Everything about Savile was on the internet 15 years ago. From wandering hands, from the cosy relationships with Prince Charles and Thatcher, right the way through to the morgue stuff. Turns out they are all now reported in the press as fact - other than the fact that Maggie and Charles' mates have ridiculously distanced themselves - despite Savile phoning Diana on his behave with 'marriage advice'.
Savile was protected by so many that it has to be a cover up that goes all the way up the political chain. When you have got Norman Tebbit admitting that the establishment stunk and that people probably had a first reaction to sweep stuff under the carpet, then you know that it all stinks.
If the truth ever came out about this so many people would be implicated that it will not happen imo. Look at the people who have denied knowing anything about Savile. Anyone who could work Google knew it all so those who worked with him could not fail to know. FFS, I know within half an hour if someone I work with is suspected of leaving skidmarks on the bog. When he was going round doing his business in plain sight, they all knew. But no-one said anything because it was an unwritten rule that you couldn't touch him.
If all the political figures who turned a blind eye to this sort of stuff were named in an enquiry then it would implicate 50% of the establishment over the last 50 years. And for that reason, it will continue to be brushed under the carpet. There are plenty of influential people still in positions that ensure that they cannot allow this to come out in full. Just look at some allegations that did come out about political figures and then suddenly were exposed as 'nonsense' with the most tenuous reasons cited and believed.