The "this country has gone to the dogs" thread

ElanJo said:
Matty said:
Even if we could (and the convoluted scenario that would be required to reach that target is so ridiculous as to make it as good as impossible) that would just end anthropogenic warming, does it matter whether the World is warming up through mans actions or through natural climate change, either way it's getting warmer.

The changes man would have to implement in order to end anthropogenic warming would be astronomical, and it would take cooperation and collaboration on a Worldwide scale that had never before been seen. Do you really think the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Iranians, the British, the Americans, the French etc etc etc are all going to agree to implement drastic changes that would affect the lives of billions of people? These countries will never agree on anything, let alone something of this magnitude.

Well, yes, it would just end anthropogenic warming, that was the subject matter...
Whether or not the globe is warming because of human action or through natural occurrences (in reality it is both) is quite important when a few degrees of change can have quite drastic effects.

Perhaps you're right that it's a nigh on impossible task but all I was saying was that human beings have the power to be able to lessen our impact (and eventually have no impact at all) on the climate.

ok here we go, it takes me to deal with the worlds enviromental issues does it. right! heres how we stop it! were gonna forget anyone has ever mentioned it.
let's all just forget the phrase 'climate change' exists and you see!? not a problem now.

i'll be doing a book signing at WHSmiths after i pick up my nobel prize next week, autographs £4, photo's a tenner

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