Things that REALLY PI*S YOU OFF!!!

People, usually women, who return to their car after paying for their fuel when you are waiting behind, and then proceed to fuck about for a few minutes in the car seemingly oblivious to the fact that you're waitng. PULL FORWARD THEN SORT YOUR MAKE UP OUT LOVE!!!
those self service computer things in supermarkets.

aaaaarrrrrgh. pisses me off just thinking about them
alextrueblue said:
this country in a nutshell: we go to work, get up at 7 am, or work all night, then when we get paid at the end of the week/ month, the nice people at the tax office take some of our money and give it to those who can't be arsed getting up!

utter, utter kak.

As above, but where the taxman diverts it to the Palace of Westminster and I hear the elected crooks are buying Sky subs, kitkats, dog food, nappies, wreaths for PoppyDay.

And quangos. Don't let me forget quangos.
people on here slating the team off for 12 month a yr... And do nothing constuctive to help mcfc...
People who drive to the petrol station to buy groceries/milk/paper etc and instead of using the parking bays pull up next to the tyre inflater pump things. Meaning you need to wait 'cos they're to lazy to walk 30 ft.
eastern europeans drinking openly in the streets, hanging around newly opened polish stores drinking cheap imported beer, i thought drinking in the street was illegal.
1. Drivers that don't acknowledge you when you let them in.
2. Motorcyclists that don't acknowledge you when your in traffic and you move to give them a little room to pass by.
3. Cold-callers......i'm fed up of lying that i already give to that particular charity!
4. The missus always leaves the toilet seat down when she's done!

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