The views of Jesus are now seen as woke and too left/liberal

Being “anti-woke” is now just shorthand for “I want to be able to do whatever the fuck I want with no consequences.”

It’s just the new version of “political correctness gone mad”. People have been complaining about it for aeons, nothing new under the sun. It’s totally meaningless drivel and when you ask somebody what it actually involves it couldn’t be clearer that they don’t have a fucking clue.

And yes… I’m going to put my favourite smug comedian here to convey my thoughts on the matter.

It’s just the new version of “political correctness gone mad”. People have been complaining about it for aeons, nothing new under the sun. It’s totally meaningless drivel and when you ask somebody what it actually involves it couldn’t be clearer that they don’t have a fucking clue.

And yes… I’m going to put my favourite smug comedian here to convey my thoughts on the matter.

Need to add a soupçon of “virtue signalling“ too.
Was just about to post the same.
That idiot had a huge hissy fit when I called him out on some bullshit and the thread got pulled after he started saying how much he hated me.
The fucking tool.

I told you to stop stalking me and commenting on every post I make like an obsessed freak
Yet here you are again sucking dicks with that other bellend like clockwork lol

I’ve never lived so rent free in anyone’s head like you two

Post had no mention of you but you both seem to have taken it personally ( wonder why ) yet you both came charging in with your insults

I’ve never reported anyone on here for their views/opinions
Can you two same the same ?

Soft pair of snowflake twats
I told you to stop stalking me and commenting on every post I make like an obsessed freak
Yet here you are again sucking dicks with that other bellend like clockwork lol

I’ve never lived so rent free in anyone’s head like you two

Post had no mention of you but you both seem to have taken it personally ( wonder why ) yet you both came charging in with your insults

I’ve never reported anyone on here for their views/opinions
Can you two same the same ?

Soft pair of snowflake twats
Ooh another little tantrum.

Who’s living rent free in who’s head again?
Being “anti-woke” is now just shorthand for “I want to be able to do whatever the fuck I want with no consequences.”
Absolutely. Like any other religious sect the woke stuff is there for a good reason. The internet and social media would otherwise be the new wild west. The woke movement and identity politics make it essentially self policing. It's a useful belief system with its roots in morality and justice, much like the ten commandments, but like the religions it has replaced, also a bit silly and controlling.
Absolutely. Like any other religious sect the woke stuff is there for a good reason. The internet and social media would otherwise be the new wild west. The woke movement and identity politics make it essentially self policing. It's a useful belief system with its roots in morality and justice, much like the ten commandments, but like the religions it has replaced, also a bit silly and controlling.
“Woke” doesn’t exist as a real ideology or movement. It’s currently usage is a made up derogatory term for any progressive political stance, spanning many different ideologies and political movements (many of which contradict or conflict with each other).

The term originally derived from African-American Vernacular English and meant merely being aware of racial discrimation, inequality, and general prejudice.

Then the far-right began using it—as they so often do—as a pejorative term for at first the black activists using the word, then later any and all left-leaning people that (correctly) believe prejudice and racism is still pervasive in modern society, until finally describing literally any progressive belief or policy as “woke”. Actually, they now often use it to describe any thoughtful or generous act or policy that would benefit anyone but the far-right. LGBTQ+ rights are “woke”. Politicians supporting expansion of social services are “woke”. The bloke across the street trying to remove the de facto redlining in his HOA bylaws that is preventing non-white people from buying homes in his community is “woke”.

Ironically, referring to anything as “woke” in the context of “anti-wokeness” is quintessentially a weapon of identity politics. Ron ‘All I Have is Fighting Culture Wars to Distract From How Badly I am Fucking Florida in Every Way Possible’ DeSantis is one of the many purveyors of that nonsensical, all-encompassing political theatre, along with his truly moronic rival Donald ‘Consequences Are For Other People, and My Precious Subordinates’ Trump.

Any time I hear someone refer to themselves as being “anti-woke” or others as “woke” I lose all respect for them. Because if they are so gullible or stupid to still be manipulated in to fighting on behalf of the politicians that not only don’t give a fuck about them, but see them as useful fodder in the literal ground (culture) war, then they aren’t serious people, and they are rarely debating in good faith.

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