The Waiting List

the club rang me today trying to get me on the list,ringing me again tomoz after i know what wage is in the old bank.
25 quid over 4 months,cant complain.
reason i didnt sign up straight away was because i dont have a spare 100 quid on me.
But the lass was saying theres been a big demand and one of the stands is nearly full.whether thats just giving me the hard sell i dont know,but 299 pound for a prem lge season ticket for one of Europe's best clubs,you gotta take it if you got the cash.

last time i heard,my local conf team charge 260 for theres.
Does anyone itk have any idea of how many have committed to the waiting list? It would be fantastic if it ended up being fully or over subscribed. Plus are they all going to be seasoncards? Will some be left for matchday tickets? Not sure if this has been made clear?
This is being raised continually: City need to be careful when selling this.

New applicants are joining a waiting list, and existing seasoncard holders, of which there are over 36,000 can relocate to these cheap seats first,

Perhaps when City confirm the booking, or transaction, they should write, or e-mail to clarify the sales process I.e. manage expectations.

I'd be surprised if the no. of existing seasoncard holders looking to relocate to Tier 3 is more than 6 or 7 thousand, but it could be a lot higher if ticket prices go up significantly in the existing areas (outside of EL2/WL2 which we know are going up a lot).
sorry forgot to put what no I was before at about half 2 me and my mam applied and in between the time it took to process it went from 1551 to 1555 I applied for the 299 up price band I don't know if this no is just for my band or for all bands though BTW I went down to the ground to do it
Over 1500 on the list in less than 2 days,I would think the figure could reach 8 k within 2 -3 months which would probably justify the building of both ends,hopefully in one go.
WEMBLEY76 said:
Over 1500 on the list in less than 2 days,I would think the figure could reach 8 k within 2 -3 months which would probably justify the building of both ends,hopefully in one go.

I can't see the point in doing both ends until we see if we can fill the ground with just the south stand done. We struggle to sell out Champions League games and a lot of Premier League games don't sell out until the day or week of the game.

A lot will depend on how many of the people on the list are prepared to pay £500+ for a season ticket when all the £299 tickets are gone, and we've yet to find out how cheap the tickets in the new tier will be for single matches. Let's just do one end and see how it goes
Fuzzy Logic said:
WEMBLEY76 said:
Over 1500 on the list in less than 2 days,I would think the figure could reach 8 k within 2 -3 months which would probably justify the building of both ends,hopefully in one go.

I can't see the point in doing both ends until we see if we can fill the ground with just the south stand done. We struggle to sell out Champions League games and a lot of Premier League games don't sell out until the day or week of the game.

A lot will depend on how many of the people on the list are prepared to pay £500+ for a season ticket when all the £299 tickets are gone, and we've yet to find out how cheap the tickets in the new tier will be for single matches. Let's just do one end and see how it goes

What you have to bear in mind is that if they do one stand it will almost certainly be filled. It will hold 6000 people and of this, at least 1000 will be away fans if not more. That leaves 5000. You then have the displeased and displaced level 2 padded seat lot (myself included) who will want to move and will quite likely end up in there. My estimate is that there will at least 2000 ST holders wanting to relocate from those areas. Even if some move elsewhere, you will get some ST holders who want to move to the new stand and pay less from other parts of the ground so I actually think demand will be high and therefore that stand will be sold out.

If they just build one then there will be empty seats for match day tickets but many of these will be in the now sparsly populated padded seats and be priced at £100 plus a game so not attracting back any of the fans who had left for financial reasons.

This is why in my opinion they should build 2 and price it the same. One stand (North) could then be filled by mainly ST holders from level 2 (Lets face it, not the noisiest bunch), movers from other areas wanting cheaper price and waiting list people who dont want South Stand.

The other stand (south) could be filled by the waiting list people who want a bit more atmosphere, movers who want atmosphere and the odd match ticket.

What I think building two would create is lots more available seats in both the padded areas and up in the gods on level 3 of CB and ES. Out of sight and out of mind for anyone worried about empty seats.

Maybe match day tickets could then be reduced for those areas to a more reasonable level. Just above ST cost but not reaching the ridiculous levels of £50 a game.

The club could then use incentive marketing for games to make it more appealing to families and get more people in.

Rags, Liverpool etc will sell out but clearly against teams like Hull and Fulham it will be a struggle so they could do a family of four for £60 or something like that for those games as the seats will be available.

At least having the space, gives the club more options on ticket prices and attracting fans back in.

Disappointing so far that we have not become involved in this away fan initiative that I thinbk is great and one that all clubs should follow.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Fuzzy Logic said:
WEMBLEY76 said:
Over 1500 on the list in less than 2 days,I would think the figure could reach 8 k within 2 -3 months which would probably justify the building of both ends,hopefully in one go.

I can't see the point in doing both ends until we see if we can fill the ground with just the south stand done. We struggle to sell out Champions League games and a lot of Premier League games don't sell out until the day or week of the game.

A lot will depend on how many of the people on the list are prepared to pay £500+ for a season ticket when all the £299 tickets are gone, and we've yet to find out how cheap the tickets in the new tier will be for single matches. Let's just do one end and see how it goes

What you have to bear in mind is that if they do one stand it will almost certainly be filled. It will hold 6000 people and of this, at least 1000 will be away fans if not more. That leaves 5000. You then have the displeased and displaced level 2 padded seat lot (myself included) who will want to move and will quite likely end up in there. My estimate is that there will at least 2000 ST holders wanting to relocate from those areas. Even if some move elsewhere, you will get some ST holders who want to move to the new stand and pay less from other parts of the ground so I actually think demand will be high and therefore that stand will be sold out.

If they just build one then there will be empty seats for match day tickets but many of these will be in the now sparsly populated padded seats and be priced at £100 plus a game so not attracting back any of the fans who had left for financial reasons.

This is why in my opinion they should build 2 and price it the same. One stand (North) could then be filled by mainly ST holders from level 2 (Lets face it, not the noisiest bunch), movers from other areas wanting cheaper price and waiting list people who dont want South Stand.

The other stand (south) could be filled by the waiting list people who want a bit more atmosphere, movers who want atmosphere and the odd match ticket.

What I think building two would create is lots more available seats in both the padded areas and up in the gods on level 3 of CB and ES. Out of sight and out of mind for anyone worried about empty seats.

Maybe match day tickets could then be reduced for those areas to a more reasonable level. Just above ST cost but not reaching the ridiculous levels of £50 a game.

The club could then use incentive marketing for games to make it more appealing to families and get more people in.

Rags, Liverpool etc will sell out but clearly against teams like Hull and Fulham it will be a struggle so they could do a family of four for £60 or something like that for those games as the seats will be available.

At least having the space, gives the club more options on ticket prices and attracting fans back in.

Disappointing so far that we have not become involved in this away fan initiative that I thinbk is great and one that all clubs should follow.

If only the south stand is built - then only those level 2 seats south of the dugout/directors box/half way line in the CB & ES will be converted to corporate - Those seats in L2 North of the halfway line will only go corporate if the North stand is built.
Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Fuzzy Logic said:
I can't see the point in doing both ends until we see if we can fill the ground with just the south stand done. We struggle to sell out Champions League games and a lot of Premier League games don't sell out until the day or week of the game.

A lot will depend on how many of the people on the list are prepared to pay £500+ for a season ticket when all the £299 tickets are gone, and we've yet to find out how cheap the tickets in the new tier will be for single matches. Let's just do one end and see how it goes

What you have to bear in mind is that if they do one stand it will almost certainly be filled. It will hold 6000 people and of this, at least 1000 will be away fans if not more. That leaves 5000. You then have the displeased and displaced level 2 padded seat lot (myself included) who will want to move and will quite likely end up in there. My estimate is that there will at least 2000 ST holders wanting to relocate from those areas. Even if some move elsewhere, you will get some ST holders who want to move to the new stand and pay less from other parts of the ground so I actually think demand will be high and therefore that stand will be sold out.

If they just build one then there will be empty seats for match day tickets but many of these will be in the now sparsly populated padded seats and be priced at £100 plus a game so not attracting back any of the fans who had left for financial reasons.

This is why in my opinion they should build 2 and price it the same. One stand (North) could then be filled by mainly ST holders from level 2 (Lets face it, not the noisiest bunch), movers from other areas wanting cheaper price and waiting list people who dont want South Stand.

The other stand (south) could be filled by the waiting list people who want a bit more atmosphere, movers who want atmosphere and the odd match ticket.

What I think building two would create is lots more available seats in both the padded areas and up in the gods on level 3 of CB and ES. Out of sight and out of mind for anyone worried about empty seats.

Maybe match day tickets could then be reduced for those areas to a more reasonable level. Just above ST cost but not reaching the ridiculous levels of £50 a game.

The club could then use incentive marketing for games to make it more appealing to families and get more people in.

Rags, Liverpool etc will sell out but clearly against teams like Hull and Fulham it will be a struggle so they could do a family of four for £60 or something like that for those games as the seats will be available.

At least having the space, gives the club more options on ticket prices and attracting fans back in.

Disappointing so far that we have not become involved in this away fan initiative that I thinbk is great and one that all clubs should follow.

If only the south stand is built - then only those level 2 seats south of the dugout/directors box/half way line in the CB & ES will be converted to corporate - Those seats in L2 North of the halfway line will only go corporate if the North stand is built.

Where was that mentioned. I didnt see that.

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