The Roberto Mancini appreciation thread

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Thank you for everything Roberto

Thank you for our first trophy in decades. That monkey has gone forever, and so has that banner.

Thank you for that glorious day last May, the best ever finish to the best ever season. A moment I shared with my son that I will cherish forever

Thank you for the six one, and that brilliant night when we beat the rags and 650 million people watched us do it - thank you for making them scared of us and banishing our fear of them

Thank you for making Chelsea and arsenal and spurs and Liverpool fear us

Thank you for taking us to Munich and Madrid to compete with Europe's footballing nobility

Thank you for producing a team where winning 3-0 was par for the course, and where 4s, 5s and 6s were commonplace

Thank you for Mario. He was a joy to watch even in a team as classy as ours.

Thank you for Yaya, and Spanish Dave, and Kun, and for making Joe your No 1 and Vinnie your captain

Thank you for a record of one home league defeat (a last minute free kick) in three years

Thank you for taking us as close as we have ever come to the double
Thanks Roberto for the trophies, especially last season's title and for your passionate commitment to the club.

Is this the right decision ? It's hard to say. In terms of tactics and team selection sometimes he got it very right (several times against United) and sometimes he didn't (v. Wigan on Saturday ? Perhaps we needed a bit more physical presence against them ?) We always seemed to do badly away from home against Sunderland and especially Everton (a club I used to like but now loathe with a passion because of their fans' bitter hatred of us for our money and the Lescott saga) and this became depressingly predictable. We should have let Lee Nelson (or whatever his real name is) start for us at Goodison Park.

At the start of last season we were all-out attack and then for some reason we went all defensive again and it was frustrating to watch. Very often I found myself praying for half-time or the final whistle and that shouldn't be the case when you've got so many good players. I think Mancini had run out of ideas to be honest. I'm sad he's gone though. I hope the new manager can bring a more attacking approach. We finished 2011 and 2012 very strongly though and it was an incredible buzz.

He's a City legend forever though and a credit to Italy. Thank you Mr.Mancini. Enjoy your pasta and beautiful Italy.
MCFCDroylsdenBlue said:
4-2 vs Chelsea to send early signs of things to come
Signing Toure, Silva and Balotelli
1-0 vs United at Wembley
1-0 vs Tottenham to secure Champions League football
Winning the FA Cup to end a 35 year trophy drought
Signing Sergio Aguero
5-1 vs Spurs at WHL to send a big message to the the league
6-1 vs United to send shock waves through out the footballing world
1-0 vs United at home to go back to the top after trailing 8 points
3-2 vs QPR to win the league for the first time in 44 years in the most astonishing way English football has ever witnessed

Thank you Roberto.

Yes, thanks mancini!
Thank you, Roberto Mancini. Thanks for wearing the scarf, you showed you understood the club's traditions, thank you for being a supporter as well as City's best manager since Mercer-Allison. maybe the best ever. Thanks for the FA Cup and for making City champions, thank you for the headlines around the world when City beat ManU 6-1, thank you for making dreams come true. This club is not Chelski but in sacking you the owners have behaved as if it were. I wish you every happiness and great success in the future. Bravissimo! Forever grateful to you.
Ali Benarbia said:
Thank you, Roberto Mancini. Thanks for wearing the scarf, you showed you understood the club's traditions, thank you for being a supporter as well as City's best manager since Mercer-Allison. maybe the best ever. Thanks for the FA Cup and for making City champions, thank you for the headlines around the world when City beat ManU 6-1, thank you for making dreams come true. This club is not Chelski but in sacking you the owners have behaved as if it were. I wish you every happiness and great success in the future. Bravissimo! Forever grateful to you.

mancityscot said:
love him, for who he is, an absolute gent and what he's done for this club. an fa cup and premier league is something i wouldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams. so i will be eternally grateful for that. This season has been a disappointment however. poor style of play, strange decisions and just darn right lacklustre performances. perhaps its for the best. thanks for everything bobby!

Yes, my sentiments as well
Ali Benarbia said:
Thank you, Roberto Mancini. Thanks for wearing the scarf, you showed you understood the club's traditions, thank you for being a supporter as well as City's best manager since Mercer-Allison. maybe the best ever. Thanks for the FA Cup and for making City champions, thank you for the headlines around the world when City beat ManU 6-1, thank you for making dreams come true. This club is not Chelski but in sacking you the owners have behaved as if it were. I wish you every happiness and great success in the future. Bravissimo! Forever grateful to you.

I'd have to question your knowledge as a scarf does not represent MCFC. Fans wear them, as did Mancini, but it's not a tradition. Traditionally I've never heard our fans say "ManU" or "Chelski" and our owners are certainly not mirroring Abramovich.

Probably a post with good intentions but void of any Manchester City knowledge or "tradition".
Gutted to see the guy go

Like a lot of blues I had come to accept years ago that we would never win anything! But winning the FA cup on my birthday was one of the best moments of my life

Didn't think it could be topped until we won the league! The way we won it, that deep into stoppage time snatching it from the rags will never be forgotten

That will remain the greatest end to a premier league season ever, no one can ever take that away!

He should be remembered as one of our greatest ever managers, he gave us back our pride and showed us we could stick it up the rags

Forza Mancini
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