The 'We Want Martin Petrov Out' Thread

glynn said:
Excuse me for swearing, but why cant people on here get behind our f***ing players, instead of trying to get them out. i mean they are city players which means we should support them 100 percent. some days are bad days others good days. support our players or we wont get anywhere.

rant over

Couldn't agree more!!!
Those who want Petrov out are not taking whats best for the club into consideration...

They are taking whats best for themselves into consideration..

Not liking a player isnt reason enough for the club to get rid..
nimrod said:
Kinkysboots said:
Petrov is great on his day and is a great crosser of a ball but the fact is he goes missing M.I.A far too often. Id love to keep him as a squad playe but something tells me his attitude wouldnt tolate that. You have to ask yourself would he get in Uniteds, chelseas, arsenals, barcelona side. NO he wouldnt and thats where we have to be aiming. To be a top player you have to have something extra than being able to play well when the sun is shining and we are two-nil up. He lacks heart, bottle and desire. EOS

and neither would half our fucking sqaud, should we get rid of them too ?
Fair point but those players in question wouldnt get in on ability, whereas with Martin he has the ability but lacks the attitude and commitment and will to win, thats the most dissapointing thing in my mind. Dont get me wrong we should all get behind him while he is here but in terms of going to the next level, he aint gonna cut the mustard im afraid.
I must admit I'm not his biggest fan but he does add something to the squad and team - for me he has to be on the left if he is in the team. Regardless of whether he is on the right or left he should still be able to run at the fullback and when at the byline got the ball across!

If I'm honest he has frustrated me this season with his pointing at his name on the shirt and in my opinion City fans have not give him half as much stick as Robinho got in games for things like pulling out of tackles and not tracking back. Like Stevie Ireland I sometimes believe he is not allowed to be critisied!

At the end of the day he wears blue so we should support him, I can however see the days where players like Petrov will just not be good enough to get in our team and I'm sure the lad will put him under pressure for a start straight away.
Nobody knows how good this Johnson will be and Bellamy cant play every match so definatly yes Petrov should be given a contract, he's an important squad player.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
The fact opinion is divided, suggests he isn't as perfect as those with permanent blue-tinted glasses, would have it seem.

Petrov should be allowed to leave in the summer with our good wishes.

But it would be stupid business sense to hand a surly-31-year-old, who is only going to become even more surly and outspoken about his own situation, as the team progresses in the immediate seasons to come.

Fact is he is not worth another two or three years at £45k a week, especially as his contract will be worth more than any immediate transfer we could recoup on him.

The thread may have started out in sarcasm, but Petrov is not good enough for this team, going forward in future.

The criticisms levelled at Robinho, can certainly apply to Petrov. Someone who thinks he is better than he is (In Petrov's case, even with less talent, who does not track back, who is only focused on his own game.

Petrov is an above-average player, but with two serious knee injuries in the last four years, added to an increasing no end product.

He plays for himself, nobody else, there is absolutely no team ethic whatsoever. Even Mancini's weird decision to play him on the right, should not result in him laughing at the decision as he is subbed, try to placate his moaning with a starting spot.

The same people who are defending him now, will no doubt show outrage when he slags-us off when he leaves.

Just as he whinged when he said Spurs were a bigger club than City on speaking with Berbaflop, agitating for a move under Hughes.

A bad influence, both on and off the pitch.

I agree completely.

Keep him in the squad if we have to incase Johnson and Bellamy aren't much better.

The thing that gets me is, i sit at the match and watch as he jumps out of a challenge, and everyone around me seems to be just as annoyed and disparing as I am. He does it every time. (I'll give him credit - he did make a "tackle" of sorts against pompey. But he jumped out of a dozen more). It agrevates me when i see him show NO back bone. Then I come on here and find people singing his praises, saying he doesnt win enough 50/50s, but it's ok because all he can do is attack - HE DOESN'T WIN ANY 50/50s! He doesn't even try to get a challenge in (well very very very rarely).

His output CAN be superb. But his input and ethics are lacking some what. We've outgrown him, like we outgrew vassell and the likes.

If we can get another winger in who can produce going forward and defensively like SWP, Bellamy and Johnson has done for the U21s; then we should allow him to leave with a thankyou for moving us forward over the last few seasons. He can no longer do that consistently.
GStar said:
Ha, since when has being a good winger been about tackling? Or BM'd favourite the "50/50" challenge?

Perhaps we should start with 11 defenders, then some of the fuckwittery might stop.

Start with 11 defenders? Good lord is that what i said? No i didn't as it happens. But i'd like to see every footballer on the pitch have the courage to go in and win the ball for their team.

As it is he's just as likely to get hurt backing out of a challenge as he is going in for one.

Shall we field 4 players who can tackle in defence and then 6 others in midfield and attack who can only shoot or ping long balls about? Hmmm?

After all they're attacking players - it's not their game to tackle.
No because thats ridiculous much like your post was - however sarcastic it may have been.
Stupid thread, I like Martin. Frustrating, yes but not worthy of stick.

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