The Scottish Politics thread

I remember waiting for Labour to do something about Brexit. Still waiting.

Very few people actually care about the Union. They support it because it’s there.
I genuinely don’t understand why Scottish independence gets so many English hot under the collar. After all all that subsidy would stop. Can’t be the hassle of borders, after all they voted for that in Europe. Problems with trade. Ditto. Maybe it’s down to just good old imperialistic ‘your ours’. Maybe some could explain.
Within the Union Scotland have a huge say. Many Labour governments won elections relying on the Scottish Labour vote.

The SNP actually vote in Westminster on issues that are devolved such as health and education. How the English have allowed this to go on for so long astounds me!! Scots MPs voting on issues that are solely English!!

In an ‘Independent’ Scotland the first thing they want to do is join Brussels : ))))

Scotland will probably not be allowed entry into EU but if they were they would be a tiny nation with little to no voice!

Would I rather remain in the country of my birth or be controlled by Germany ? Aye it’s a toughy right enough. Fucking crackpots
I genuinely don't understand why anyone would vote Labour, north or south. I'll just come out and say it, I'd rather have the Tories in power then them. At least you know where you stand. Labour are the ultimate nothing party. Stand for nothing, promise everything, or anything, deliver nothing. Even as an opposition party they are uttely useless. All they care about, every single last one of them, is self preservation. At least both the Tories and Snp know what they want, even if that's not what I might want. Labour just want to be in government. Like daft dogs chasing cars. Won't ever catch them, and even if they did wouldn't have a clue how to drive them. Fuck them, hope they get pummelled.
Absolutely. Not my cup of tea, but did a better job of holding the Tories to account than the current tory-lite 'opposition'
You think? : ))))))

Who ever thought electing a party full of hate filled racist bigots would end in chaos :)

First ministers pumping anything that moves in Bute House (allegedly)

Next first minister running the country like a Fascist dictator whose ‘husband’ embezzled God knows how much

Never mind those two. I know what’ll help. We ll bring in the useful Racist idiot to sort this out

I’m no Labour man but our ex MP , Douglas Alexander, was a great man for this area so what did they do? They voted him out for some daft wee lassie!! Mhairi Fucking Black!! Pretends she’s a wee scheme bird come good but in reality she’s from a well off family from Ralston!!

You get what you fucking deserve when you elect these fucking clowns!

We need an election and we need it now. Nationally and in Scotland.
Mahairi black was a great speaker - I can understand her and I'm English. She was able to articulate the case for socialism and a more equitable distribution of wealth more clearly than anyone else on politics nowadays
Within the Union Scotland have a huge say. Many Labour governments won elections relying on the Scottish Labour vote.

The SNP actually vote in Westminster on issues that are devolved such as health and education. How the English have allowed this to go on for so long astounds me!! Scots MPs voting on issues that are solely English!!

In an ‘Independent’ Scotland the first thing they want to do is join Brussels : ))))

Scotland will probably not be allowed entry into EU but if they were they would be a tiny nation with little to no voice!

Would I rather remain in the country of my birth or be controlled by Germany ? Aye it’s a toughy right enough. Fucking crackpots
Tiny nations have the same vote and veto in the EU as large nations. Controlled by Germany, yes we can see were you’re coming from. Whether UK or Scotland, most people now realise we were better of in the EU, and would be again.
Within the Union Scotland have a huge say. Many Labour governments won elections relying on the Scottish Labour vote.

The SNP actually vote in Westminster on issues that are devolved such as health and education. How the English have allowed this to go on for so long astounds me!! Scots MPs voting on issues that are solely English!!

In an ‘Independent’ Scotland the first thing they want to do is join Brussels : ))))

Scotland will probably not be allowed entry into EU but if they were they would be a tiny nation with little to no voice!

Would I rather remain in the country of my birth or be controlled by Germany ? Aye it’s a toughy right enough. Fucking crackpots
English mps 533.
Scottish mps 59

A huge say right enough. Numpty.
That’s why we get Tory governments all the time and haven’t voted for them since the 50s. That’s why we get taken out of the EU against our will. That’s why our industry has been systematically dismantled. That’s why our oil revenues have been pissed against a wall. We have such a huge say.
English mps 533.
Scottish mps 59

A huge say right enough. Numpty.
That’s why we get Tory governments all the time and haven’t voted for them since the 50s. That’s why we get taken out of the EU against our will. That’s why our industry has been systematically dismantled. That’s why our oil revenues have been pissed against a wall. We have such a huge say.
Per head of population that’s a huge say…numpty.

England has at the very least 10x the population. Numpty

Scottish MPs are voting on England only policies. Numpty

Yep. Scotland has a huge say on UK politics. Numpty
Per head of population that’s a huge say…numpty.

England has at the very least 10x the population. Numpty

Scottish MPs are voting on England only policies. Numpty

Yep. Scotland has a huge say on UK politics. Numpty
Simple maths.

Let’s vote on a policy. Say exiting the EU.
How much of a say do we have again?
Simple maths.

Let’s vote on a policy. Say exiting the EU.
How much of a say do we have again?
Scotland had its say 2014. 48 out of the 52 constituencies voted to remain in the UK

Then the UK had a vote on Brexit and the vote was to leave the EU

simple democracy
Scotland had its say 2014. 48 out of the 52 constituencies voted to remain in the UK

Then the UK had a vote on Brexit and the vote was to leave the EU

simple democracy
As much as you want to present it as a Union of equals. You know it’s absolutely not. Many voted no in 2014 on a mandate that it was the only way to stay in the EU.

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