The Royals - the Commonwealth

Bit awkward they Jettison Prince Hewitt and his token wife.

Their job was to oversee the commonwealth and prove the royals aren't a bit racist.

Instead Willy and his porcelain wife have been sent and been politely told to fuck off. Because nothing says privilege more than a couple of wealthy white people lauding it over a country of restless natives.
Apparently they bring a lot of money into the country doncha know.

I never see a fucking penny of it so that argument doesn’t sit well with me.

Once the queen steps down or retires lets retire the monarchy and the disgraceful class system.
I reckon we could lease them to the yanks and the countries national debt will be wiped out in an election cycle.
The BBC on full toady mode for Phil the Greeks memorial.

Looking at some of the guests i'm surprised they aren't wearing pillow cases and standing next to burning crosses.
HMQ on her way to London from Windsor accomapnied by......wait for it...... The Duke of York......not a great look that
The poor lass eulogising must feel a bit left out.

The audience have switched off from her already.

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