biased you can smell smell fergie's shite

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