I had one the other day, we were taking her daughter to a swimming lesson. Iwas at work and the lesson was half 6 so i said id come with if im there in time but might not be, all was ok. I get to her house at 6.15 and theyre still there so i said ill drive, we get in the car and i said "where is it?" she says its number whatever on this road so i put it into the sat nav and said "it says Eccles, is it in Eccles?", "yes" was the reply. We were cutting it fine but the sat nav said wed make it on time so off we go. As were driving i hear "it was down there" you know, in the really handy way that women tell you directions, ie. when youve already gone passed it. I said "the sat nav is saying this way, it must be taking us around the traffic or something" cue shouting "this is taking us to Eccles when its in Monton!!" Obviously all my fault what was i thinking driving to the address that she fucking gave me. Following this there was much tutting and "were going to be late" claims. Anyway it turns out sat navs are pretty good at finding the address you put in them and we got there on time. I honestly felt like leaving them at the fucking pool