The Title Race - 2021/22

  • Thread starter Deleted member 81382
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It shouldn’t have got to this point. Tossing away 5 points to Southampton and Spurs has let the Scouser back into the title race.
If City had won those 2 games, City would be 8 points clear still. Regardless of what the Scousers do, we’ll only have ourselves to blame if we lose the title to the scousers after being so far in-front of them.
It shouldn’t have got to this point. Tossing away 5 points to Southampton and Spurs has let the Scouser back into the title race.
If City had won those 2 games, City would be 8 points clear still. Regardless of what the Scousers do, we’ll only have ourselves to blame if we lose the title to the scousers after being so far in-front of them.
Plus getting beat by palace at home
dont want it to go to last round with us needing a win against Gerrard's Villa. fuck the media would celebrate Gerrard if they get anything out of that and give the title to Pool.

for us next three is crucial, Everton away, United home and Palace away, Vieira is a tough bastard, he outfoxed Pep big time a the Etihad and imo can surprise us again if we are not careful enough. Rangnick will happily sit back and counter us, which we can struggle if we cannot run away with it early on and miss chances while they score from 2 chances. Everton is tricky because no one knows what Lampard will turn up with. hopefully not much..
dont want it to go to last round with us needing a win against Gerrard's Villa. fuck the media would celebrate Gerrard if they get anything out of that and give the title to Pool.

for us next three is crucial, Everton away, United home and Palace away, Vieira is a tough bastard, he outfoxed Pep big time a the Etihad and imo can surprise us again if we are not careful enough. Rangnick will happily sit back and counter us, which we can struggle if we cannot run away with it early on and miss chances while they score from 2 chances. Everton is tricky because no one knows what Lampard will turn up with. hopefully not much...
He didn’t master plan it against us

we gifted them a goal and Laporte gifted them the opportunity to play against 10 for 45 minutes
Time for the team to stand up and be counted , starting at Everton.

This team has proved it can put runs together when necessary and a win on Saturday is just what is needed.
They had missteps that gave City an advantage. City, unfortunately, gave it back. After a series of mistakes from both, City are still one step ahead, which isn't nothing. The heart rate-raising slog to the end of the season I would have preferred to do without. The players have been calm in previous seasons, so hopefully they are the same as a brand new season of three months has just begun.
It shouldn’t have got to this point. Tossing away 5 points to Southampton and Spurs has let the Scouser back into the title race.
If City had won those 2 games, City would be 8 points clear still. Regardless of what the Scousers do, we’ll only have ourselves to blame if we lose the title to the scousers after being so far in-front of them.
If if and if they could also say if we would have won at Chelsea after being 2 up and not lost at Leicester after missing a penalty.All in the past move on.
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