1/2 price season tickets, whatever.
Show the fans some respect, you stabbed us in the back, you backed the clubs who have tried to destroy you as soon as you became a threat, how on earth could you do that?
The more I think of this, the more angry it makes me about what our club were thinking about joining this rabble.
I thought this club was bought as PR for Abu Dhabi , so why sell your very soul to the devil, it's not as if we need money.
Yep, It doesn't make any sense.
The line about City being pressured to make an 11th hour decision is one that has traction with me, but maybe I am just trying to find a defensive angle to support the club when, in reality, there is none.
The current system is flawed, times ARE changing and Football does need to attract a younger fan base. Work on solving those problems before stomping off home, and taking the ball with you, please football administrators.
Many problems in football have been created by greed, trying to solve those problems by more greed is counterproductive. Clubs have had a champagne time the last 15 years, now the bar bill needs paying, so fucking pay it!!!
16-24 year old capped at £10-15
Parent and child capped at £30-35 (for both).
Family capped at £60-70 (for 4).
Legacy fans capped at £25-30.
Let's bring some joy back to stadiums.
The clubs have seen what it is like playing without fans, they have also seen the active mobilisation of fan bases when the game is threatened.
Polite suggestion: DONT FUCK WITH FANS anymore!