The Scottish Politics thread

Mahairi black was a great speaker - I can understand her and I'm English. She was able to articulate the case for socialism and a more equitable distribution of wealth more clearly than anyone else on politics nowadays

She is stepping down when the next GE takes place citing Parliament being too tough an environment for her, you can only go so far with your career if it just involved snarling and barking at a border with your neighbour.
As much as you want to present it as a Union of equals. You know it’s absolutely not. Many voted no in 2014 on a mandate that it was the only way to stay in the EU.
Funny you say that. During the 2014 campaign the SNP used Ireland as a progressive smallish economy. That was right up until Irelands economy fell through the floor and they needed an EU bail out.

Not to be outdone the SNP used Norway as an example of a thriving smallish economy. Norway are not in the EU and the SNP claimed that would be absolutely no problem

The SNP then campaigned to remain in the EU gambling that the UK would vote to leave so they could then use this as leverage for yet another once in a life time opportunity.

If you want my view on Brexit. The vote was too close. For matters such as this I believe a 66% vote should be required. That goes for any independence vote
Absolutely. Not my cup of tea, but did a better job of holding the Tories to account than the current tory-lite 'opposition'

Corbyn might have made it over the line if he would have just said what he meant about Brexit and stopped pinning a red rosette on any 6th form activist he could find.
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She is stepping down when the next GE takes place citing Parliament being too tough an environment for her, you can only go so far with your career if it just involved snarling and barking at a border with your neighbour.
Does that sentiment differ when the border is between England and France?

It is his only real option imo.

But is there not a time limit to another vote of no confidence like in Westminster and/or a higer threshold like 75% of the seats?

In your opinion can anyone else in the SNP get a governable alliance? Or does it need an election?
I genuinely don't understand why anyone would vote Labour, north or south. I'll just come out and say it, I'd rather have the Tories in power then them. At least you know where you stand. Labour are the ultimate nothing party. Stand for nothing, promise everything, or anything, deliver nothing. Even as an opposition party they are uttely useless. All they care about, every single last one of them, is self preservation. At least both the Tories and Snp know what they want, even if that's not what I might want. Labour just want to be in government. Like daft dogs chasing cars. Won't ever catch them, and even if they did wouldn't have a clue how to drive them. Fuck them, hope they get pummelled.

Brilliantly funny. You should be a permanent fixture on question time mate, your opinions on the political elite of all hues I’m sure would make compelling viewing and be worth the license fee alone.
In your opinion can anyone else in the SNP get a governable alliance? Or does it need an election?

I don't think it needs an election either way. They can and should continue to govern as a minority party. I actually think that would have been better anyway, less complacent. They still have more than double the seats of the next best party, and only 2 shy of a majority, and between the greens and alba they can always count on one or two on an issue by issue basis, never mind any of the others who won't always vote as a block.

I don't know the snp candidates well enough myself to really think of anyone. Katie Forbes seemed the most obvious but she got destroyed by the media for a self inflicted early footshooting when she shared her personal view as a churchgoer. Beyond that I really don't know.
Brilliantly funny. You should be a permanent fixture on question time mate, your opinions on the political elite of all hues I’m sure would make compelling viewing and be worth the license fee alone.

Look I get it, people that have lived their whole lives in a two party system and supported the one party will always believe in them and see them as their only choice given the only other alternative.

But if you do look back at everything since say Gordon, they have regularly adopted bit of a remora approach to politics.

Choosing the wrong Miliband because they thought he was better tv material. Adopting policies as hardline on immigration as the Tories, because they wanted to tap into a bit of a shift to the right that became obvious. That fucking stone stunt. Then nailing their colours to the mast as the No party in Scotland. Which I would have had no issue with if it felt genuine. But it just felt that they looked at the polls, and chose accordingly, to go with the stronger side. They represented at that point a whole spectrum of society and large areas and populations, and they at no point stopped to consider them. Which was their total undoing as they got wiped out for it. The irony is, the minute the polls went over 50% for support for independence for the first time, they totally backtracked and came out with they would consider it as a separate item and possibly allow their members free reign on it. That was the final straw for me. Inbetween that, you had their perseverance with Corbyn, which again I'd have got of it was a real attempt to redefine themselves as a party of something, anything. But it was mostly that they saw the division in society and wanted to tap into anyone leaning slightly left giving them a reactionary vote. Not to mention their all over the place approach to brexit, always one step behind the newspaper headlines. They didn't want to help deliver it, they didn't want to 'revoke' or remove it either, or resolve it in any way. They just wanted to milk it till they got ahead in the polls. They just spout what they think people want to hear. They are riding a bit of a media wave at the moment with both the Tories and SNP being at their lowesr, but I still don't trust them one bit and have no faith in them to do anything right given they just don't seem to have any conviction as a party.
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