The Tevez argument {merged - enough threads now }

The Tevez is depressed stance is just an excuse from those wanting to be apologists for him, wake up, he doesn't give a toss for you the fans, it doesn't matter how good a player he is.

Back him with excuses all you want, but he disrespected the club, the team, the manager, and the fans.

Its not the first time, its the third, and he's had all his chances.
Cleavers I wanted him gone in the summer and don't want him near our team , I just think the guy is unstable and that it is this driving it and not some machiavellian plan. Doesn't change the fact he is history and we need rid . A serial killer needs locking up and removing from society whether sane or insane
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

cleavers said:
Its stupid in hindsight to lose so much money on him (and we haven't yet so lets see how it play out), but maybe there was a real belief that he would come back, and still play a big part for us. Nothing stupid about that.

All this about Mancini doing his best to sell him is just speculation, and its worth remembering that even from the end of the season last year, Mancini was telling everyone that would listen that he would stay, that's not the act of someone desperate to get rid.
Absolutely this. The apologists, revisionists and professors in hindsight must surely be taking the piss.<br /><br />-- Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:05 pm --<br /><br />
EalingBlue2 said:
I actually don't think he is anywhere as machivellian as everyone thinks. I think he is depressed, emotionally needy, driven by compulsion over reason and KIA is there to exploit tevez and clean up his mess. He wants out now and he wanted out the best part if a year ago because once everyone stops playing to his tune he wants out and once he wants out he starts behaving irrationally and acting in neither his or the clubs interests.

So you're agreeing he is a **** and we are best off rid.
Hopefully whilst sueing his arse off?
I don't think he's in the least bit unstable Ealing, just a bit thick, and only interested in carlos tevez. He thought he was number one at city, above everyone else other than the owner.

Hopefully he will now be blown out of the water on that score, and that our owner will fully back Mancini. If not then we will lose a very good manager, something I think Tevez has spent the last year + trying to engineer, and by defying him as he did last week he was hoping for this standoff, in the hope he would win, and Mancini would walk.

As things stand and until we know the result of the investigation, that is still a (however) small possibility, one that would cause a great deal of harm to the club.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

EalingBlue2 said:
Moomba - spot on. Mancini wanted tevez out all summer he did all he could to get a swap with eto or tout him to Corinthians. Cooks valuation stopped a deal. Mancini quite calculatedly took this opportunity to stamp his authority on the club in terms of the team and the owners - I expect Mancini is delighted tevez gave him this opportunity.

Be all and end all the club should gave put the team above a few million of FFP and got tevez to inter and taken eto

Cooks valuation had nothing to do with a deal being struck with Corinthians !!
In fact City lowered thir valuation to actually HELP Tevez.
It was nothing more than a ploy by Kia J. to move his player on to Europe,but City slapped a "non sale into Europe" as part of any potential deal !!
If he is depressed will the club still pay his two hundred and fifty grand a week wages or will he be forced to claim Statutory Sick Pay?

He could take a course on speaking English - that would lift his spirits.
Manchester City make January exit plan for rebel Tevez
By Neil Ashton
Last updated at 11:19 PM on 7th October 2011

Manchester City will demand a 20 per cent sell-on clause if Carlos Tevez is sold for a cut-price fee in January.

Officials fear top clubs will be put off by a £40million valuation and the Argentina striker's conduct in Munich, where it is alleged he refused to go on as a substitute, which he denies.

City are preparing to take a huge slice off the price tag in return for a cut of any future fee.
Can't wait for him to go sick of reading his fucking name everwhere,

Morning papers "Tevez"
Facebook "Tevez"
Twitter "Tevez"
Bluemoon "Tevez"
SkySports "Tevez"

I can't even go for a shit these days without getting a text "Apparently Tevez has an eating disorder"....... GOOD!! I hope the ugly twat chokes on a piece of chicken and dies, do the world a favour.....
"Ugly Manchester City **** Leaves Eastlands"

Today, ugly freak spotty wanker Tevez came to an agreement to part company with MCFC.

"I've loved every minuite of Manchester " said retarded spotty necked **** Tevez.

His spokesman, Kunt Faced Joorabchian said today " It's been a pleasure robbing the shit out of Manchester City but today me and clit face move on to new horizons."

" Si Roberto"

The end ......

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