The truth about FC United and Manchester City Council

Manchester Evening News said:
Opponents to FC United stadium in Moston suffer setback in 'charitable land' ruling

Pamela Welsh
November 01, 2011

Charity bosses will not try to stop plans to build a new stadium for FC United.

Town hall planners gave the green light last week for the club to build a 5,000-seat ground on playing fields in Moston.

Neighbours fighting the development were pinning their hopes on an appeal to the Charity Commission, in the hope it would recognise the ground’s historic covenant.

But lawyers for the independent commission have now ruled the Ronald Johnson Playing Fields is NOT charitable land.

The decision paves the way for the club to build the £3.5m stadium at the ground.

Campaigners maintain the proposed site is protected by an historic agreement and was given to residents for ‘leisure’ purposes in memory of heroes who died during the First World War.

But the Charity Commission said it did not believe the land met the description

A spokesman said: “Based on the information provided to us by the council and numerous members of the public, our initial view regarding the land was that it did not appear to be held on charitable trusts.

“However, this was a question for the council to consider and satisfy themselves on, based on their legal advice.

“We have since been informed that the council is satisfied that the land is not held on charitable trusts, therefore the land does not fall within our jurisdiction and there is no regulatory role for the Commission regarding its use.”

Bob Hill, chair of the residents association in Moston which is fighting the plan, said it would be seeking further legal advice.

He said: “Our chief concern has always been the loss of a much loved open green space in Moston. No attempt has ever been made to investigate a brown field site for this purpose of which there are many.

“We will of course be speaking to our legal people regarding this and other matters.”

But club officials welcomed the ruling. Andy Walsh, general manager of FC United, said: “Thursday’s planning decision was a great step forward for us. “We are aware that there are a number of covenants on the land but we believe that our plans satisfy those covenants and we are working with Manchester council to be able to do that.”

FC United, who currently play at Bury’s Gigg Lane, will now wait for a decision from Manchester council’s executive on unlocking the £750,000 funding needed to build the stadium. Council planners approved the scheme after visiting the site last week.

The club says it hopes to complete the stadium for the start of the 2012/13 football season.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... and-ruling</a>
Let's bust a few myths eh?

Moston - an area where there is very limited green space.
Hmm. Broadhurst Park, Broadhurst Fields, Nuthurst Park, Boggart Hole Clough? Look at Moston on Google Maps. Then make your own decision about how lacking Moston is in Green spaces.

Imagine you are a business wanting to start up in the Manchester area. Would the council GIVE you for FREE, land to build your business on AND a share of £700,000 of tax payers money YADDA YADDA YADDA...
Yeah, councils and governments never give tax inducements, or sweeteners to businesses wanting to start up in relatively deprived areas do they?

In February 1984, Nissan and the Government signed an agreement to build a car plant in the UK. The following month, a 799-acre (3.23 km2) greenfield site in Washington, Tyne and Wear, was chosen. As an incentive, the land was offered to Nissan at agricultural prices; around £1,800 per acre.

Here's a few more:, Mining and Energy

Click the recipients links for many, many more. But of course this never happens according to the OP.

This, at the same time across the city, that services to the elderly, youths and children have been slashed and in some instances cut completely? Bins being collected fortnightly?

This money has already been allocated. The council has saved money by proposing a merger of the two schemes (Ten Acres and Broadhurst Park)

Of the three local councillors (all Labour) in Moston (Cooper, Murphy and Tavenor) - only the former (Henry Cooper) comes out with any credit in terms of supporting the views of the majority of local people and opposing this development.
This is funny on two levels. If you've ever met Cllr Cooper, you'll know he probably has this framed on his wall now. He is, how to be diplomatic, not very good. He also loses some credit when he asked the canvassing to be held off until after the elections to avoid political fall out, but then gave information to his wife (a leading 'light' in the vitriolic No Campaign). And secondly, the views of the majority? As somebody who went canvassing and delivering leaflets I can confirm that the overwhelming majority of people were wholeheartedly in favour of the ground being built.

Manchester city council has offered ... a share of £700,000 of COUNCIL TAX PAYERS MONEY to develop their plans. £200,000 of that has been set aside to prepare the planning application, including legal fees.....
The £200,000 is the money FC United spent on the planning and associated fees to get Ten Acres Lane developed. Stopped by the council, refunded by the council. C'est un problem? Non.

all local business should do what spurs did and challenge it in the high court, they would no dout win
I spoke to many local businesses and they are all for the new influx of money and custom. You don't have your own business do you treasure?

Local people don't want anything built on the land.

You've asked them have you? The people of Bost, I mean Moston who you speak for? I rather think you haven't.

The council illegally fenced the area off four years ago. Now they have used the fact that as no one has had access to the area for that length of time (except Moston Juniors FC) as an excuse for taking it away completely.
I refer the honourable gentleman to the following:

With particular reference to the item at the bottom of page 5, number 21 under Planning History.
Erection of 2.4m green powder coated weld mesh fencing and gates to the perimeter of Ronald Johnson Playing Fields. Approved 29th September 2005

I remember this being in the news and papers and wholeheartedly agreed with it. The green spaces you vaunt so often of and the Moston people's love of them was sadly not in evidence when they continually allowed their dogs to shit all over the pitches the kids used. Indeed, such is there love of letting their dogs shit all over said green spaces, even today, the fence is breached so they can defile the pitches as in days of old.
Did you object to the planning permission for the fence? Did you mount such a vigorous case to save the dwindling green spaces? You being such a champion of Moston. Why not I wonder? Hmmmmmmm.

FCUM are very keen on saying ''we will only be playing 20 odd games a year'', which is correct.
What they are not saying is the club house will be open every night for social functions (weddings / birthday parties / whatever anyone wants it for parties / games on TV etc) so you have the comings and goings there each night, as well as there being an artificial pitch with floodlights in use every night, so added cars coming and going and associated noise.

How did we cope when Ferranti employed thousands of people who came and went every day? Or Moston Malleable Castings? Or O'Sullivans yard? Or the Pallet yard in the old school? All bustling businesses all on St. Mary's Rd. Are you really from Moston? I find it a touch improbable.

Many people chose to live in that area because the land opposite was green (and they thought protected by a covenant) and they could have (in general) a quieter life.
Sweet baby Jesus and the orphans. You should go on the stage! Yeah, loads of people went looking for idyllic, tranquil spots, that also had covenanted land opposite their new houses and plumped for Moston, a working class suburb of North Manchester on a main road between Oldham Road and Broadway, two of the cities busiest roads. You lemon.

Because the land was sold with the intentions that the Corporation (as the Council was at the time) would keep it open and for use of recreation for the citizens of Moston / Manchester - hence the covenant.
It wasn't sold, it was given to the council to maintain.

What are the opposition doing in response? I'd be more than happy to lend my services in any way.
Don't worry about it Treacle. The poster from Boston USA doesn't want input from non Mostonians, and Tameside is too far away...

My dealings with the people against this ground have lead me to wonder at their sanity. The screaming and vile threats and lies spewed at people have been something to behold. Their lack of dignity when the planning application was approved was tame in comparision, but you can see it here at the end of this film:

The consultation meetings around Moston were picketed by these and their kidney and were subjecting children and the elderly to intimidation and forcing them to sign petitions before the meetings explaining the proposed plans. Meetings where they were more than welcome to question and turn opinion with reasoned debate, but instead reverted to shouting and abuse.
Before you immediately side with these people, try and find the facts yourself eh? There's so much nonsense in this thread it's almost unbelievable. Please don't let your football team be the guiding light in everything you decide to support. And whisper this, but the leading personality in the Yes Group is a City fan. Yes, a resident of St. Mary's Rd (as too am I) and Blue is wholeheartedly behind the building of this ground for the tremendous benefits it'll bring to my road, Moston, Manchester and beyond.

I bid you good night. Please don't run away with the league too early.
Mostonian said:
I bid you good night. Please don't run away with the league too early.
Being what you are i'm surprised you care or are you like the rest just a Bill Gates away from being one big happy horrible family again.
As for your ground i warned very early that consultation must NOT be entered into.
As is your right you used shed loads of money to push through what you wanted,hey i've just had a thought you will be able to call yourselves fc united of Moston out of respect for Mostonians like big brother from Stretford,wha?!!!!!
Mostonian said:
Let's bust a few myths eh?

Moston - an area where there is very limited green space.
Hmm. Broadhurst Park, Broadhurst Fields, Nuthurst Park, Boggart Hole Clough? Look at Moston on Google Maps. Then make your own decision about how lacking Moston is in Green spaces.

Imagine you are a business wanting to start up in the Manchester area. Would the council GIVE you for FREE, land to build your business on AND a share of £700,000 of tax payers money YADDA YADDA YADDA...
Yeah, councils and governments never give tax inducements, or sweeteners to businesses wanting to start up in relatively deprived areas do they?

In February 1984, Nissan and the Government signed an agreement to build a car plant in the UK. The following month, a 799-acre (3.23 km2) greenfield site in Washington, Tyne and Wear, was chosen. As an incentive, the land was offered to Nissan at agricultural prices; around £1,800 per acre.

Here's a few more:, Mining and Energy

Click the recipients links for many, many more. But of course this never happens according to the OP.

This, at the same time across the city, that services to the elderly, youths and children have been slashed and in some instances cut completely? Bins being collected fortnightly?

This money has already been allocated. The council has saved money by proposing a merger of the two schemes (Ten Acres and Broadhurst Park)

Of the three local councillors (all Labour) in Moston (Cooper, Murphy and Tavenor) - only the former (Henry Cooper) comes out with any credit in terms of supporting the views of the majority of local people and opposing this development.
This is funny on two levels. If you've ever met Cllr Cooper, you'll know he probably has this framed on his wall now. He is, how to be diplomatic, not very good. He also loses some credit when he asked the canvassing to be held off until after the elections to avoid political fall out, but then gave information to his wife (a leading 'light' in the vitriolic No Campaign). And secondly, the views of the majority? As somebody who went canvassing and delivering leaflets I can confirm that the overwhelming majority of people were wholeheartedly in favour of the ground being built.

Manchester city council has offered ... a share of £700,000 of COUNCIL TAX PAYERS MONEY to develop their plans. £200,000 of that has been set aside to prepare the planning application, including legal fees.....
The £200,000 is the money FC United spent on the planning and associated fees to get Ten Acres Lane developed. Stopped by the council, refunded by the council. C'est un problem? Non.

all local business should do what spurs did and challenge it in the high court, they would no dout win
I spoke to many local businesses and they are all for the new influx of money and custom. You don't have your own business do you treasure?

Local people don't want anything built on the land.

You've asked them have you? The people of Bost, I mean Moston who you speak for? I rather think you haven't.

The council illegally fenced the area off four years ago. Now they have used the fact that as no one has had access to the area for that length of time (except Moston Juniors FC) as an excuse for taking it away completely.
I refer the honourable gentleman to the following:

With particular reference to the item at the bottom of page 5, number 21 under Planning History.
Erection of 2.4m green powder coated weld mesh fencing and gates to the perimeter of Ronald Johnson Playing Fields. Approved 29th September 2005

I remember this being in the news and papers and wholeheartedly agreed with it. The green spaces you vaunt so often of and the Moston people's love of them was sadly not in evidence when they continually allowed their dogs to shit all over the pitches the kids used. Indeed, such is there love of letting their dogs shit all over said green spaces, even today, the fence is breached so they can defile the pitches as in days of old.
Did you object to the planning permission for the fence? Did you mount such a vigorous case to save the dwindling green spaces? You being such a champion of Moston. Why not I wonder? Hmmmmmmm.

FCUM are very keen on saying ''we will only be playing 20 odd games a year'', which is correct.
What they are not saying is the club house will be open every night for social functions (weddings / birthday parties / whatever anyone wants it for parties / games on TV etc) so you have the comings and goings there each night, as well as there being an artificial pitch with floodlights in use every night, so added cars coming and going and associated noise.

How did we cope when Ferranti employed thousands of people who came and went every day? Or Moston Malleable Castings? Or O'Sullivans yard? Or the Pallet yard in the old school? All bustling businesses all on St. Mary's Rd. Are you really from Moston? I find it a touch improbable.

Many people chose to live in that area because the land opposite was green (and they thought protected by a covenant) and they could have (in general) a quieter life.
Sweet baby Jesus and the orphans. You should go on the stage! Yeah, loads of people went looking for idyllic, tranquil spots, that also had covenanted land opposite their new houses and plumped for Moston, a working class suburb of North Manchester on a main road between Oldham Road and Broadway, two of the cities busiest roads. You lemon.

Because the land was sold with the intentions that the Corporation (as the Council was at the time) would keep it open and for use of recreation for the citizens of Moston / Manchester - hence the covenant.
It wasn't sold, it was given to the council to maintain.

What are the opposition doing in response? I'd be more than happy to lend my services in any way.
Don't worry about it Treacle. The poster from Boston USA doesn't want input from non Mostonians, and Tameside is too far away...

My dealings with the people against this ground have lead me to wonder at their sanity. The screaming and vile threats and lies spewed at people have been something to behold. Their lack of dignity when the planning application was approved was tame in comparision, but you can see it here at the end of this film:

The consultation meetings around Moston were picketed by these and their kidney and were subjecting children and the elderly to intimidation and forcing them to sign petitions before the meetings explaining the proposed plans. Meetings where they were more than welcome to question and turn opinion with reasoned debate, but instead reverted to shouting and abuse.
Before you immediately side with these people, try and find the facts yourself eh? There's so much nonsense in this thread it's almost unbelievable. Please don't let your football team be the guiding light in everything you decide to support. And whisper this, but the leading personality in the Yes Group is a City fan. Yes, a resident of St. Mary's Rd (as too am I) and Blue is wholeheartedly behind the building of this ground for the tremendous benefits it'll bring to my road, Moston, Manchester and beyond.

I bid you good night. Please don't run away with the league too early.

Firstly, Broadhurst Park / Fields / Nuthurst Park are pretty much the same.... (seperated by Lightbowne Road, but by naming all three makes it sound a lot better for your objectives. Boggart Hole Clough is officially in Blackley.

Secondly, yes Nissan received government funding - but in return how many hundreds of people gained employment, paid taxes, didnt claim benefits as a result? The goverment got their money back. Will Manchester city council get any money back from this project? Once built (by local unemployed Mostonians??? - doubt it) there will be how many people employed? A groundsman, cleaner and a few people pulling pints part time in the club house.
And then there is a replacement of jobs.... so someone local books a wedding party at the club house, rather than at the White Gate or Moston Labour club.... or councillors hold their weekly surguries at the stadium, rather than at Moston Lane Methodist church. The church currently gets £25 for the hour. £100 a month. £1200 a year. So FCUM get the £1200 not the church. The church then may struggle financially without that for the year. But dont let that worry you, as long as you have your precious football stadium, why would you bother about the (maybe) non football loving locals having their local amenities cut due to a funding drop caused by FCUM being in the area.

I note you are keen on rubbishing Cllr Cooper yet make NO reference to the allegations that Cllr Tavenor had more than a vested interest (let me repeat them for you....her husband is the Principal at Manchester College... the college employs FCUM's manager.... and has other link ups with FCUM. How do we trust that Cllr Tavenor's decision to back this project was not taken in the bedroom?

The leading personality in the YES group??? The bloke who started it lives in Grantham, Lincolnshire!!

You waffle about Ferranti etc etc and yes they had their own car park for staff and was set back off St Mary's Road. (I lived in Doulton Street, nearby 20 years ago). You seem to have an issue with me now living in Boston, I left Moston just 6 weeks ago.... I also support the saving of the Brazillian rain forests but have never been to Brazil......
I also went along the length of the Fairway one night with others and only came across 2 people in favour, the rest (like they did when Oldham Athletic tried to build at the back of Fairway at the Lancaster Club) were against it.

I wasnt happy about the field being fenced off but could understand why it was. there is a slight difference between a field being fenced off to allow kids to play football and a 5000 capacity stadium being built on the land..... talking of which..... read this one.....


Then in 1920 Moston got it’s own park.
In a letter dated 2nd June 1919, Sir Edward Tootal Broadhurst made a gift of some eighty acres of land in Moston, to Manchester Corporation.
The letter addressed to Alderman Fox, Chairman of the Park Committee. It reads as follows.
As a thanks offering for the victory of the allies in the winning of Manchester men and women also having played such a glorious part; and in gratitude for all that Manchester has done for me, I beg to offer to the Corporation a small piece of property in Moston for the purposes of playing grounds and fields, and a park for the people.
The property lies between St.Mary’s Road, Nuthurst Road, Moston Lane and the cemetery, and a dingle, and some eighty acres in extent.
I purposely place the playing grounds and fields before the park, as I wish these to be the main purpose of the ground, rather than a laid park, although some of the ground at the lower end being undulating, will be more suitable for the latter than the former. However with this expression, I am quite content to leave the matter to the discretion of the Parks Committee, but I must stipulate that no portion of the land shall ever be used for building purposes, except for such buildings as are necessary for the equipment of the park, etc., or for a public library or council schools. There are two tenants on the farms both on yearly tenancies subject to 12 months notice ending Lady Day.
I ask, and I am sure your committee will grant my request, that the greatest consideration be shown to them.
I enclose a rough map of the ground, and my agents, the Earl Estate Office, 88 King Street, will supply you with any further information you may desire.
This generous gift of land in the central part of Moston served not only to provide excellent playing fields and parks, but also to preserve the rural character of Moston, which otherwise might have been engulfed by housing development. The land was conveyed on 23rd, July 1920 with covenants as to use solely as playing fields and park, except for structures in connection with recreation. Soon afterwards, Broadhurst Park, as we know it today came into existence.
There was also a band stand, no longer standing, but remembered by many for it’s concerts, and a little wooden shop, which sold ices and soft drinks. There had been a toll house at the junction of St.Mary’s Road. And Nuthurst Road. This was demolished in 1916. Another toll house at Chain Bar was pulled down in 1905.
Generally Speaking, Sir Edward Tootal Broadhurst’s wishes have been respected. During the Second World War, prefabs were erected on a small portion, opposite the rear entrance to St.Joseph’s cemetery.
They were demolished in the 60’s, and the land was returned to recreational use.
A transit camp for Polish servicemen and their families was set up on Broadhurst fields after the war. It was only a makeshift affair, but by all accounts the Polish wives made it bright and homely.
In 1975 an attempt was made to build houses on the park. Intense opposition however from local residents prevented what would have been a breach of the covenant imposed by the donor.

(You may find that this extract from “The Moston Story” is not in the version now available in the Library).

Extract from page 21:-
“The Dean Clough, landscaped and protected against housing development by the terms of Sir Edward Tootal Broadhurst’s gift, is now part of Broadhurst Park. In this picturesque dell stood Moston Hall”

Extract from page 76:-
“In 1919 Sir Edward Tootal Broadhurst gave land to Manchester Corporation for playing fields and a small park. The Corporation entered into a covenant with Sir Edward not to build houses on this land. (The present Broadhurst Park & playing fields). In fact, and estate of prefab houses, (Yardley Ave & Thornham Crescent), stood on Lightbowne Road opposite St.Joseph’s cemetery, from 1946 until 1967.

So now we are going to have a 5000 capacity stadium on the land...... having read that... I just know it does not read right......
Manchester city council and Cllr's Murphy and Tavenor should hang their heads in shame.....
Nuthurst Park is on Nuthurst Rd in New Moston, nowhere near Lightbowne Road.

Did you really live on Doulton St? So did I! Small world eh?

The point about Nissan is that you said no government or council would give money to a business. You were wrong. One of many, many things you are wrong about.

Yes Group as in residents, not some Facebook sounding board.

As you are so keen on geography and Moston people only being included, and as you seem to get a great many things wrong about the area, The Fairway is in New Moston, so out of your self imposed sphere of infuence.

I didn't comment on Cllr Tavenor as I have no knowledge of the situation. This may be a worthwhile tactic for you to employ in the future.

As for the Moston Story, it deserves wider publicity. I have a copy ta. One of the original run and the newer one.
Mostonian said:
Nuthurst Park is on Nuthurst Rd in New Moston, nowhere near Lightbowne Road.

Did you really live on Doulton St? So did I! Small world eh?

The point about Nissan is that you said no government or council would give money to a business. You were wrong. One of many, many things you are wrong about.

Yes Group as in residents, not some Facebook sounding board.

As you are so keen on geography and Moston people only being included, and as you seem to get a great many things wrong about the area, The Fairway is in New Moston, so out of your self imposed sphere of infuence.

I didn't comment on Cllr Tavenor as I have no knowledge of the situation. This may be a worthwhile tactic for you to employ in the future.

As for the Moston Story, it deserves wider publicity. I have a copy ta. One of the original run and the newer one.

Yes, Doulton Street, for about 9 months then moved to three other addresses in the area lasting 19 years.

I never mentioned governments - you did! I only said councils and thereby stand by my comment.

Yes, I know the most prominent supporter of the campaign is a blue - Cllr Murphy!! Hopefully he will be remembered for this treacherous act when his next election comes up.

Please show me where I have stated only Moston people be included? Though I'm sure you'll agree, people from Grantham, Lincolnshire is stretching it a bit!
We blitzed the area around the field including The Fairway as we suspect it will be targetted for those looking for a nice free place to park and is within 5 mins walk from the field (which is a lot nearer than where I lived, off the Lightbowne Road near the now gone Lightbowne pub) - and therefore likely to be affected by this disaster of a plan.

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