The Scottish Politics thread

Imagine the outcry on here if Johnson was found using party funds to buy himself a motorhome.

Its incredible that they actually thought this wouldnt be picked up by auditors. You couldn't make this story up if you tried.
Massive damage being done to the cause for independence. The SNP were the flag bearers for it. They are now in such a mess it is staggering. I've never been a fan of Sturgeon and her blame politics but I'm shocked at the position she and the SNP now find themselves in. At best it looks like there has been some very creative accounting going on at worst theft and fraud and possible jail time awaits for some people.
Sturgeon was always a dodgy bugger as far as I am concerned, she pulled the wool over a lot of people’s eyes.
Interesting little about turn from Beattie today - first he says that he knew nothing about the motor home, then he decides that he did know about it when he signed off on the accounts.

I wonder who jogged his memory, and changed his recollection?

It’s almost like there’s some sinister figure in the background, pulling the strings and doing their best not to get their own collar felt!
Interesting little about turn from Beattie today - first he says that he knew nothing about the motor home, then he decides that he did know about it when he signed off on the accounts.

I wonder who jogged his memory, and changed his recollection?

It’s almost like there’s some sinister figure in the background, pulling the strings and doing their best not to get their own collar felt!

It’s simply not believable I’m afraid.

Weeks of silence, knew nothing and all of a sudden he does and it was no bought as a campaign battle bus apparently….

Thank fuck her mother in law had space on her drive for it eh?
Imagine the outcry on here if Johnson was found using party funds to buy himself a motorhome.

It’s incredible that they actually thought this wouldnt be picked up by auditors. You couldn't make this story up if you tried.
Why do we need to imagine the outcry on here if Johnson did something similar? His Partygate defence was payed by the taxpayer, his holidays are payed by Tory donors and he accepts gifts left, right and centre in return for favours. We already know.

Can’t the SNP be dodgy as fuck without being compared to someone even dodgier?
Why do we need to imagine the outcry on here if Johnson did something similar? His Partygate defence was payed by the taxpayer, his holidays are payed by Tory donors and he accepts gifts left, right and centre in return for favours. We already know.

Can’t the SNP be dodgy as fuck without being compared to someone even dodgier?
It's just a comparison, it's disappointed me immensely what the SNP has apparently done.
The thread is full of comedians all of a sudden.

Ah well, makes a nice change from the usual rinse repeat cliches.

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