Economically, I feel you may be right but using your own logic regarding the Scots and how much you perceive them to hate you, I have to say I was amazed a good number of years back by a Welsh crowd in Dublin for a Rugby international.
Drinking with them, I was amazed by their venom towards you lot. Thry couldn’t get over how chilled we were about the English and how they couldn’t get us to say we hated you, which I guess is a perception they had of us.
They couldn’t understand why we didn’t hate you and we couldn’t understand why they thought in the modern age that we should.
Anyway my point is, I never heard that venom from a Scot. If that is anything to do with your reasoning for favouring Scotland’s exit from the Union, would you favour Wales leaving too.
And by extension, what is your view on Northern Ireland’s future.