The Roberto Mancini appreciation thread

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Thanks for everything, Bobby.

You helped give us memories which will never be forgotten by any of us so long as we all shall live.

You were loved by our supporters, and feared by the opposition. Our club will forever be better off for your massive contribution to it.

Again, thank you, all the best, and good luck at your next challenge.

You'll kill it, no doubt.
A year and a day ago you guided this club to the top of tree in English football and after an indifferent season this year you get your cards.
Congratulations you've just been Citied,wishing you all the best in your endeavours in the future and hope it doesn't come back to bite us on the arse.
Taking down that fucking banner and the look on rudolf's face when he was Agueroed,priceless.Grazie.
ManCitizens. said:
Bluep*ss said:
ManCitizens. said:
As a fan that is around 60-70 (I assume) where did you hear the word Chelski? On the same forums that call us Money Citeh? Your a bigger blue than me though, top blue.
Mancitizens - what a supercillious pr*ck
I have worn a scarf made out of a blue/white striped blanket when I went to my first game in 1954.
Mancini had a connection with proper city fans.
I'm with you Ali-

Just to clarify, I didn't want Mancini sacked. My point was wearing scarves to the match is not a City tradition. If it were at least 50% of fans at Maine Road and The Etihad in the past 30 years would follow suit. Mancini did the same thing at Inter by wearing the club colours in the form of a scarf, that's all I'm saying.

Who knows, I'm not a proper blue.

As an old bugger, I've forgotten lots of things, but I remember kids hanging sky blue & white scarves over the old white wall at Maine Rd. But no one's a bigger blue than anyone else, just some are older and happen some are a bit dafter. As for Mancini, everything about him said "gentleman", the scarf said "gentleman with the common touch."
I've experience the greatest days of my life with Mancini leading this club, he done us proud.

Good luck in your next job Bob, you won't be short of offers.
Roberto Mancini,
You did a good job and you can hold your head high with pride and a strong sense of achievement.

The media attacked, ridiculed, smeared, slandered and disrespected from day one and you managed to strive on and also overcame the psychological burden associated with managing our club- damned if you do (''you won because of the all the money'' ) and damned if you don't ( ''you have to be decidedly incompetent to not achieve with this club with all the money''). This is an angle of attack by the media and other fans and haters but you managed to show great strength to beat of this psychological attack of the validity of your skills and hold everything together to deliver success to the club.

Unfortunately, the majority do not understand the difficulty of this job and I hope this decision does not come back to bite the club in years to come. But this is the way football has become and we all have to move on, with complete support and dedication to the club regardless of who is in charge or who runs things, that's the reality of football and the reality of life.

Good luck on your future endeavors and thank you for giving me one of the greatest moments of my life, 13th of may, 2012, a moment that will remain steadfast in my heart for the rest of my life and thus your contribution and impact on Manchester City Football Club will never be forgotten.

Forza Mancini!! and God bless.
Cheers Bobby, great times with you at the helm.

Clearly there are circumstances we're not aware of, but you've brought great joy to many people. Best of luck wherever you end up. You'll go down in MCFC history, rightly, and wrongly.
Ali Benarbia said:
ManCitizens. said:
Bluep*ss said:
Mancitizens - what a supercillious pr*ck
I have worn a scarf made out of a blue/white striped blanket when I went to my first game in 1954.
Mancini had a connection with proper city fans.
I'm with you Ali-

Just to clarify, I didn't want Mancini sacked. My point was wearing scarves to the match is not a City tradition. If it were at least 50% of fans at Maine Road and The Etihad in the past 30 years would follow suit. Mancini did the same thing at Inter by wearing the club colours in the form of a scarf, that's all I'm saying.

Who knows, I'm not a proper blue.

As an old bugger, I've forgotten lots of things, but I remember kids hanging sky blue & white scarves over the old white wall at Maine Rd. But no one's a bigger blue than anyone else, just some are older and happen some are a bit dafter. As for Mancini, everything about him said "gentleman", the scarf said "gentleman with the common touch."

Gutted he's gone, although we'll all differ in our opinions about his tactics and actions. He'll always be the manager to start what will be (I hope) our most successful era.
He came from Italy
And brough glory to City
Mancini woah..
Mancini woah

Football.. ez strange.

Really gutted you're gone. Hope the club have made the right choice. Tough to say goodbye to a man who has only progressed our club (in my honest opinion).

Thank you so much for the excitement of the 13th.. I wake up with the memories of the joy from that moment still etched into my mind.
Will miss Mancini, as along time true blue I never
experienced winning the league or beating manure 1-6.
Thank you Bobby
It would be great to see him at the last game with the fans
showing their appreciation.
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