The truth about FC United and Manchester City Council

Mad Eyed Screamer

26 Nov 2010
Did I mention I'd been on Eggheads?
I know there are other threads about FCUM on Bluemoon, but after reading this link below in today's MEN, I feel (as someone who has campaigned against the proposals for the past 6 months) that it warrents another thread (rather than attached to an old one).
To reiterate, I am not against FCUM being in Moston - I am against any development on precious green space in Moston - an area where there is very limited green space. This development on this site is just so inappropriate.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... reen-light</a>

Manchester city council's involvement in this proposal has been nothing short of disgraceful.

They have given FOR FREE a piece of green land and a share of £700,000 to a semi professional football club.
Imagine you are a business wanting to start up in the Manchester area. Would the council GIVE you for FREE, land to build your business on AND a share of £700,000 of tax payers money to pay for legal fees and other associated costs to help you win planning permission to enable you to start your business up?

This, at the same time across the city, that services to the elderly, youths and children have been slashed and in some instances cut completely? Bins being collected fortnightly?

Of the three local councillors (all Labour) in Moston (Cooper, Murphy and Tavenor) - only the former (Henry Cooper) comes out with any credit in terms of supporting the views of the majority of local people and opposing this development.
Cllr Murphy was in the MEN in the spring, campaigning to save Carroll's Field (at the back of his house) when the electricty board tried to build a sub station on the fields. Last week he was in the local paper declaring his support for plans around improving the quality of water flowing through Moston Brook. Such green credentials.......
Yet he is happy to see one of the few green areas of Moston concreted over and lost forever in the name of a 5,000 capacity stadium and car park being built on a green field. For those who don't know, the field isn't behind Cllr Murphy's house....

Cllr Tavenor..... has kept her silence throughout the past 6 months and then came out in favour of the proposal. When I asked why this was the case she refused to email me any further.
Her husband is Peter Tavenor. He is the Principle at Manchester College. Manchester College has employed Karl Marginson as ''Head Of Coaching''. Karl Marginson is also the manager at FCUM. The College and FCUM also have other partnerships in delivering services to students.
I have no issue with Karl Marginson being employed by the College, nor the college and FCUM running projects together. However I do have an issue with one of my local councillors not declaring this conflict of issues when declaring her support for this development. Has Cllr Tavenor's decision been taken with her local constituents in mind or her own personal family connections in mind?

Now we find, that a whole week before the planning committee is due to meet, the local newspaper has informed local Mostonians that the whole proposal is a done deal. Surely this has prejudiced the planning departments decision? How can Mostonians going along to object to this proposal, attend the meeting thinking that they are being given a fair and democratic chance at succeeding?

To recap..... Manchester city council has offered the green land to FCUM for NO COST as well as a share of £700,000 of COUNCIL TAX PAYERS MONEY to develop their plans. £200,000 of that has been set aside to prepare the planning application, including legal fees..... (LOCAL PEOPLE HAVE HAD TO FUNDRAISE TO PAY FOR THEIR OWN LEGAL ADVICE.)

So is the Planning Department of Manchester city council really going to view this proposal objectively and consider local people's concerns seriously?
Or are they going to simply toe the Labour Party line and rubber stamp the issue - informing a local journalist of their decision a week before the actual meeting takes place???

Manchester city council - a Labour council working in a democratic way. Dont make me fucking laugh.
This development being for a semi pro club called FC UNITED of Manchester-that was not the main part of your objection-give over.

If MCC and Gary Cook had not knocked back the TAL plans then we would not be where we are-oh and the MEN are a law unto themselves -always have been. This is not a done deal and no one with red inclinations is taking anything for granted as planning was granted for the previous plans and money and politics knocked those into a tin hat!

FCUM will be sensitive and responsible if we ever move to Moston but until the whistle is blown at the first match-no one from the club will actually believe this will happen.
all local business should do what spurs did
and challenge it in the high court, they would no dout
politico said:
This development being for a semi pro club called FC UNITED of Manchester-that was not the main part of your objection-give over.

If MCC and Gary Cook had not knocked back the TAL plans then we would not be where we are-oh and the MEN are a law unto themselves -always have been. This is not a done deal and no one with red inclinations is taking anything for granted as planning was granted for the previous plans and money and politics knocked those into a tin hat!

FCUM will be sensitive and responsible if we ever move to Moston but until the whistle is blown at the first match-no one from the club will actually believe this will happen.

So what exactly was / is the main part of my objection?
Local people don't want anything built on the land. The land was a gift to the people of Moston / Manchester and given to the council (or the Corporation as it was back then) to take care of and maintain it as a green space for all to enjoy.

The council illegally fenced the area off four years ago. Now they have used the fact that as no one has had access to the area for that length of time (except Moston Juniors FC) as an excuse for taking it away completely.
FCUM head honchos may well say they will be ''sensitive and responsible''. But what if they are not? Too late then, isn't it.

Our legal man has a few surprises up his sleeve. But there's no way the council will have put in so much time and effort into this to have their own councillors scupper the plan. You know it and I know it.
Prestwich_Blue said:
I thought the Charity Commission had the final say in the matter?

Well so did we..... but it emerged this week that the land is not under the Charity Commissions remit after all......... took them over 6 months to find out..... coincidently a week before the planning meeting.....

The whole thing stinks
at least the scum will be away from Bury and I will no longer have to read stuff about them in the Bury Times
Once again someone is telling porkies.....
Manchester city council this week said that the land does not fall under a charitable trust.....
we contacted the Charity Commission for confirmation of this and received the following

Ronald Johnson Playing Fields / Broadhurst Park Manchester
Thank you for your response.
Please note that we have had contact with the Council regarding this proposal. However only on receipt of further information from the council will we be in a position to determine if the land is indeed charitable and consequently whether there is any role for The Commission to play. Whether this land is held for charitable purposes rather than the statutory purposes of the council is complex.
Please note that we can only consider issues that relate to the charitable use of the land, ie how its purposes are carried out. We do not consider planning issues, or matters such as the impact of noise, nuisance, or traffic on residents, as these are not covered by charity law.
We are now aware that the Indenture was entered in the Supreme Court Enrolment books on 15 September 1920. However this fact alone does not determine that the land described in the indenture is charitable.
As we are still unable to comment further on the proposals, I would suggest that if you wish to pursue your objection to the plan that you need to contact Manchester City Council once again.
I hope this is of some assistance
Yours sincerely
Charity Commission Direct

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