The views of Jesus are now seen as woke and too left/liberal

They all on paper believe in gay rights, abortion rights, equality, freedom of speech (to varying degrees).

Only on paper. 136 Tory MPs voted against gay marriage, compared to 120 in favour.

Churchill's conservative party voted against the creation of the NHS 21 times.

They have been consistently against free speech since the 1960's and in the last 10 years have brought in some of the most oppressive laws against free speech in the western world.

Suella Braverman is currently trying to get rid of the laws which protect women getting an abortion from getting harrassed and abused on their way into a clinic. Jeremy Hunt wants to cut the abortion time limit from 24 weeks to 12 weeks.

The Conservative party are socially conservative. The only reason we have the things you mention is because of the Labour Party and the fact the public won't entertain the tories extremist positions so they have to suppress them to get elected.
I find this conversation in this day and age mind blowing….
As in, my head explodes trying to comprehend where creationists like this are coming from.
Right it’s late at night and we lost to Newcastle and I’m cruising ( careful now)
I came across the Dawkins piece and I came across this, which I’ll throw in here.
It reminds me of a diatribe which I had researched extensively although I instantly forgot, after I had delivered it. I did my homework and I launched it in a pub at lunchtime to my brother who is in a cult. Sorry, he doesn’t see it as a cult, but believe me even, within Catholic Church circles, The Legionaries of Christ are a cult.
I had, had enough of him through decades of…… stuff, no need to go into family business.
I warned my other brother who was meeting with us, what was about to unfold and he largely sat back and let me at it.

It gave me no pleasure whatsoever, but looking at this Christopher Hitchens speech, although I don’t agree with everything he says, I think the message is very much the same as what I delivered that day.
And it was at the time that Rattzinger was Pope too.
I may differ on some of the detail regarding pre reformation apologies, but by and large we’re singing off the same hymn sheet here.

I left both my brothers stunned that day, but the following year my cultist brother was back in the same groove as if nothing happened, head in the sand.

The difference is I don’t let him act the same with me or my family anymore.
I just say No. And it’s something they are not used to hearing.

Right it’s late at night and we lost to Newcastle and I’m cruising ( careful now)
I came across the Dawkins piece and I came across this, which I’ll throw in here.
It reminds me of a diatribe which I had researched extensively although I instantly forgot, after I had delivered it. I did my homework and I launched it in a pub at lunchtime to my brother who is in a cult. Sorry, he doesn’t see it as a cult, but believe me even, within Catholic Church circles, The Legionaries of Christ are a cult.
I had, had enough of him through decades of…… stuff, no need to go into family business.
I warned my other brother who was meeting with us, what was about to unfold and he largely sat back and let me at it.

It gave me no pleasure whatsoever, but looking at this Christopher Hitchens speech, although I don’t agree with everything he says, I think the message is very much the same as what I delivered that day.
And it was at the time that Rattzinger was Pope too.
I may differ on some of the detail regarding pre reformation apologies, but by and large we’re singing off the same hymn sheet here.

I left both my brothers stunned that day, but the following year my cultist brother was back in the same groove as if nothing happened, head in the sand.

The difference is I don’t let him act the same with me or my family anymore.
I just say No. And it’s something they are not used to hearing.

Your cultist brother sounds like the type to put Nike Decades, and a black uniform and put a purple towel over his head to follow his group to salvation.

There's never much you can say to anyone who stays part of a religious group formed by a prolific paedophile. It's Scientologists level of delusion and apologism.
Your cultist brother sounds like the type to put Nike Decades, and a black uniform and put a purple towel over his head to follow his group to salvation.

There's never much you can say to anyone who stays part of a religious group formed by a prolific paedophile. It's Scientologists level of delusion and apologism.
Listen, I’m the youngest of six.
He’s next youngest. I won’t go into our family history but suffice to say he was away from his family for a long time, being brain washed, and quite frankly I could have been next.
Not sure I’d have gone with it though. I’ve always been the type to say, no stop there, but why? or How?
Did it all through school.
We had a fabulous biology teacher who confided in me after leaving school that he used to gauge the understanding of any lesson for the class by the expression on my face.
A little lighter hearted contribution than my last effort.
Where I work we were all called into the office in small groups to be told that Regina who we’ve all known was lesbian and basically has looked like a man for all the time I’ve worked there, has gone the whole transgender nine yards and now is to be referred to as Arthur. It’s ‘he’ now instead of ‘she’ and we’ve to be careful and mindful not to cause offence etc.
The boss didn’t take it very well, me asking was it ok to say; Hey Arthur, how’s it hanging? No that wasn’t taken well at all.

So anyway we all come out of the office and my mate says, what a load of bollox! Precisely, I say. That’s what you’ve just been told.

So my mate turns to the women in the group and says, ok listen up from now on I identify as ‘George Clooney’ and that is how you are to refer to me.
That’s how it has been since. Good old George.
Some people whatever their creed or faith have a hard time with love, peace and acceptance, it's not just people who profess to be religious politics also brings the worst out, the I'm right you're wrong attitude, but there is always space in the middle to see things from the other point of view

Things appear to have taken a bad turn over the last few years , the amount of polarisation is really disturbing, in this country, your either "Woke" (whatever that means) or A Gammon (whatever that means)
Some people whatever their creed or faith have a hard time with love, peace and acceptance, it's not just people who profess to be religious politics also brings the worst out, the I'm right you're wrong attitude, but there is always space in the middle to see things from the other point of view

Things appear to have taken a bad turn over the last few years , the amount of polarisation is really disturbing, in this country, your either "Woke" (whatever that means) or A Gammon (whatever that means)
Or, don’t give a fuck and carry on without caring,
Some people whatever their creed or faith have a hard time with love, peace and acceptance, it's not just people who profess to be religious politics also brings the worst out, the I'm right you're wrong attitude, but there is always space in the middle to see things from the other point of view

Things appear to have taken a bad turn over the last few years , the amount of polarisation is really disturbing, in this country, your either "Woke" (whatever that means) or A Gammon (whatever that means)

Agree. I agree with abortion rights but I can fully understand where the religious anti-abortion lot are coming from, they think it's literally killing babies. Who would want to kill babies?
There needs to be more discussion rather than shouting and division, just saying "they are fucking idiots' and never conversing with them doesn't help anything.

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