The Scottish Politics thread

And yet we are told she is just as bad.
Whatever you think of her, trying to compare her and her government with that of Johnson/Sunac/Westminster is just laughable.
It is and I won’t be buying it.
She has her own issues that she has to be held accountable for but it’s a bit of a stretch to compare when you look at his back catalogue of mishaps, buffoonery and all round uselessness.
That’s before we even get to some of his more sinister shit.
I don't ,no, he was doing his best to avoid and delay what he was being told was needed to be done. I do believe,while some of the advice may have turned out to be wrong Sturgeon was doing her best to follow the advice.

You’re comparing Sturgeon’s capabilities to Johnson’s here rather than looking at the capability and limitations of the individual.

Johnson’s MO has never been to get in to the details, hasn’t it been said the wrong leader for the wrong crisis or words to that effect? I don’t think I’ve ever heard that accusation levelled at Sturgeon.
I’d probably swerve trying to shoehorn the shitehawk grifting **** Boris Johnson into the conversation.
The two are nothing alike.

This. While I oddly find myself agreeing with probably 80%+ of what the likes of blueinsa and metal have been saying the last couple of weeks, without much of an issue with the rest either, I find the need to relate that to Boris and the Torries odd.

I feel zero need to 'defend' her now.
She is no longer in government, probably won't be again. Her demise has been and gone, the extent of the fallout changes nothing. In either direction, going forwards or backwards. Whatever she gets found guilty of she'll face the consequences and so she should. No amount of defending or rejoicing over it will or should change that.

She did a bit of side shite while in government. At least she wasnt shite in government, while doing it. Unlike the whole conveyor belt of the brexit-lite party. While doing a lot more side shite.

Both should bear the fallout, but I don't particularly care enough to follow, I'd rather focus on whatever comes next in actual government.

And that's not looking good in either parliament, sadly.
This. While I oddly find myself agreeing with probably 80%+ of what the likes of blueinsa and metal have been saying the last couple of weeks, without much of an issue with the rest either, I find the need to relate that to Boris and the Torries odd.

Agreed but have I imagined those supporting her use Boris and co as some sort of shield saying she isn’t as bad as them?

It works both ways.

Her own conduct is on her and her alone and it should be taken in isolation. Its more than fair it’s discussed.
Agreed but have I imagined those supporting her use Boris and co as some sort of shield saying she isn’t as bad as them?

It works both ways.

Her own conduct is on her and her alone and it should be taken in isolation. Its more than fair it’s discussed.

It does work both ways, and I don't see much of a point in either. Hence I have stayed out of this thread for a while.

Oh Christ not the “it was the media’s fault” line again?

Did the Daily Mail force her husband to use party funds to buy a motor home?

Did the Express force the SNP into the CalMac fiasco?

Was it the Telegraph that suggested she go on the witch hunt over Salmond?

Did GB News tell her to delete all her covid WhatsApp communications?

Everything she is getting pelters for, had she been a Tory she would have got double and no one would bat an eyelid.

Its all very Red scouse this victimhood stuff mate.

She fucked it up for herself.
Like this for example (& not alone), agree with all of that. Apart from a Tory getting double, or the need for that in there.

And I know there is context to that post, but your conduct is yours alone and should be taken in isolation ;).

I'm being wide there. Otherwise, agree though.
It does work both ways, and I don't see much of a point in either. Hence I have stayed out of this thread for a while.

Like this for example (& not alone), agree with all of that. Apart from a Tory getting double, or the need for that in there.

And I know there is context to that post, but your conduct is yours alone and should be taken in isolation ;).

I'm being wide there. Otherwise, agree though.

It’s difficult not to point out to posters and I don’t single anyone out here, we can all be guilty, that you can’t be apoplectic with rage about a Tory deleting WhatsApp Covid messages whilst downplaying a SNP doing the exact same.
It’s difficult not to point out to posters and I don’t single anyone out here, we can all be guilty, that you can’t be apoplectic with rage about a Tory deleting WhatsApp Covid messages whilst downplaying a SNP doing the exact same.
..or vice versa as Mr Ross et al repeatedly attempt.

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