The "this country has gone to the dogs" thread

leruzin said:
I've been out of work for just over one month now,and thought that finding a job wouldn't be that hard !! F*ck me how wrong was I !! I had worked at one company for 19 years and had worked my way up to a good managerial role. Sadly the company got into financial trouble and things started to go wrong,so as it was a small business in the middle of a recession looked to the government for help. Sadly nothing happened and now 25 people are just another statistic . Some of the people I worked with I had spent more time with them than my own family!!

I now have to sign on while I look for work and have to say I feel ashamed about it.the whole this has affected me and my family in a huge way but just have to keep looking for work!! To say the country is going to the dogs is a bit harsh but my total outlook on the people who run it have totally changed !!

I know a lot of people in the same boat mate. And I know full well how little there is out there, and how demoralising it can be. The people I work alongside at the moment are being totally screwed over by their employers, using the recession as an excuse to freeze their pay, they've stopped paying overtime, but still insist on the staff working overtime for NO PAY. In order to save the company. It's so exploitative it's laughable. But the staff are so fearful of the alternative - so they accept it begrudgingly.
Things will get better though. Good luck, hope you find something soon.
Swales lives said:
leruzin said:
I've been out of work for just over one month now,and thought that finding a job wouldn't be that hard !! F*ck me how wrong was I !! I had worked at one company for 19 years and had worked my way up to a good managerial role. Sadly the company got into financial trouble and things started to go wrong,so as it was a small business in the middle of a recession looked to the government for help. Sadly nothing happened and now 25 people are just another statistic . Some of the people I worked with I had spent more time with them than my own family!!

I now have to sign on while I look for work and have to say I feel ashamed about it.the whole this has affected me and my family in a huge way but just have to keep looking for work!! To say the country is going to the dogs is a bit harsh but my total outlook on the people who run it have totally changed !!

I know a lot of people in the same boat mate. And I know full well how little there is out there, and how demoralising it can be. The people I work alongside at the moment are being totally screwed over by their employers, using the recession as an excuse to freeze their pay, they've stopped paying overtime, but still insist on the staff working overtime for NO PAY. In order to save the company. It's so exploitative it's laughable. But the staff are so fearful of the alternative - so they accept it begrudgingly.
Things will get better though. Good luck, hope you find something soon.
And when things do get better, and it becomes and employees market not an employers (this will happen at some point, these things are cyclical) I'd hope those employees tell the company to get fucked and jump ship to someone else. Employers fail to realise that the balance of power shifts over time, they'll get hit hard at some point for the way they treat employees in an environment like the current one.
crizack said:
ElanJo said:
On par with Hitler? Slight overstatement there man.

Can you link me to your peer reviewed paper please, I'd like some more details. Thanks ;)

So your implying global warming can stop? sounds like some stupid student comment to be honest. it's obvious that as time progresses, the more man made fuel will be used, from day one man has had an affect on the pollution of the earth, like me...with my greggs wrappers.

the carbon footprint (o-zone layer shite) is really a cop out for the UN charging the worlds inhabitants for breathing fresh air.

The definition of global warming means that, yes, we can stop it.
ElanJo said:
crizack said:
So your implying global warming can stop? sounds like some stupid student comment to be honest. it's obvious that as time progresses, the more man made fuel will be used, from day one man has had an affect on the pollution of the earth, like me...with my greggs wrappers.

the carbon footprint (o-zone layer shite) is really a cop out for the UN charging the worlds inhabitants for breathing fresh air.

The definition of global warming means that, yes, we can stop it.

No, we can't. We can decrease the rate of warming and, at the absolute best, we can remove man's influence on global warming, but we can't prevent it, cease it or reverse it. The reason there are still glaciers on the planet, albeit rapidly shrinking ones, is because the world is still emerging from an ice age. If man had never existed and this planet filled with wild animals roaming, forest everywhere etc the globe would still be warming. It's done so in the past and, until the Sun burns out and the planet dies, it will do so in the future. The most recent ice age is just that, the most recent one. The globe went throufh previous ice ages, it froze up, then it warmed up, then it froze up again. At some point in the distant future there will be a pivotal point where the warming ends and the cooling begins once again, it's inevitable and unavoidable, just like the current warming. I'm not saying we should just sit back and allow the Globe to warm up as quickly as it currently is, but to suggest we can stop it completely is inaccurate.
In my opinion, it's not the country thats gone to the dogs, it's the people (well a section of the population anyway).

Every time i open the paper there's a picture of some identikit scroat who's been found guilty of;

a. beating up a deer ( a deer ffs ) that was unfortunate enough to wander onto an estate... the deer was beaten to death.
b. Knocking off someone's car door mirror for no obvious reason and then when challenged by the owner of the car, the scroat then proceeded to hit the owner over the head with a baseball bat, with such force that the bat broke in two.
c. shooting a neighbours cat with a crossbow.
d. attacking an old lady for the £3.13 in her purse.
e. etc
f. etc
g. etc

Where has this lack of respect come from? How can some people think that this type of behaviour is acceptable? It beggars belief that people can live in this way.

And what do these rats get in return? A suspended sentence, and 200 hours community service. What sort of deterrent is that?!
Matty said:
ElanJo said:
The definition of global warming means that, yes, we can stop it.

No, we can't. We can decrease the rate of warming and, at the absolute best, we can remove man's influence on global warming, but we can't prevent it, cease it or reverse it. The reason there are still glaciers on the planet, albeit rapidly shrinking ones, is because the world is still emerging from an ice age. If man had never existed and this planet filled with wild animals roaming, forest everywhere etc the globe would still be warming. It's done so in the past and, until the Sun burns out and the planet dies, it will do so in the future. The most recent ice age is just that, the most recent one. The globe went throufh previous ice ages, it froze up, then it warmed up, then it froze up again. At some point in the distant future there will be a pivotal point where the warming ends and the cooling begins once again, it's inevitable and unavoidable, just like the current warming. I'm not saying we should just sit back and allow the Globe to warm up as quickly as it currently is, but to suggest we can stop it completely is inaccurate.

We' were talking about anthropogenic warming, not merely climate change. So, yes, we can stop it.
ElanJo said:
Matty said:
No, we can't. We can decrease the rate of warming and, at the absolute best, we can remove man's influence on global warming, but we can't prevent it, cease it or reverse it. The reason there are still glaciers on the planet, albeit rapidly shrinking ones, is because the world is still emerging from an ice age. If man had never existed and this planet filled with wild animals roaming, forest everywhere etc the globe would still be warming. It's done so in the past and, until the Sun burns out and the planet dies, it will do so in the future. The most recent ice age is just that, the most recent one. The globe went throufh previous ice ages, it froze up, then it warmed up, then it froze up again. At some point in the distant future there will be a pivotal point where the warming ends and the cooling begins once again, it's inevitable and unavoidable, just like the current warming. I'm not saying we should just sit back and allow the Globe to warm up as quickly as it currently is, but to suggest we can stop it completely is inaccurate.

We' were talking about anthropogenic warming, not merely climate change. So, yes, we can stop it.
Even if we could (and the convoluted scenario that would be required to reach that target is so ridiculous as to make it as good as impossible) that would just end anthropogenic warming, does it matter whether the World is warming up through mans actions or through natural climate change, either way it's getting warmer.

The changes man would have to implement in order to end anthropogenic warming would be astronomical, and it would take cooperation and collaboration on a Worldwide scale that had never before been seen. Do you really think the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Iranians, the British, the Americans, the French etc etc etc are all going to agree to implement drastic changes that would affect the lives of billions of people? These countries will never agree on anything, let alone something of this magnitude.
Matty said:
ElanJo said:
We' were talking about anthropogenic warming, not merely climate change. So, yes, we can stop it.
Even if we could (and the convoluted scenario that would be required to reach that target is so ridiculous as to make it as good as impossible) that would just end anthropogenic warming, does it matter whether the World is warming up through mans actions or through natural climate change, either way it's getting warmer.

The changes man would have to implement in order to end anthropogenic warming would be astronomical, and it would take cooperation and collaboration on a Worldwide scale that had never before been seen. Do you really think the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Iranians, the British, the Americans, the French etc etc etc are all going to agree to implement drastic changes that would affect the lives of billions of people? These countries will never agree on anything, let alone something of this magnitude.
That's what I was going to say!!
Matty said:
ElanJo said:
We' were talking about anthropogenic warming, not merely climate change. So, yes, we can stop it.
Even if we could (and the convoluted scenario that would be required to reach that target is so ridiculous as to make it as good as impossible) that would just end anthropogenic warming, does it matter whether the World is warming up through mans actions or through natural climate change, either way it's getting warmer.

The changes man would have to implement in order to end anthropogenic warming would be astronomical, and it would take cooperation and collaboration on a Worldwide scale that had never before been seen. Do you really think the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Iranians, the British, the Americans, the French etc etc etc are all going to agree to implement drastic changes that would affect the lives of billions of people? These countries will never agree on anything, let alone something of this magnitude.

Well, yes, it would just end anthropogenic warming, that was the subject matter...
Whether or not the globe is warming because of human action or through natural occurrences (in reality it is both) is quite important when a few degrees of change can have quite drastic effects.

Perhaps you're right that it's a nigh on impossible task but all I was saying was that human beings have the power to be able to lessen our impact (and eventually have no impact at all) on the climate.

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