The views of Jesus are now seen as woke and too left/liberal

"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching—'turn the other cheek'—[and] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore said. "When the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ' ... The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak," he added. "When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis."

In his NPR interview, Moore suggested that Donald Trump had transformed the political landscape in the U.S. to the point where some Christian conservatives are openly denouncing a central doctrine of their religion as being too "weak" and "liberal" for their liking.
I would argue that the real reason behind the rejection is that the Christian Conservative right in the USA actually worships Capitalism more than it does Christianity and the reason for the rejection is that Jesus could be portrayed as a person with left wing ideals. The idea that the meek shall inherit the earth goes against every fibre of a Capitalists belief, the idea that the poor shall ascend to heaven before the rich makes wealth appear a bad thing ( “How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God”) as capitalists wealth is what they strive for. Jesus never said to his flock go forth and use the profit motive did he. Thou shalt not steal is one of the ten commandments, yet Capitalism is based on exploitation and basically theft of others peoples labour. Thous shalt not kill should mean that there are no wars based on capitalist imperialism.

Conservatism and Christianity, LOL , Conservatism is heathen, immoral and exploitative. Fuck the lot of them.
I would argue that the real reason behind the rejection is that the Christian Conservative right in the USA actually worships Capitalism more than it does Christianity and the reason for the rejection is that Jesus could be portrayed as a person with left wing ideals. The idea that the meek shall inherit the earth goes against every fibre of a Capitalists belief, the idea that the poor shall ascend to heaven before the rich makes wealth appear a bad thing ( “How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God”) as capitalists wealth is what they strive for. Jesus never said to his flock go forth and use the profit motive did he. Thou shalt not steal is one of the ten commandments, yet Capitalism is based on exploitation and basically theft of others peoples labour. Thous shalt not kill should mean that there are no wars based on capitalist imperialism.

Conservatism and Christianity, LOL , Conservatism is heathen, immoral and exploitative. Fuck the lot of them.
Bang on as per Rasc. Up the Blues.
Conservatism and Christianity, LOL , Conservatism is heathen, immoral and exploitative. Fuck the lot of them.

No issue with the above as a statement but can you tell me and show examples of a political belief/system that has been implemented and created a society of equals or is that pie in the sky, wishful thinking and the fact is, whatever you call it, those at the top will cream it off for themselves and not give a fuck about the majority underneath creating that wealth for them?
No issue with the above as a statement but can you tell me and show examples of a political belief/system that has been implemented and created a society of equals or is that pie in the sky, wishful thinking and the fact is, whatever you call it, those at the top will cream it off for themselves and not give a fuck about the majority underneath creating that wealth for them?
We have to find a way of creating a society where nobody is in a position to cream it off for themselves and not give a fuck. In my mid the only way that can be achieved is by there being more democracy. I am coming round to the idea of PR as it is ludicrous that a Government can be in power when backed by a minority of the electorate. If party A gets 40% of the vote it should have 40% of the representation in Parliament and so on, even if it means party Z which could be an extremist party of any ilk gets 5% of the representation. We also need a fair and representative media that properly scrutinises parliament, not the media we have now where certain individuals hold enormous power through patronage.

We also need to democratise the work place, reintroduce workers rights and protections, involve them in company decisions, have places in the boardroom, done so democratically. Capitalism itself needs reinventing so it serves the majority not just the owners of capital, this could be done by growing co-operatives, turning natural monopolies into co-operatives and lessening the importance of shareholders. A company that is a co-operative makes everyone a stakeholder in that company and shareholders need not exist.

There also needs more local democracy, London should not be telling Manchester or Mansfield what to do, the people of those areas should decide for themselves what is right. The UK is one of the most centralised countries in the world and it is not working. Manchester for instance has control over some of its own health budget, why not all the budget, what Manchester needs is different from Maidenhead.

Capitalism always claims to have given people the greatest standard of living possible, but it has also given us countless Imperialistic wars, huge exploitation not only of people but resources, it is slowly poisoning the planet, it has killed millions of people and created massive human inequality. Only Democracy can stop Capitalism but at the moment Capitalism owns democracy and uses it further the aims of capital not of people.
No issue with the above as a statement but can you tell me and show examples of a political belief/system that has been implemented and created a society of equals or is that pie in the sky, wishful thinking and the fact is, whatever you call it, those at the top will cream it off for themselves and not give a fuck about the majority underneath creating that wealth for them?
Most of Northern Europe has got fairly close to it. The best countries operate a combination of left and right ideas, and are forced to constantly compromise on their ideas to pass votes, because they're all run on PR. In the UK, we have a system where whoever wins gets absolute power. And while that's often okay for the first few years (because they're usually correcting the excesses of the previous government), when any party has been in power for 5+ years, they start just doing what they want, and that's when you end up with things like the Poll tax, the war in Iraq, or the entire last 4 years of the current government.
Wokes are too fucking weak. Following a crowd, do your own stuff you soft arsed wankers
Bluemoon is basically a hysterical woke “ They “ these days
Some very weak snowflakes on here

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