Things from Maine Road we wont see at Eastlands

SWSB said:
turning the corner at Claremont Rd hoping to see BBC or ITV cameras.
barbed wire on top of the kippax wall.
Queues for the ticket office stretching to Platt Lane for a big game.
Guessing how many 1,000's would be knocked off the crowd for entertainment tax reasons.
The smallest Souvenir Shop ever?

In years to come what will kids say about Eastlands?
Agreed. I went a Div 2 game once, mid week, 80's against WBA. I was in the Northstand, I was pretty good at guessing the gate. it was an important match both near the top. Looking round the crowd was around 40+ easy. PLatt pretty full, Kip heaving, Northstand , Main Sttand etc. The crowed was given as 27+ in the papers the next day. Absolutely no way.
Kazie deyna having two tokes of some stewards ciggie while he warmed up between the platt lane and main stand. Also big mals cigar smoke from the dugout . Tony book calling us a shower of so an so`s when he slipped while running down the touchline , before he ran back with a huge grin on his kite.
Getting in the gates with ten minutes to play ,when we were skint members,I treasured that moment.
Slightly off topic

Can anyone remember Burnley way when Denis Tuart missed 3 pens - we two awarded in the game one of which he had to take twice - he missed all three - I think it was 76 - but cant remember - I was just a kid in the Burnley section of the side of the ground.
fudgecity said:
SWSB said:
In years to come what will kids say about Eastlands?
Agreed. I went a Div 2 game once, mid week, 80's against WBA. I was in the Northstand, I was pretty good at guessing the gate. it was an important match both near the top. Looking round the crowd was around 40+ easy. PLatt pretty full, Kip heaving, Northstand , Main Sttand etc. The crowed was given as 27+ in the papers the next day. Absolutely no way.

I remember going to see us playing the red dippers and the kippax was rammed. Guys even going into the away end to get in. The crowd was given as 36000.
Blackcrowes said:
Slightly off topic

Can anyone remember Burnley way when Denis Tuart missed 3 pens - we two awarded in the game one of which he had to take twice - he missed all three - I think it was 76 - but cant remember - I was just a kid in the Burnley section of the side of the ground.

I don't remember that. I do remember a home game against Norwich in March 1977 where we were awarded two penalties in the space of about five minutes. Tueart scored them both, and the first was retaken twice, so in all he found the net four times from the spot.

I thought for years that Tueart hardly ever missed from the spot because I only over recall seeing him score. But I was a kid then, and from what I've read since, it seems as though he fluffed quite a few penalty opportunities.
Dyed Petya said:
Blackcrowes said:
Slightly off topic

Can anyone remember Burnley way when Denis Tuart missed 3 pens - we two awarded in the game one of which he had to take twice - he missed all three - I think it was 76 - but cant remember - I was just a kid in the Burnley section of the side of the ground.

I don't remember that. I do remember a home game against Norwich in March 1977 where we were awarded two penalties in the space of about five minutes. Tueart scored them both, and the first was retaken twice, so in all he found the net four times from the spot.

I thought for years that Tueart hardly ever missed from the spot because I only over recall seeing him score. But I was a kid then, and from what I've read since, it seems as though he fluffed quite a few penalty opportunities.

He was a good penalty taker.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Dyed Petya said:
I don't remember that. I do remember a home game against Norwich in March 1977 where we were awarded two penalties in the space of about five minutes. Tueart scored them both, and the first was retaken twice, so in all he found the net four times from the spot.

I thought for years that Tueart hardly ever missed from the spot because I only over recall seeing him score. But I was a kid then, and from what I've read since, it seems as though he fluffed quite a few penalty opportunities.

He was a good penalty taker.

I'm glad you say that. I thought he missed a couple in close games in 1976/7 and with the poster above mentioning missing two in a game the previous year as well, I was starting to wonder. Apart from Dave Watson, who was my idol, Tueart was my favourite player when I first started watching City so I prefer your take on the situation. :)

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