The TV Quiz Show Thread

10 largest Spanish Islands - third answer Torremolinos - Tenable today - I kid you not
At least the captain pulled him up on it and cancelled it out.

Just finished watching the Chase.
Can't recall the exact wording but it was something Iike
Q. Six of the 10 largest statues in the world are a likeness of which religious figure (or leader)
A. God
The funny quiz one was in Pointless.

The Q: name any actors of the magnificent 7 and kellys heroes?

the lady said james brown, the audience laughed hard.

the host "the king of funk".......and it was a pointless answer. There was a white james brown actor in the 50`s.

My favourite bit was when they asked for actors that have appeared in any Harry Potter film. The girl said… Well my best friend had a little part in one of them so I’ll say her. Unsurprisingly pointless.
It might come in useful one day. If I wake up in the night and can't get back to sleep, I have a numbe of lists I go through to help me drop off.

For instance, I go through the 50 US states and their state capitals. Or the 14 US presidents and the 15 UK PMs that coincided with the late Queen.s reign.

State capitals are surprisingly difficult ( for British people ) You think they’d be more obvious but I bet your average Brit would struggle to name three.
I'd watch Mastermind as a kid and would rarely get 2 questions right on the 2nd round of general knowledge....
The specialised subject round was always the complete works of Shakespeare or the English Civil War.
It became a ridiculous round when someone got on with The Sex Pistols as a specialised subject and a lad I know went on and did The Smiths. What next? One Direction?
I'd be pretty pissed off if I had studied the Complete works of Shakey only to lose to some bald fat aging punk rocker Who answered questions on a band that was around for 3 years and produced one album
But what a fucking album.

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