The views of Jesus are now seen as woke and too left/liberal

I'm English fight your own battles, your politics like your country is a basket case.

You sound like a "you're either with us or against us" kind of political person, exactly how I described, enjoy the mess you've made I am just glad I don't have to live there.
I wish I had choices but I don’t. It was better when I did. Not sure what I’ve done to create this mess, but we certainly don’t need any more both-siders here. Nearly all are cowards, lazy, liars or some combination. Plenty are conservatives (and some liberals) too scared to publicly admit they fucked up so now they claim everyone is bad. And so it goes.
I wish I had choices but I don’t. It was better when I did. Not sure what I’ve done to create this mess, but we certainly don’t need any more both-siders here. Nearly all are cowards, lazy, liars or some combination. Plenty are conservatives (and some liberals) too scared to publicly admit they fucked up so now they claim everyone is bad. And so it goes.

They probably say the same things about you and they might be right, if someone doesn't start talking sense over there you'll be up to your neck in it even more before long.

America is dying from within, it's quite scary how your x factor politics has turned into a museum of horror because of how entrenched voters have become.

Choice number one : Huge orange **** with a god complex

Choice number two : A senile old man who should have retired decades ago

People who don't vote the way you vote are not cowards, your comment shows why your country is in a shit state.
I think there is a certain smugness/arrogance about people that seem to think they have invented the concept of being nice to other people. It forms the basis of nearly all religions but history tells us how far from these essentially just roots religious sects can end up. Wokeism, social justice warriors, eco campaigners etc all have similarly benevolent roots and will just as surely be corrupted and perverted to the point where wars start - the political theatre and culture wars you mention are milestones upon that road.
Social media supercharges the sort of thing that used to be the purview of the religious, which is the whole 'look how devout I am' phenomenon. Why do some Spanish Catholics walk through the streets every year whipping themselves, but would never do it in private? Because there's no social cache to self-harming in private. Why do some Muslims go from an instruction to dress modestly or not eat pork to basically covering their entire body and face, and refusing to show a cartoon to their kids because it's got a pig in it? Because there's social status in showing how seriously you take the religion. I choose to interpret this verse in the most unreasonable and strict way possible because it makes me look like more of a Catholic or Muslim than everyone else. Ironically, it's ego-driven.

And you see the same on social media. Someone starts off expressing a concern about a particular issue, be it trans rights, racism, anti-wokeness, covid vaccines, etc, and they get encouraged by the likes, followers, retweets, to find more and more to be concerned about, then offended by. Within a short time, they're not organically reading things and finding them concerning or offensive, they're looking for things to be offended by, because they get the hit of approval from a huge crowd of people who all follow them because they agree with them.

I remember listening to a podcast where they were talking about relationships and they were literally apologizing every other minute for being hetero-normative. And it's not because anyone in the conversation was offended, it's just to show their own level of enlightenment, but also because if they don't, someone else in the conversation will see the opening to 'correct' them for their crass generalization. It's got so many parallels with Muslims who can't mention the Prophet Muhammad without saying 'Peace be upon him' or Christians inventing 'gosh darn it' to avoid saying God.
They probably say the same things about you and they might be right, if someone doesn't start talking sense over there you'll be up to your neck in it even more before long.

America is dying from within, it's quite scary how your x factor politics has turned into a museum of horror because of how entrenched voters have become.

Choice number one : Huge orange **** with a god complex

Choice number two : A senile old man who should have retired decades ago

People who don't vote the way you vote are not cowards, your comment shows why your country is in a shit state.
Life is full of sub-optimal choices. If you can’t make them, won’t make them, think you’re somehow smarter than others for criticizing them all, or don’t want to do the work to find the differences, then you should be shining everyone’s shoes and sitting in the pub by yourself. Your nation’s greatest statespeople would agree, as would mine.
Life is full of sub-optimal choices. If you can’t make them, won’t make them, think you’re somehow smarter than others for criticizing all, or don’t want to do the work to find the differences, then you should be shining everyone’s shoes and sitting in the pub by yourself. Your nation’s greatest statespeople would agree, as would mine.

Other people found choices that you don't agree with, they found the differences too.

This thread isn't really about what Americans laughingly call politics it's about how kind was a man (who may or may not have existed) by todays standards. Let's face it the states made politics into a race to the bottom and thanks to your brand of evangelical evil Christianity you soiled the big J's name too.

By every metric you fucked it all up.

Now back to the life of Brian.
Social media supercharges the sort of thing that used to be the purview of the religious, which is the whole 'look how devout I am' phenomenon. Why do some Spanish Catholics walk through the streets every year whipping themselves, but would never do it in private? Because there's no social cache to self-harming in private. Why do some Muslims go from an instruction to dress modestly or not eat pork to basically covering their entire body and face, and refusing to show a cartoon to their kids because it's got a pig in it? Because there's social status in showing how seriously you take the religion. I choose to interpret this verse in the most unreasonable and strict way possible because it makes me look like more of a Catholic or Muslim than everyone else. Ironically, it's ego-driven.

And you see the same on social media. Someone starts off expressing a concern about a particular issue, be it trans rights, racism, anti-wokeness, covid vaccines, etc, and they get encouraged by the likes, followers, retweets, to find more and more to be concerned about, then offended by. Within a short time, they're not organically reading things and finding them concerning or offensive, they're looking for things to be offended by, because they get the hit of approval from a huge crowd of people who all follow them because they agree with them.

I remember listening to a podcast where they were talking about relationships and they were literally apologizing every other minute for being hetero-normative. And it's not because anyone in the conversation was offended, it's just to show their own level of enlightenment, but also because if they don't, someone else in the conversation will see the opening to 'correct' them for their crass generalization. It's got so many parallels with Muslims who can't mention the Prophet Muhammad without saying 'Peace be upon him' or Christians inventing 'gosh darn it' to avoid saying God.
This is pretty well said. I’d add that hypersensitivity to criticism has been a human weakness since day one. For some, admitting a misjudgment or a mistake is easy. You do it, and you move on. For others, it’s like trying to pull your own tooth. For still others, it’s part of a chronic psychological disorder. In a hyperspeed public forum, likes and brickbats come at an equal frenetic pace.
This thread isn't really about what Americans laughingly call politics it's about how kind was a man (who may or may not have existed) by todays standards. Let's face it the states made politics into a race to the bottom and thanks to your brand of evangelical evil Christianity you soiled the big J's name too.

By every metric you fucked it all up.

Now back to the life of Brian.
I think this thread emanates from American socio-politics but I certainly don’t disagree with that. Barry Goldwater was arguably the most conservative man to ever run for the presidency and even he warned of this, and loudly.

Personally (like most Yanks) I prefer Holy Grail in terms of laffs but like most Brits I think Brian is a much better and more thoughtful film.
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Other people found choices that you don't agree with, they found the differences too.

This thread isn't really about what Americans laughingly call politics it's about how kind was a man (who may or may not have existed) by todays standards. Let's face it the states made politics into a race to the bottom and thanks to your brand of evangelical evil Christianity you soiled the big J's name too.

By every metric you fucked it all up.

Now back to the life of Brian.
Not a fan of Evangelical Christians anywhere but Christians have been making a mockery of the whole ideal from day one

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