The Scottish Politics thread

Interesting indictment. Don't know enough, but he seemed to spread across more boxes to tick. Which is probably why he finished ahead.

What is perhaps more interesting, the two candidates that were 'reserved' in their independence pursuit strategy, were well ahead of the one that seemed to put that first or push the referendum more. From the little I have seen/read.
I see him as a career politician with no discernible talent other than state the obvious in as bland and as woke a way as possible. Time may prove me mistaken but I don’t get any passion, direction or energy from him for moving Scotland forward and he hardly has a glittering ministerial career so far. Do you believe he has the charisma or the gravitas and depth to persuade the no’s that independence is the right way forward?

Will be interesting so see where he puts Forbes. She should look after finance. If he gives her health then we know exactly what he is about.
Don’t agree , I think Forbes would have been an SNP version of Tory light and put off some left of centre SNP supporters. Personally I could have lived with Forbes but of the 3 feel more comfortable with Yousaf. Though would have preferred Sturgeon to have stayed.
To be honest I’m not sure how any leader whoever can drive through independence any time soon think the best hope for now would be more devolved powers from a Labour coalition government and in the absence of independence then prefer the more left of centre candidate in a devolved government.
I understand why you say that but if you read about her background she has more credentials in caring about the less fortunate than the other two put together. Of the three she was the only one that recognised the need to reach out to the no’s and concentrate on them. She is also
the smartest of the three by a margin and the better communicator. But hey, that’s democracy. Her time may yet come and in the meantime let’s see what Yousaf does.
So Scotland has installed a village idiot as First minister. Not exactly a rip-roaring mandate from his party either. He will make Sturgeon's reign almost Churchillian by the time he gets booted out. Which won't be long. But how much damage can he inflict on our country before then ?
What you mean pull us out of Europe or something like that?
Btw. Is Thornliebank a village? Just asking.
I understand why you say that but if you read about her background she has more credentials in caring about the less fortunate than the other two put together. Of the three she was the only one that recognised the need to reach out to the no’s and concentrate on them. She is also
the smartest of the three by a margin and the better communicator. But hey, that’s democracy. Her time may yet come and in the meantime let’s see what Yousaf does.
Maybe, though I can see Yousaf being the leader after the big beast, and like following a great manager in football no matter how good or bad will be compared and destined to fail.
If I were to put money on the next leader after and one more likely the one to delever independece, if anyone can, it would be Mhairi Black . As you say though now we wait and see what happens .
Maybe, though I can see Yousaf being the leader after the big beast, and like following a great manager in football no matter how good or bad will be compared and destined to fail.
If I were to put money on the next leader after and one more likely the one to delever independece, if anyone can, it would be Mhairi Black . As you say though now we wait and see what happens .
She certainly would appeal to the left of the party and she doesn’t take prisoners. To be honest, I have less interest in the individual politicians and much more in what it will take to convince the largest majority of Scots that this Union is pretty much dead because of the significant divergent politics. The only thing that will improve things is a radical federal restructure which ain’t going to happen or independence.
She certainly would appeal to the left of the party and she doesn’t take prisoners. To be honest, I have less interest in the individual politicians and much more in what it will take to convince the largest majority of Scots that this Union is pretty much dead because of the significant divergent politics. The only thing that will improve things is a radical federal restructure which ain’t going to happen or independence.
I agree, I’m just not sure first what will shift the polls from 45 50 % to 60% which is what would be needed to be confident of a referendum not failing. If the current situation isn’t shifting it it may need a few years for a younger generation to shift it. Hope I’m wrong.
Then I’m also not sure how the Westminster government get persuaded to allow a referendum in the next 6 years of this and the next parliament without that big public opinion shift. I was never convinced by the going into the next GE single policy avenue.
She certainly would appeal to the left of the party and she doesn’t take prisoners. To be honest, I have less interest in the individual politicians and much more in what it will take to convince the largest majority of Scots that this Union is pretty much dead because of the significant divergent politics. The only thing that will improve things is a radical federal restructure which ain’t going to happen or independence.
The OBR’s predictions will not be far off, so the UK can anticipate another 5-6 years of suppressed growth and declining living standards, which would probably overlap with most of the next Labour administration. Always thought that Scotland will have to go through the same again under Labour before enough Scots realise that there is no returning to the early 2000s and that Westminster cannot help them. Only then will the ‘bawbee’ drop.
I see him as a career politician with no discernible talent other than state the obvious in as bland and as woke a way as possible. Time may prove me mistaken but I don’t get any passion, direction or energy from him for moving Scotland forward and he hardly has a glittering ministerial career so far. Do you believe he has the charisma or the gravitas and depth to persuade the no’s that independence is the right way forward?

Will be interesting so see where he puts Forbes. She should look after finance. If he gives her health then we know exactly what he is about.

I can very much see all that about him, sounds pretty accurate. I felt the same about Swinney, and to a degree even Nicola at the time. So open to seeing how it all goes. Forbes sounded promising, and when the media jumped at the chance to sink her (her own fault) I briefly thought more of her than I otherwise would have. But given she rode her campain on a borrowed slogan of Salmond's, had his endoresement and pretty much tried to represent a 'return to tradidional nationalist values', I am not sure I would have welcomed that as a perceived direction shift for a governing party. Maybe a bit of middle straddling 'continuity' is not a bad thing. Depends on I guess where your priorities are, particularly re independence.
I agree, I’m just not sure first what will shift the polls from 45 50 % to 60% which is what would be needed to be confident of a referendum not failing. If the current situation isn’t shifting it it may need a few years for a younger generation to shift it. Hope I’m wrong.
Then I’m also not sure how the Westminster government get persuaded to allow a referendum in the next 6 years of this and the next parliament without that big public opinion shift. I was never convinced by the going into the next GE single policy avenue.

Do we know this now in any meaningful way removes that as a likely approach? Re GE as a single issue choice.
Do we know this now in any meaningful way removes that as a likely approach? Re GE as a single issue choice.
I’m sure I’ve read that it wasn’t something Yousaf supported, and he has said about getting polling consistently above 50% and lower 50s before trying for a referendum. I’d have to look back and find exactly what he said.
Found it
He expressed concern over using the general election as a de facto referendum on Scottish independence, but said he wanted to work with his party to determine the best approach.
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