The Scottish Politics thread

If only the Tories had been in charge.

Yeah, I’m no fan of her and the SNP/Nationalism but as an Englishman who has lived up here the last 11 years both myself and my family have a pretty good standard of living with many benefits we simply would not have in England.

The SNP will dominate still and life in Scotland will still be very good for the majority.
She was always pretty popular in Scotland.

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Not everyone will agree with her policies,not everyone will like her personality, though I don’t think votes should be cast on that what can’t be denied is she defied political gravity staying relatively popular and winning elections and seats for 12 years. Must be good reasons for that unless Scottish voters are particularly stupid or gullible.
I can’t really see what some posters, that probably don’t even live in Scotland, get so bitter and angry about her to be honest, I’d have thought there were plenty of targets closer to home to be worried about.
Not everyone will agree with her policies,not everyone will like her personality, though I don’t think votes should be cast on that what can’t be denied is she defied political gravity staying relatively popular and winning elections and seats for 12 years. Must be good reasons for that unless Scottish voters are particularly stupid or gullible.
I can’t really see what some posters, that probably don’t even live in Scotland, get so bitter and angry about her to be honest, I’d have thought there were plenty of targets closer to home to be worried about.

I said the day she resigned that the usual suspects will celebrate until they work out whoever replaces her is also going to be a Scottish nationalist, and then they’ll hate the new person just as much.
I said the day she resigned that the usual suspects will celebrate until they work out whoever replaces her is also going to be a Scottish nationalist, and then they’ll hate the new person just as much.

You would think, that over all the years of hating and pinning woes on one person through completely unoriginal regurgitated Express tags, it would have clicked at some point. Particularly given that in that same period people will also have pinned problems and hate on Cameron, May, Boris, Truss and now Sunak. I still maintain we could easily have had a less moderate nationalist and possibly more divisive politics.
You would think, that over all the years of hating and pinning woes on one person through completely unoriginal regurgitated Express tags, it would have clicked at some point. Particularly given that in that same period people will also have pinned problems and hate on Cameron, May, Boris, Truss and now Sunak. I still maintain we could easily have had a less moderate nationalist and possibly more divisive politics.
That was the trick she pulled off wasn’t it, she had the support and votes of many voters that weren’t nationalists and voted SNP for other reasons and domestic politics. There are probably a fair few SNP supporters that have no intention of voting Yes, though less than there were, I’m one, voted SNP voted No last time, may change my mind if we get another cote.
That was the trick she pulled off wasn’t it, she had the support and votes of many voters that weren’t nationalists and voted SNP for other reasons and domestic politics. There are probably a fair few SNP supporters that have no intention of voting Yes, though less than there were, I’m one, voted SNP voted No last time, may change my mind if we get another cote.

That is it. Many will instantly be looking for that in the next person and making their up minds early.

There will be some pressure as people, and the media, compare them to Sturgeon. Time is in interesting thing though. Lots of time for people to let expectations settle. The snp will have the support of the independence core regardless, which in itself may well be enough for them. Plus the lack of any real credible alternative may still see them keep the non-independence votes, even without Nicola. Really don't expect much to change at all. Other than how the media approach it, that is.
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I said the day she resigned that the usual suspects will celebrate until they work out whoever replaces her is also going to be a Scottish nationalist, and then they’ll hate the new person just as much.
I don't understand them. On the one hand they say things like 'give England a vote and Scotland will be independent for certain' and then they attack Sturgeon. Is it simple misogyny? Racism? Or simply right wing bias? Whatever, they pollute this thread with unintelligent dribble and seem incapable of discussing or debating any aspect of politics. Its worse than the playground and I suspect many decent posters have fucked off as a result.
That was the trick she pulled off wasn’t it, she had the support and votes of many voters that weren’t nationalists and voted SNP for other reasons and domestic politics. There are probably a fair few SNP supporters that have no intention of voting Yes, though less than there were, I’m one, voted SNP voted No last time, may change my mind if we get another cote.
me too mate.
I joined the SNP to give me access to more independence material so am one of the 70,000 to get a vote. I thought that the three candidates were relatively poor although I think Kate Forbes is a good communicator and seems to be more economy biased and candid than the other two. Think the result is out on Monday and we will certainly see a new era of Scottish politics. It saddens me to say it but I can no longer see independence in my life time. If we can live through a Tory government like this one and still be 'undecided' then I fear as a populace we will never have the ambition and energy to break away. Maybe Finland will take some of us.

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