The snip

i must agree with the origonal poster

i have had worse trips to the dentist , one piece of advice i would give is don't get put under i was last to be done on my day at hope hospital (now salford royal) because i refused to be put under and watched as a stream of guys went into the theatre only to come out as cabbages , stuck in a ward for hours waiting for the all clear to go home

in , inject , pulling sensation , snip , smell , stitch , repeat , walk out , piece of toast , quick piss to make sure they cut the right tubes and of home
mcfc-a-ok said:
i must agree with the origonal poster

i have had worse trips to the dentist , one piece of advice i would give is don't get put under i was last to be done on my day at hope hospital (now salford royal) because i refused to be put under and watched as a stream of guys went into the theatre only to come out as cabbages , stuck in a ward for hours waiting for the all clear to go home

in , inject , pulling sensation , snip , smell , stitch , repeat , walk out , piece of toast , quick piss to make sure they cut the right tubes and of home
is that why they make you piss then ??? i had general and when i had to go for my pre-release piss i just pretended i'd done one to get out
I guess all the Mods are ASLEEP then?
If they'd trimmed you a bit short mate ill lend you a few inches, pm me if you don't like asking in on the thread.
Didsbury Dave said:
I was about to have the snip last year (we've got 3 kids) and i pulled a bit of a masterstroke.

Pissed up one night I said to the wife "Can you imagine when these are all grown up...we might just fancy another"

and she got all soppy and decided to have that implant.

No fucking chance we're having another, but don't tell her.....

LOL! quality plan Dave!

You are one bad ass mo-fo!! ;0)
You really need to be awake for this.

Otherwise the Doctors could turn the trolley round and whip out your Tonsils.

This picture has been published in the interests of medical science - Note the Blue blood running through it.
bluereddish said:

This picture has been published in the interests of medical science - Note the Blue blood running through it.

Makes you wonder how these artists ever get paid.

Surely the knob end should be near the knee cap like mine?

Thats normal isnt it?

Very short legs?


OK Then - ****gets coat****

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