The Scottish Politics thread

I think possibly the Torries have forced a vote of no confidence just to make the SNP look even more chaotic than they are with even more negatove headlines? Doubt they would get a bounce at present. But I also agree I can't see people jumping to the Tories anywhere in the UK at present.
Not sure how the vote works now, thought it was against Yousaf, so now he’s stepping down and don’t know who the vote is against can you still hold it ? If it’s against the government then the smaller parties don’t know what deals are on the table.
Not sure how the vote works now, thought it was against Yousaf, so now he’s stepping down and don’t know who the vote is against can you still hold it ? If it’s against the government then the smaller parties don’t know what deals are on the table.
Wasnt it just against him, if so has he avoided it by just stepping down?
I think possibly the Torries have forced a vote of no confidence just to make the SNP look even more chaotic than they are with even more negatove headlines? Doubt they would get a bounce at present. But I also agree I can't see people jumping to the Tories anywhere in the UK at present.

The way the system is, I would guess there isn't likely to be that much of a shift. If Labour pick up a greater share of the first votes off the snp, the same people would likely give the second votes to the snp. If they pick them up off the tories, the same people would likely then give the second vote to the tories. If they are voting along the union/independence lines. So the overall proportion might stay similar. It would take some real departure of voting patterns to change that.

The party that might lose most is the Greens. They are the second party of choice mostly for snp supporters looking for more independence supporting seats. If they piss that layer off, they'll just give the second votes to Alba, who have now had a bit more time since forming a couple weeks before the election.

It would end similar, a pro independence majority in parliament, but not a significant one for one party. The exact numbers may change, the smaller party might change, but overall broadly the same as the last two elections. The lib-dems unfortunately still can't seem to get their shit together.

Which is why there is a lot of public bravado and trying to make it look like the snp are holding an election back, but they aren't forcing it themselves.
The other 10% is subsidised by the rest of the UK.
The rest of the UK? You keep saying that when you know it’s wrong. Scotland is not subsidised by Wales, NI, NW England or any other damn region other than London and the SE. Even those two regions are in deficit based on the most recent figures.
The rest of the UK? You keep saying that when you know it’s wrong. Scotland is not subsidised by Wales, NI, NW England or any other damn region other than London and the SE. Even those two regions are in deficit based on the most recent figures.
Lol, Nonsense and you know it. London and the SE is part of England. And Its essentially England that gives the extra revenue to Scotland. London Surrey etc is not a country is it ?

Give it up Saddleworth, you're looking particularly silly trying to use this argument. So much so, that despite me enjoying our debates, I can add no more to this one, so you are on your own if you can't grasp or accept the above simple facts. Good night.
Lol, Nonsense and you know it. London and the SE is part of England. And Its essentially England that gives the extra revenue to Scotland. LondSurrey etc is not a country is it ?

Give it up Saddleworth, you're looking particularly silly trying to use this argument. So much so, that despite me enjoying our debates, I can add no more to this one, so you are on your own if you can't grasp or accept the above simple facts. Good night.
Any thinking person can simply refer to Gers and see for themselves. Might spoil the popular bigoted nonsense that gets spouted increasingly on this thread though.
Don’t get why the tories would support a no confidence, to force an election in Scotland they can’t win and would lose seats. As for Labour they were in a decent position going into the GE, they still are but forcing Yousaf out may give the SNP a bounce that reduces that advantage a bit.
They are distracting from their own shitebaggery. Douglas Ross is an opportunistic grifting simpleton who any half decent politician would wipe the floor with. No Scottish party has a decent leader, mediocrity isn’t just at Westminster.
You pay a little more towards it through your tax. But you (Scotland) still only support 90% of your own budget. The other 10% is subsidised by the rest of the UK. I guess that is even more reason to be annoyed, you get more money but in your opinion worse services?

I would dispute the last point, as so many of the progressive policies favoured by Saddleworth are seemingly unaffordable south of the border.

I always hate this argument and avoid or dismiss it as long as I can. For that 10% you are so obsessed with, we contribute 25% more in overall revenue (from oil etc). So for every pound we get that you get 90p for, we send down £1.25. Where does it all go? Fuck knows, before brexit we were told the EU. Or to put it another way, for every 90p you get, you only pay 78p. Your 'we pay for your tampons' arguement is based on a one sided assumption. That all the oil and revenue is 'yours' but any or all of the spending and deficit is 'ours'. But it doesn't work like that. And it sure as fuck isn't unionistic. I can't believe you can't see the irony of passing judgement on nationalism, with a stance like that.
They are distracting from their own shitebaggery. Douglas Ross is an opportunistic grifting simpleton who any half decent politician would wipe the floor with. No Scottish party has a decent leader, mediocrity isn’t just at Westminster.
So true. The sad thing is, none of them really need one. Positions for the most part are entrenched and won't shift significantly and they all are happy to ride on that and just find any muppet that knows how to posture to the audiences.

The Lib-dems are the most unfortunate of it all. Their leaders are no worse than any of the others. Their policies are often better than both Labour's and sometimes the SNP's, or at least comparable. But because their mothership party has no strength in England, they can't appeal to l the unionist nor the independence lot, and nobody seems to care about actual policies, so they are pretty much a non-entity. If ever there was a time and a party to consider breaking with their UK counter-part!

Saw Douglas Ross proclaiming he delivered on the Tories election promise to stand up to Humsa and now he's gone. Wow, is that what he has distilled UK's biggest party to? Similarly, all Labour have to boast about these days is they are slightly bigger than the Tories, as a (for now) unionist party.

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