The richest 62 people in the world

Has someones sensitivities been challenged!?

Hmm, to my mind there's not a single revolution (at least in regards to the change you want to see happen) that didn't result in bloodshed, chaos or violence. An America poorer now than it was twenty years ago is still a damn sight richer than its nearest competitors, mein freund. Corruption in power needs addressing, and who's going to do it? You? They're dragging their arses over a football corruption scandal, what makes any sane person think that a global economic system which is supported and backed by the same powers that run it are just going to disappear?

People always have that little dream of a 'revolution'! Change! New World! happening and taking place, with corrupt bankers and billionaire investors being dragged through the streets, crowds of people, THE PEOPLE, cheering at their downfall, the world now free something else! Revolutions have always been bloodied messes that have sought to achieve little change except which dickhead was in charge. Take France; sought to get rid of one unelected man rwho called himself King and ruled everyone, and after thousands of murders and violence they ended up with one unelected man who declared himself emperor ruling everyone.
If you're all clamouring for this 'revolution' that you want, come back later after you've done it, until then it's nothing but words that Citizen Smith or Rick from the Young Ones would be proud of bleating.

Challenged? What are you on about?

Revolution may have cause many deaths in the past but a revolution in France centuries ago is hardly the best example is it. America is not that rich when so many people eat from bins in dumpster diving. There is a huge divide in the states. Take a look around innocent people are being killed everywhere so what does it matter whether it is by revolution or not.
None of the three people responsible for the most deaths in the 20th century Hitler, Stalin and Mao could in any way be described as having capitalist ideologies. Whether they were far left or far right of the political spectrum, all were big on state control which is the opposite of the free market/capitalism driving the economy.

What about Benson and Hedges?
Smoking is estimated to have killed 100 million people in the 20th century. Far more than Hitler, Stalin and Mao together. The farming, processing and sale of tobacco is a capitalist venture providing a "product" that offers no benefit to the user, is highly addictive and causes a wide range of fatal and chronic illnesses. Nowadays 6 million people are killed every year by smoking. That's one Shoa every year due to one capitalist industry.

BTW daddy Koch worked for two of the three individuals mentioned. He made his first half billion building up the Nazi Luftwaffe.
What about Benson and Hedges?
Smoking is estimated to have killed 100 million people in the 20th century. Far more than Hitler, Stalin and Mao together. The farming, processing and sale of tobacco is a capitalist venture providing a "product" that offers no benefit to the user, is highly addictive and causes a wide range of fatal and chronic illnesses. Nowadays 6 million people are killed every year by smoking. That's one Shoa every year due to one capitalist industry.

BTW daddy Koch worked for two of the three individuals mentioned. He made his first half billion building up the Nazi Luftwaffe.
Did the Soviets or Chinese not have any cigarette factories when they were non-capitalist regimes? Don't think so.
Those bastions of capitalism, North Korea and Cuba, both have their own tobacco industries.
Blaming deaths due to cigarette smoking on capitalism is just bizarre.
Challenged? What are you on about?

Revolution may have cause many deaths in the past but a revolution in France centuries ago is hardly the best example is it. America is not that rich when so many people eat from bins in dumpster diving. There is a huge divide in the states. Take a look around innocent people are being killed everywhere so what does it matter whether it is by revolution or not.
"People are dying anyway, so why not just go for it and disrupt the lives of millions of citizens because fuck it?"

THAT is your logic? Ho boy...
You want a revolution LIKE the one in France, you want a revolution LIKE the one in Russia, you want a revolultion LIKE the one in Cuba. Here's a tonic for you, the MAJORITY of us, DON'T!
Did the Soviets or Chinese not have any cigarette factories when they were non-capitalist regimes? Don't think so.
Those bastions of capitalism, North Korea and Cuba, both have their own tobacco industries.
Blaming deaths due to cigarette smoking on capitalism is just bizarre.
It was worse than bizarre. It was fucking pathetic.
so true, the likes of the great barrier reef will be gone in this generations lifespan. first world countries importing their waste to be destroyed in africa. Islands disappearing into the sea with rising tides, poisoning of waterways. selling off national resources to private firms with no gain to localities or the public. Governments adding more taxes to the lower classes whilst the rich can evade taxes outright via the caymans ,liechtenstien and switzerland.....

We are playing a part in selling out this planet from future generations by standing by and doing nothing. laws must be changed to tax the wealthy and serve a more green way of living. the weapons industry not being monitored internationally is one of my main concerns.

Foreign policies of countries causing the mass exodus of refugees. nato has turned so corrupt it is actually gone spineless and stands for nothing anymore.

we need mass movement, mass revolution.
We'll find out at the next General Election, as I'm sure Corbyn will share your sentiments. However, people are greedy, even relatively poor people are greedy. Unfortunately for you, Jeremy, and some others, altruism is all but dead. Self, self, self........

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