The Tevez argument {merged - enough threads now }

Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Its stupid in hindsight to lose so much money on him (and we haven't yet so lets see how it play out), but maybe there was a real belief that he would come back, and still play a big part for us. Nothing stupid about that.

All this about Mancini doing his best to sell him is just speculation, and its worth remembering that even from the end of the season last year, Mancini was telling everyone that would listen that he would stay, that's not the act of someone desperate to get rid.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

If Tevez stays (and Mancini stays) , the club (and Mancini if he stays) will go a little lower in my estimations. I dont think i would be wrong in saying that this would be the case with the majority of blues.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Ragnarok said:
If Tevez stays (and Mancini stays) , the club (and Mancini if he stays) will go a little lower in my estimations. I dont think i would be wrong in saying that this would be the case with the majority of blues.
if we stays
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

Cleavers I don't think we have ever seen any evidence for club or country except maybe with Rooney and ronaldo three years ago that he has ever successfully played up front with others. For me the fact we signed Aguero and even dzeko before him speaks volumes. Yes hindsight is a great thing but I don't think it took a rocket scientist to see tevez was going to be big trouble

Tevez also wanted out and he made this very very clear many times over a long period
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

No chance that the hermanator is staying. I just hope he's goe soon and we get a decent fee
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

EalingBlue2 said:
Tevez also wanted out and he made this very very clear many times over a long period
problem with tenses here - Tevez wants out - that's why he did what he did in Munich and why he has done what he has done over the last two years. All just part of his & weaselsnake's gameplan.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

I actually don't think he is anywhere as machivellian as everyone thinks. I think he is depressed, emotionally needy, driven by compulsion over reason and KIA is there to exploit tevez and clean up his mess. He wants out now and he wanted out the best part if a year ago because once everyone stops playing to his tune he wants out and once he wants out he starts behaving irrationally and acting in neither his or the clubs interests.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

i found it funny
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

EalingBlue2 said:
Prestwich we are going to be considerably worse off because of what has happened my point is not th FFP doesn't matter but that the judgement we made here was wrong. FFP also depends on how well we do as a team now as well and a bad apple kept to get a better fee could cost us the title so close is the margin.

As it is we will now be lucky to get 20m and we will have paid him 5m in wages we could gave saved . That is what is stupid!
The calculation for FFP is going to be a very delicate one for this financial year (and this one only) as we have the ability to exclude all wages for players in contract prior to June 1st 2010 but only if that makes the difference between us breaking even and not doing so. This financial year is particularly important as it will cover us for the first two monitoring periods but after that I believe we should be in a similar financial position to Arsenal and be able to meet FFPR in the normal way. So we absolutely have to get this year right financially whatever Mancini wants or doesn't want.

The cash for Tevez's wages is simply not relevant as that is not the issue; it's been guaranteed by the owner. As he signed his contract before 1/6/2010, his wages can be excluded from the FFP calculation so he, along with other players signed before then that have not renegotiated contracts, represents a nil cost meaning we don't actually "save" anything this financial year.

As for selling him I reckon his current net book value is £25m whereas at the end of this season it will be £16.5m. If we loan him out for the season and sell him at the end, getting £30m will give us a decent profit. If he has a good season at whatever club he goes to then this should be achievable. Selling him now for £20m gives us a loss and that loss might mean we won't be able to use the transitional relief for excluding wages. Plus we can also exclude his amortisation charge if he's on loan, adding another £8m to the bottom line for hte FFP calculation.
Re: The Tevez argument/Cheeseman {merged - enough threads now }

EalingBlue2 said:
I think he is depressed......
Tevez was not 'depressed' during or after the Munich game.

There have been plenty of shots / videos of Tevez laughing and joking. SkySportsNews have very pointedly shown some of these this morning. Also the journalist reviewing today's newspapers alluded to Tevez's behaviour on the flight home in the presence of journalists. The day after the game, Daniel Taylor wrote:

It was getting on for 1am when they started to board flight BD1858 at Munich airport. Micah Richards and Joleon Lescott played Scrabble on an iPad. For Gareth Barry and James Milner, the game of choice was Yahtzee. Most of the players, though, sat in silence, contemplating what had just happened and what it meant. In his usual position – front row, window seat – Roberto Mancini's face said one thing: "Leave well alone."

As the journalists filed past, Carlos Tevez probably didn't pick the wisest moment to be sharing a joke with Pablo Zabaleta, tipping back his head with laughter, animated, seemingly without a care in the world.

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