The views of Jesus are now seen as woke and too left/liberal

“Woke” doesn’t exist as a real ideology or movement. It’s currently usage is a made up derogatory term for any progressive political stance, spanning many different ideologies and political movements (many of which contradict or conflict with each other).

The term originally derived from African-American Vernacular English and meant merely being aware of racial discrimation, inequality, and general prejudice.

Then the far-right began using it—as they so often do—as a pejorative term for at first the black activists using the word, then later any and all left-leaning people that (correctly) believe prejudice and racism is still pervasive in modern society, until finally describing literally any progressive belief or policy as “woke”. Actually, they now often use it to describe any thoughtful or generous act or policy that would benefit anyone but the far-right. LGBTQ+ rights are “woke”. Politicians supporting expansion of social services are “woke”. The bloke across the street trying to remove the de facto redlining in his HOA bylaws that is preventing non-white people from buying homes in his community is “woke”.

Ironically, referring to anything as “woke” in the context of “anti-wokeness” is quintessentially a weapon of identity politics. Ron ‘All I Have is Fighting Culture Wars to Distract From How Badly I am Fucking Florida in Every Way Possible’ DeSantis is one of the many purveyors of that nonsensical, all-encompassing political theatre, along with his truly moronic rival Donald ‘Consequences Are For Other People, and My Precious Subordinates’ Trump.

Any time I hear someone refer to themselves as being “anti-woke” or others as “woke” I lose all respect for them. Because if they are so gullible or stupid to still be manipulated in to fighting on behalf of the politicians that not only don’t give a fuck about them, but see them as useful fodder in the literal ground (culture) war, then they aren’t serious people, and they are rarely debating in good faith.
I think there is a certain smugness/arrogance about people that seem to think they have invented the concept of being nice to other people. It forms the basis of nearly all religions but history tells us how far from these essentially just roots religious sects can end up. Wokeism, social justice warriors, eco campaigners etc all have similarly benevolent roots and will just as surely be corrupted and perverted to the point where wars start - the political theatre and culture wars you mention are milestones upon that road.
I think there is a certain smugness/arrogance about people that seem to think they have invented the concept of being nice to other people. It forms the basis of nearly all religions but history tells us how far from these essentially just roots religious sects can end up. Wokeism, social justice warriors, eco campaigners etc all have similarly benevolent roots and will just as surely be corrupted and perverted to the point where wars start - the political theatre and culture wars you mention are milestones upon that road.

What a lot of people really mean is be nice to people who think like they do, the dehumanising language used on both sides is disgusting.

Liberalism doesn't mean the same as it did 40 years ago, they also get confused with lefties which must annoy the fuck out of the lefties.
I think there is a certain smugness/arrogance about people that seem to think they have invented the concept of being nice to other people. It forms the basis of nearly all religions but history tells us how far from these essentially just roots religious sects can end up. Wokeism, social justice warriors, eco campaigners etc all have similarly benevolent roots and will just as surely be corrupted and perverted to the point where wars start - the political theatre and culture wars you mention are milestones upon that road.
Like I said, “wokeism” doesn’t actually exist.

But if you mean that politicians that largely see constituents as cannon fodder for the ground (culture) wars to distract from their ineptitude, criminality, and/or neofascist governance will find ways to pervert any and all progressive social movements and ideologies, then I agree.

DeSantis’ brazen appearance at the vigil for the slain black Americans in Florida the other night (a heinous act he has helped to inspire)—for which he received resounding boos and jeers—is a testament to their capacity to corrupt everything without a modicum of shame.

He’ll no doubt deem calls for his administration to stop trying to re-write (or expunge) black history in Florida education in the aftermath of the horrific hate crime “woke politics”.

Who knew that when he says “Florida is where woke politics goes to die” he means people he deems to be “woke” (which is essentially any non-white, non-Christian, non-heterosexual, non-gender conforming person).
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“Woke” doesn’t exist as a real ideology or movement. It’s currently usage is a made up derogatory term for any progressive political stance, spanning many different ideologies and political movements (many of which contradict or conflict with each other).

The term originally derived from African-American Vernacular English and meant merely being aware of racial discrimation, inequality, and general prejudice.

Then the far-right began using it—as they so often do—as a pejorative term for at first the black activists using the word, then later any and all left-leaning people that (correctly) believe prejudice and racism is still pervasive in modern society, until finally describing literally any progressive belief or policy as “woke”. Actually, they now often use it to describe any thoughtful or generous act or policy that would benefit anyone but the far-right. LGBTQ+ rights are “woke”. Politicians supporting expansion of social services are “woke”. The bloke across the street trying to remove the de facto redlining in his HOA bylaws that is preventing non-white people from buying homes in his community is “woke”.

Ironically, referring to anything as “woke” in the context of “anti-wokeness” is quintessentially a weapon of identity politics. Ron ‘All I Have is Fighting Culture Wars to Distract From How Badly I am Fucking Florida in Every Way Possible’ DeSantis is one of the many purveyors of that nonsensical, all-encompassing political theatre, along with his truly moronic rival Donald ‘Consequences Are For Other People, and My Precious Subordinates’ Trump.

Any time I hear someone refer to themselves as being “anti-woke” or others as “woke” I lose all respect for them. Because if they are so gullible or stupid to still be manipulated in to fighting on behalf of the politicians that not only don’t give a fuck about them, but see them as useful fodder in the literal ground (culture) war, then they aren’t serious people, and they are rarely debating in good faith.
You’re taken MSC seriously?
What a lot of people really mean is be nice to people who think like they do, the dehumanising language used on both sides is disgusting.
Both sides? So why don’t you express that disgust over on the threads that serve as the forum(s) to do so regarding the right? Talk about liberalism not meaning what it used to — my country is in a fight to save itself from whatever cultish anti-democratic Trumpian perversion of conservative politics the GOP has become, with plenty of dehumaniz(s)ing language. Yet I can’t recall you registering your outrage there very often if ever. We could use your help.
Both sides? So why don’t you express that disgust over on the threads that serve as the forum(s) to do so regarding the right? My country is in a fight to save itself from whatever cultish anti-democratic Trumpian perversion of conservative politics the GOP has become, with plenty of dehumaniz(s)ing language. Yet I can’t recall you registering your outrage there very often if ever. We could use your help.

I'm English fight your own battles, your politics like your country is a basket case.

You sound like a "you're either with us or against us" kind of political person, exactly how I described, enjoy the mess you've made I am just glad I don't have to live there.

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