The snip

Citytillidie69 said:
salfordtrueblue said:
and they give you a nice little jock strap thing to wear after !

you obviously went private lol....all I got was a piece of gauze to protect the stitches.

don't shout too loud about the ''little'' bit , but i know what your on about :]
I was about to have the snip last year (we've got 3 kids) and i pulled a bit of a masterstroke.

Pissed up one night I said to the wife "Can you imagine when these are all grown up...we might just fancy another"

and she got all soppy and decided to have that implant.

No fucking chance we're having another, but don't tell her.....
If any of you are thinking of having this done, and have PAs/staff who can see your emails, please ask your wife not to email you at work to ask if you dropped your post-snip sample at the hospital (to check the count) during your lunch hour? My boss is lovely, but us lowly PAs don't need to know that their boss was doing the five-knuckle shuffle before they had a diary meeting :-(
If ever a thread should have been in OFF TOPIC, surely this is it?

MODS ????!!!
Citytillidie69 said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo............. deep breath............... noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

lol..that was my reaction all ast week....I found myself sitting in my office nervously laughing to myself for no reason whenever I thought about what was going to happen.....anyone who came into my office thought i was bonkers.

But its not that bad, honestly.....the Doc and myself chatted all the way through it......even the nurse was chatting away to me ....and me with me tackle hanging out.

This ^^^

However the doc told me that i had rather thick veins in the area and he had caught one with the laser ,fucking bled for ages and then the wife was late picking me back up so i decided to walk towards where she would be coming ,from ended up walking the whole length of deansgate ( not a good idea , was black and blue for weeks)
DTeacher said:
If ever a thread should have been in OFF TOPIC, surely this is it?

MODS ????!!!

Fook me, the mod police are out early....

To bring this back ON-TOPIC then...
I've been kicked in the nuts for over 30 years by City and have had to drown my sorrows and drink to celebrate - I bet mine don't work anyway, so no need for the snip
If there was ever a topic for the off topic forum its this one.
Im glad my wife doesn't read this.
Citytillidie69 said:
DTeacher said:
If ever a thread should have been in OFF TOPIC, surely this is it?

MODS ????!!!

Did I not mention I was taking a cushion to tommorrows game....surely thats City related.

We've got Cushiniho, we've got this is definately city/match related.....lmao

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