The Victory Parade (Merged)

vamps said:

Move along people you're all thinking of the wrong Fergie.

disgusting she looks like a corpse and cannot control her bladder so you could be right.


paulsimpson said:
Blue Haze said:
Rags coming out of the woodwork in this thread. That's all.
I am no rag . I have a right to free speech . I travelled a great distance yesterday at great expense to see my team win and I'm not going to have a silly joke wreck things . Hopefully people will just see Tevez banner as a joke and that will be that ! But lets wait and see .
Hugely gay.
bzekosilva said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
bzekosilva said:
right people know tevez didnt make that fucking banner? he never took it on the bus with him jesus christ if he had made it fair enough...


Hang on that's clear that Tevez was trying to get rid of the evidence and pass it to a passer by. Deduct three point and return trophy.
paulsimpson said:
Barcon said:
paulsimpson said:
I will not shut up ! Bully .
We've just won a championship and that banner by Tevez does not help . So get a grip in here : all of you who think this is funny then go ahead and laugh . Go on . Fact is WE are the standard now and WE have to set the example . Simple as . I don't give a monkeys who calls me what or who gets angry . I'm annoyed at Tevez and rightly so . I just hope it doesn't go much further but it probably will

Why don't you log off then so that the rest of us can enjoy the thread, no need to be selfish today. Either that or, show us your tits.
I have the balls to take you on

paulsimpson said:
I am no rag . I have a right to free speech . I travelled a great distance yesterday at great expense to see my team win and I'm not going to have a silly joke wreck things . Hopefully people will just see Tevez banner as a joke and that will be that ! But lets wait and see .
So? No one held a gun to your head and forced you to do that. I too travelled a fair distance yesterday and I paid over face value for a ticket. But unlike you, I'm not going to get worked up over a non-story. Fergie made a rod for his own back with the original ''not in my lifetime'' comment''; tough shit for him. If you want to slag Tevez off for that sign, let's also see you slagging off the rags for their various tasteless chants (Aberfan, Hillsborough, Heysel, the Kursk, MVF to name but a few).
Hamann Pineapple said:
bzekosilva said:
right people know tevez didnt make that fucking banner? he never took it on the bus with him jesus christ if he had made it fair enough...


His eyes must have lit up when he saw the banner and he thought, "I`ll have some of that!" and quite right too!

"Not in my life time!"

It`s only a bit of fun and people should just chill out and enjoy the comedy!!
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Aguero said:
Nice, now it's trending worldwide :)

Well thats it the fucking end

We will be flogged to death and Mancini will have to walk the title to old trafford before giving him a blowjob
At least then I won't have to eat a big red candle

Unlike Bobby....

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