Things that REALLY PI*S YOU OFF!!!

mancitygaz said:
warpig said:
queue jumpers, especially when your at the bar waiting to get served. gets my goat right up.

^^^^ this

Trouble is I can't keep quiet when this happens, even if it's some 6'5 meat head

if you keep quiet you are nothing more than a spineless wimp.
Lucky Toma said:
Your description of the tracksuit bottoms, socks and shoes was very evocative Alex. I actually shuddered!
On a related topic - people who attend Christenings in tracksuit bottoms or trainers. I'm an aethiest but ffs buy/beg or borrow a pair of trousers and shoes!!

This as well! i see people in sleeping clothes when im at church! Show some respect.
Lucky Toma said:
Your description of the tracksuit bottoms, socks and shoes was very evocative Alex. I actually shuddered!
On a related topic - people who attend Christenings in tracksuit bottoms or trainers. I'm an aethiest but ffs buy/beg or borrow a pair of trousers and shoes!!

it's the uniform of the area i live, even the girls! i shudder as i drive past and thank my lucky stars i just bought a cheap house and wasn't brought up here!
alextrueblue said:
people who drive with their front fog lights on= wankers
doctors receptionists i hate them with a passion.
tracksuit bottoms tucked into socks and rockport shoes
sponging doley bastards who don't want a job but feel they are 'owed' state handouts

I vote Alextrueblue for Prime Minister, not one thing I disagree with there. Especially the dole sucking twats that have chosen to do FUCK ALL as a lifestyle choice cause Gordon Brown loves giving our money to the fucking workshy of this country.

He also likes blowing our money on expense fiddling politicians, and UTTER ASSHOLE BANKERS THAT FORCED 3 MILLION PEOPLE ONTO THE DOLE QUEUE TO EARN BONUSES He is taxing everything fucking possible from the real workers of the country. Example: Plastic bags from the supermarkets, our flights on holidays, introducing speed cameras all over the country then upping the tax from £30 to £60 overnight, upping the tax on fags then banning smoking them, thus making sure that all the pubs have shut because of it, and now trying to stop supermarkets selling cheap beer because everybody stays at home to watch the footy on TV....what a total asshole....grrr....that pisses me right off.
when your in a rush and you get a slow driver in front of you. only happens when your running late, usually a woman as well.
Ed68 said:
People who drive at 40 in a 60 zone where you can't overtake. Then carry on doing 40 when the speed limit drops to 30 and pull away from you and beat the lights you get stuck at.

Oh fuck me mate, you read my mind there. I want a machine gun fitted to the top of my car for when that happens.
this country in a nutshell: we go to work, get up at 7 am, or work all night, then when we get paid at the end of the week/ month, the nice people at the tax office take some of our money and give it to those who can't be arsed getting up!

utter, utter kak.
Lucky Toma said:
Your description of the tracksuit bottoms, socks and shoes was very evocative Alex. I actually shuddered!
On a related topic - people who attend Christenings in tracksuit bottoms or trainers. I'm an aethiest but ffs buy/beg or borrow a pair of trousers and shoes!!

Yep, I would send those fucking dim-wits straight to the chair, make no mistake. If that is the way you were brought up, then there is no hope for you at all.
alextrueblue said:
this country in a nutshell: we go to work, get up at 7 am, or work all night, then when we get paid at the end of the week/ month, the nice people at the tax office take some of our money and give it to those who can't be arsed getting up!

utter, utter kak.

Socialism apparently, more like fucking communism. That PISSES ME OFF!

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