The Scottish Politics thread

Every age group apart from 65+ voted in a majority for Indy with the highest % coming from the 16-35 age group.

Everyone knows it’s about Indy and not who leads, although thst us important it’s not the issue. I was pissing myself at all the Uber Unionist/Loyalists rejoicing when Sturgeon stood down. A person they all claimed was hopeless. She wasn’t, but they have very fixed views and if it isn’t wrapped in a UJ they go mental.

Time will tell as always.
You’re right. He is religious too, far too for my liking. He would vote for stuff she wouldn’t, but it still fucks me off people can lead countries who think Adam and Eve were real. It’s no worse than both of them proclaiming an absolute belief in Santa and his command to keep buying toys.

All three of them gave me the feeling that I being forced to eat a shit sandwich, but I get to choose the type of bread.
You do know that you can have religious beliefs and not believe every single word of what ever doctrine you follow don’t you.
Every age group apart from 65+ voted in a majority for Indy with the highest % coming from the 16-35 age group.

Everyone knows it’s about Indy and not who leads, although thst us important it’s not the issue. I was pissing myself at all the Uber Unionist/Loyalists rejoicing when Sturgeon stood down. A person they all claimed was hopeless. She wasn’t, but they have very fixed views and if it isn’t wrapped in a UJ they go mental.

Time will tell as always.
That's the point, if and when there is another referendum everyone should vote on whether they think it would be better for Scotland or not, regardless of the leaders because independence will long outlive any particular leader or governing party.
Leadership only comes into how they get to a referendum but as I've posted I can't see how any leader gets us there for at least 6 years whether that was Sturgeon and any of the candidates or anyone else for that matter. So any thoughts on whether Yousaf will don't come into it for me at the moment only his domestic policies.
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He will push independence back further than even his biggest political enemies could dream of.

He is fucking useless and has so little public trust and support, his first fuck up will do for him.
I don’t know anything about the bloke. So, consensus seems to be you are probably right.
However, are you underestimating how much more of a fuck up the Tories can make south of the border, to further convince those north of it?
That’s an interesting read BP. Thanks for that.
It seems 16-17 year olds were allowed vote in the 2021 constituency elections and they greatly flocked towards the SNP.

It would seem whoever can keep the under 55yo vote going forward, may hold the future of Scotland in their hands.

It’s time for young fella’s like Sadds, Magic and yourself to step forward.
Old farts like us disprove the norm. I wonder if folks Political allegiances shift as they get older. I can imagine those di hard 20 something nats being raging unionists by the time they reach 50 and care only about how much their tax rate is.
I don’t know anything about the bloke. So, consensus seems to be you are probably right.
However, are you underestimating how much more of a fuck up the Tories can make south of the border, to further convince those north of it?
they can’t be worse than they have been surely. If the last few years haven’t convinced everyone they will never be convinced.

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