The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
To my eye it’s too convenient.

- only a short part of the document shown (why not publish the lot)
- PSG more unfavourable terms on the deadline (Why would this be the case)
- conveniently names the three clubs people speculated about
- Perez said PSG weren’t invited, contrary to this document

just first impressions but doesn’t look right to me.
Would the PSG deadline be anything to do with the CL semi v us?
Forcing a decision before both legs are/supposed to be held?
This happens anyway ? Pep just made wholesale changes against Leeds and same again in an fa cup semi final ? All because the champions league is around the corner . This happens every year was it fergie who made 11 changes one time against a fat same team ( could be wrong there ) ? Klopp has thrown both domestic cups at the earliest stage the last few seasons , and one time didn’t even bother turning up to manage them

That's not remotely comparable to six teams doing it for every single game.
Surely this will be dead by the end of the week. Part of me can't see how these people didn't foresee this backlash, and have planned for it/expect to ride it out - but then I look at the naff branding and rash speeches and think actually they are just amateurs with no idea.

I'd be surprised if City didn't pull out of this within the next few days, which asks a lot of questions about why they allowed themselves to be pulled into this charade - they don't need the money anywhere near as much as many of the other teams involved.
They will have expected a fans backlash and negative media. I don't think they will have expected governments getting involved (its a very unusual move for a government to get involved in sporting matters like this) and being told that it isn't going to happen. I think bums will be twitching at the English clubs involved. Barca and Real, probably not so much - they might feel that they are in so much debt, they have little choice but to let it play out.
Cefrin always gives me the feeling of a man that likes our club and the way in which it's run, The UEFA elite, the ones we have now colluded with were and still are our enemies.
Ceferin is Russian. Never forget that.
He heads up a corrupt organisation who did their level best to kick us out.

As far as the other clubs are concerned keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.....
No its not, the door IS closing, no dispute with that, but you yourselves show it is not closed.
We got in by the skin of our teeth by spending a shit load of money, the drawbridge was well and truly pulled up behind us. Even without the ESL nobody else would have been able to follow us as it is now. The whole bloody thing needs sorting and I really couldn't care if it makes us also rans again.
Having slept on it, again, I am still very much against the ESL.

I'm not on board with slating the club's directors or carp about walking away from the club as I am sure they a trying to do what they think is best for the club, which is their legal duty. They are in a difficult position.

The whole thing is now a test of nerve.
This is just about pure greed, I am pretty sure that all the owners of these six clubs are billionaires, so how much money do they actually need and how low they are prepared to stoop to get it is utterly staggering. .

It‘s as much about business stability than ‘greed’. A franchise model guarantees income streams. No more uncertainty over qualifying or not qualifying for CL. It’s also about control over the product and the clubs that generate the most cash, receiving that cash.

The aim is to shift from a competition with jeopardy to an entertainment model with only mild or manufactured jeopardy. Football as content on Netflix.

The other factor is these clubs are in financial trouble, Madrid made no signings and are looking to finally build a new stadium, Barca are a billion in debt, same with Spurs and no one is making money. There is a €350m sign on bonus just for turning up. UEFA aren’t promising any real new cash until 2024.

There will be a European Super League, the only debate is will it be under the umbrella of UEFA or outside it.
Surely this will be dead by the end of the week. Part of me can't see how these people didn't foresee this backlash, and have planned for it/expect to ride it out - but then I look at the naff branding and rash speeches and think actually they are just amateurs with no idea.

I'd be surprised if City didn't pull out of this within the next few days, which asks a lot of questions about why they allowed themselves to be pulled into this charade - they don't need the money anywhere near as much as many of the other teams involved.
They don’t care about us ‘legacy’ fans. They calculate there are hundreds of millions of potential subscribers out there and believe most of us will come around anyway.
We could be the last team to win the Champs league and the the last nail in UEFA's coffin , oh the irony.

I thought that, too. Except this: UEFA is mainly (but not entirely) constituted by the powerful clubs that stand behind it. We had been audited for several years by UEFA and our books had been found to be in order. It was only when those powerful clubs came back at UEFA to get them to go after us again that we had to stand up with our legal team to see them off.
We have just agreed to join a replacement cartel made up of many of those very clubs.

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