Things that REALLY PI*S YOU OFF!!!

alextrueblue said:
this country in a nutshell: we go to work, get up at 7 am, or work all night, then when we get paid at the end of the week/ month, the nice people at the tax office take some of our money and give it to those who can't be arsed getting up!

utter, utter kak.
and john terry
alextrueblue said:
Lucky Toma said:
Your description of the tracksuit bottoms, socks and shoes was very evocative Alex. I actually shuddered!
On a related topic - people who attend Christenings in tracksuit bottoms or trainers. I'm an aethiest but ffs buy/beg or borrow a pair of trousers and shoes!!

it's the uniform of the area i live, even the girls! i shudder as i drive past and thank my lucky stars i just bought a cheap house and wasn't brought up here!

Yeah, but what about these girls that seem to walk around in pink floppy suedey looking pyjamas. What is that all about? They can't seriously think they look good in them. I envy the people of the 60's when mini skirts were invented. I am guessing Kleenex Tissues were invented in the 60's!! Why don't women look like women FFS? It seems acceptable to look a fucking mess as a women or young women now.
i dropped into tesco's in portwood at 3am on wed morning after work and their was 3 18-21 year old girls wearing pyjamas and 'ugg' style boots! urghhhh! the next day at around 2 o'clock pm two of the girls were at a bus stop on the corner of my ave still wearing the jim jams!

absolutely shocking.
Plastic f*cking rags. If you drew them a map they couldnt get there.

Drivers that shouldn't have a f*ckin' licence.

GMP cant see wrong for right and cant see right for wrong.
alextrueblue said:
i dropped into tesco's in portwood at 3am on wed morning after work and their was 3 18-21 year old girls wearing pyjamas and 'ugg' style boots! urghhhh! the next day at around 2 o'clock pm two of the girls were at a bus stop on the corner of my ave still wearing the jim jams!

absolutely shocking.

Next time you see them, tell them Ikea sell really cheap mirrors!
People who dance in a club with one arm in the air and a weird type of shoulder movement.

I can't dance for shit, but at least I know it and don't try to do this 'elephant dance' shit that 16 year olds do.
blue1969 said:
Plastic f*cking rags. If you drew them a map they couldnt get there.

Drivers that shouldn't have a f*ckin' licence.

GMP cant see wrong for right and cant see right for wrong.

Some dozey woman in a range rover drove into the side of my missus' car coming out of a side street a few years ago. She just slammed right into the side of my wifes car whilst she was sat at traffic lights, and drove off. A few people in cars around her got out to see if she was all-right, and gave my wife their details, if she needed a witness. She came home and told me about it, so I drove her back to the street where it happened and the range rover was sat there, complete with the paint from my wife's car, un-mistakenly all over the bumper, that was due to the smash into the side of my wife's car. I had a proper camera with me, so took photo of the front of the offending vehicle and confronted the owner (it was parked on the drive). I knocked on the door and a women answered the door, so I asked the wife if this was the person that hit you, she said yes. I told the women I was going to the police about it and she said "good luck".

I went to the police, produced pictures or the offending vehicle complete with paint on the bumper, a description of the driver and the address of the driver with reg plate number, make and model of the vehicle, and told them we could ID them if possible and we had several witnesses names and addresses whom they could contact, that saw it happen.

Stone-waller this one eh? My wife got a producer (Yes the fucking victim got a producer), which was obviously fine.....and a copper came round 3 weeks later to tell us "not enough evidence...soz"

This country is a fucking joke....a fucking unfunny joke.

Cost to repair the car to me, £300...or lose my no-claims.
ManCityFC said:
blue1969 said:
Plastic f*cking rags. If you drew them a map they couldnt get there.

Drivers that shouldn't have a f*ckin' licence.

GMP cant see wrong for right and cant see right for wrong.

Some dozey woman in a range rover drove into the side of my missus' car coming out of a side street a few years ago. She just slammed right into the side of my wifes car whilst she was sat at traffic lights, and drove off. A few people in cars around her got out to see if she was all-right, and gave my wife their details, if she needed a witness. She came home and told me about it, so I drove her back to the street where it happened and the range rover was sat there, complete with the paint from my wife's car, un-mistakenly all over the bumper, that was due to the smash into the side of my wife's car. I had a proper camera with me, so took photo of the front of the offending vehicle and confronted the owner (it was parked on the drive). I knocked on the door and a women answered the door, so I asked the wife if this was the person that hit you, she said yes. I told the women I was going to the police about it and she said "good luck".

I went to the police, produced pictures or the offending vehicle complete with paint on the bumper, a description of the driver and the address of the driver with reg plate number, make and model of the vehicle, and told them we could ID them if possible and we had several witnesses names and addresses whom they could contact, that saw it happen.

Stone-waller this one eh? My wife got a producer (Yes the fucking victim got a producer), which was obviously fine.....and a copper came round 3 weeks later to tell us "not enough evidence...soz"

This outcry is a fucking joke....a fucking unfunny joke.

Cost to repair the car to me, £300...or lose my no-claims.

should have smashed the dozey bitches land rover up
supercity36 said:
ManCityFC said:
Some dozey woman in a range rover drove into the side of my missus' car coming out of a side street a few years ago. She just slammed right into the side of my wifes car whilst she was sat at traffic lights, and drove off. A few people in cars around her got out to see if she was all-right, and gave my wife their details, if she needed a witness. She came home and told me about it, so I drove her back to the street where it happened and the range rover was sat there, complete with the paint from my wife's car, un-mistakenly all over the bumper, that was due to the smash into the side of my wife's car. I had a proper camera with me, so took photo of the front of the offending vehicle and confronted the owner (it was parked on the drive). I knocked on the door and a women answered the door, so I asked the wife if this was the person that hit you, she said yes. I told the women I was going to the police about it and she said "good luck".

I went to the police, produced pictures or the offending vehicle complete with paint on the bumper, a description of the driver and the address of the driver with reg plate number, make and model of the vehicle, and told them we could ID them if possible and we had several witnesses names and addresses whom they could contact, that saw it happen.

Stone-waller this one eh? My wife got a producer (Yes the fucking victim got a producer), which was obviously fine.....and a copper came round 3 weeks later to tell us "not enough evidence...soz"

This outcry is a fucking joke....a fucking unfunny joke.

Cost to repair the car to me, £300...or lose my no-claims.

should have smashed the dozey bitches land rover up

I tell you what, the amount of times I have thought of what I could do to her or HER property - in my mind has been plentiful. But I just wasn't raised that way if you know what I mean. I know that if I walked around there with a pot of Nitromores, some petrol and a box of matches, that I might end up hurting someone innocent, then I WOULD end up in jail. And I could never live with that anyway. It just hurts that the people that are supposed to bring justice are far more busy sat on motorway bridges finding ways to tax us. I guess this is new labour?

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